Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Hi all, just about back in the land of living!

Good morning all.
I had a busy afternoon yesterday. I received that video doorbell and set it up. It was fairly easy but. It messed up my iPhone when I had to scan a barcode.
The phone got locked up. But after searching on the net, I found a way to bring it back to life.
My daughter will be coming back sometime today, but I still have to go feed the cat. This I will do later and then go to Sainsburyā€™s for my shopping.
Weather here is cloudy with a bit of rain.

Hi everyone. Well I thought I was recovering yesterday but during the night I took a step back. I hope to still be able to eat though, as I need food to build up my strength.

Morning all, its dull, grey, windy, cold and miserable outside.

Janet, donā€™t go out to your Cafe meet today, stay at home.

Have a nice day all.

Cafe is tomorrow. At NQ, needed shopping n money. Mite not go to cafe tho, as we do sit close together.

Morning all.

Managed to get through the night not needing the bathroom urgently.

Was up about 6.45, as Iā€™d had enough rest, and got the beef casserole going in the slow cooker. Then I saw a team coming along my road for the bins there, so I dashed out with mine into the alley. After a little sit down, I will start tidying up here. I need to take the camp bed and cushions back upstairs.

Morning all.

Glad you are feeling better Janet, enjoy your cafe meet.

Off into gorleston this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Also glad you are on the mend Jan.
Guess what? Itā€™s raining.
I had a phone call and later a message from surgery yesterday. Simply put. They think that I am not diabetic anymore and to stop taking the Metformin. They were still going on about my kidneys, but the latest blood tests shows that there is nothing wrong with them.
Not a lot to do today, except going shopping with my daughter.

Good news about your diabetes update. Hope your kidneys are ok, though.

Thanks Susie.

Thatā€™s good news Emjay about your diabetes,

Janet, glad you are on the mend now.


Good morning all.
Surprise surprise, itā€™s not raining.
I shall be going to the Wednesday coffee and chat this morning. Also got to take her with from down the road.
This afternoon I shall be continuing watching a series on Netflix. Lots of episodes.

Good morning all, its not raining here either, the sun has come out.

Popping into town this morning, look around the clothes shops.

Have a good day all.

Morning all.

I have to be at our local hospital for a 9.35 ENT appt. Into Tesco on the way home, a little shopping and top up with petrol.

I can do what I like the rest of the day. Will see if Holly wants a play and/or cuddles.

Good morning all, looks a bit brighter this morning.

There is a Table Top and Craft stall and Refreshments at our local Church this morning, so might go for a walk up there, see whatā€™s its all about.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Dog groom at 11.30. Not sure where to go while I wait, maybe Asda and Dunelm. She always surprises me by finishing sooner than expected so I canā€™t travel too far. I had wanted Morrisons near me for a cooked breakfast but the road to it is shut off. Otherwise it means going the long way round. Iā€™ll see where my nose takes me.

If itā€™s nice tomorrow or Saturday, I might go to the allotment, start clearing things away. Bring some tools home, get rid of rubbish.

Good morning all.
Just back from a stroll around the field. It was no so muddy as I thought it would be.
As usual for Thursday, my cleaning lady comes for a couple of hours.
Later I shall be going to Costco with my daughter. I donā€™t intend to buy anything, but you never know.

@Jazzi are you going at the allotment with renewed vigour now then?

Nope. Giving it up!

@Jazzi Well a descision is a good thing