Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

She has just been downstairs, on her own, ate a few biscuits and gone back up. I will get dressed after my breakfast and try her with a little walk.

Good morning all.
Jan. what is the matter with Holly? I have not seen a mention on here about it.
My daughter is going to drag me out later. She wants to go to Debden for the big Iceland and there is a super card shop there.
I need to get a light bulb holder for the bathroom as the light keeps flickering. I have checked all the wiring, so it has the be the bulb holder.
This afternoon I and others have an invite for tea and cake with her down the road. She is the lady that I take to the AgeUK Wednesday meet.

Emjay, only a teeth clean under anaesthetic.

She has just been barking at something. Another positive sign, lol.

Good morning everybody.

I must sort out the freezer today. I suspect there’s stuff in there past their sell by date!

Also getting stuck into some housework.

Have a good day all…

Morning all.

Not sure what I will do today, apart from cooking a lunchtime roast (pork) and taking Holly to the card shop to see our friend/neighbour.

Its 9pm here right now.
Plan for tomorrow is go to the gym and join the other unfit people all in black, watching TV screens, sipping water and checking phones.

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Morning all, well its dull, grey, cold and miserable outside but no rain or wind, not going out today or maybe a walk later.

Janet, glad Holly is back to her normal self again.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Well at least it is not raining, yet?
Nothing planed for today, although I don’t know if my daughter is going to bring the fish from her leaking pond, to put into my pond.
This will be the fourth lot of fish that I have adopted.

Morning all.

After seeing to Holly and a quick breakfast I want to shoot into town, park up, then walk towards our bascule bridge, as a piece of the new one (the Gull wing) is expected to come through by barge around 10am. Making it’s slow way from the Netherlands. Should be quite a spectacle.

Morning all.

Don’t forget to take a photo Janet, at least its nice and sunny.

Have a nice day all.

Will do.

Good morning all l
Also blue sky and sunny. I don’t think it is that cold, although there is frost on the spots in shadow.
Already been busy. I had to clean the pond filter, and that has been put back in the pond.
My daughter and grandson brought their fish here yesterday afternoon. There were only 3 biggish ones and 10 little tidlers that they did not know they had in their pond.
Off to Sainsburys shortly for my shopping.
Yes Jan, we need to see photos. The saying is: if there is no photo, it did not happen.


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I have many more but have started a new thread for the photos. Hard looking at the thumbnails to choose.

Great photos Janet.

Brilliant pictures Janet.

Thanks Carol.

Good morning all, where is the sun?

Might pop into town this morning.

Have a nice day all.