Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Wednesday is the AgeUK club. Well I suppose that’s what some of the members call it. It is listed as a ‘coffee morning’.
Weather don’t look too good, but at least it ain’t raining. Maybe later.
Yesterday I did that job of making up a new lead for one of my spare electric razors. It turned out that it is the razor that is past it’s ‘use by date’. In other words, it is broke.

Good morning all.

Looks very grey outside.

Not going out today.

Have a nice time Emjay at Coffee Morning.

Have a good day all.

Good Morning All

Not much occuring here day off work and nothing planned have a great day.

Afternoon all. Must have read posts but forgot to write my own.

Been to Asda, had an early over 60s soup and coffee deal in their cafe, plus chips. Shopping done, on to the library. Dog walk done, now resting.

Grey and cloudy , took hubby to garden centre , but as they were moving the shop about, i couldnt manoeuvre his wheelchair around grrrr
So just came home
I had a solo walk along the beach, before it decided to rain …

Couldn’t find my keys when I got back from dog walk over an hour ago. Had to call one of my new trusted key holders for her one (which doesn’t include back door or gate). Now I had searched all pockets. Bag, coat and fleece. After a frantic upending of everything and turning inside out, I checked my heavy anorak and they had slipped through the torn pocket lining to fall at the bottom of the coat. I had taken it back down from the hook and shaken it for another check and sighed with relief when I heard them. Took another few minutes of getting them back out.

In between that time I had barricaded both front and back doors and Googled locksmiths near me. Thank goodness I hadn’t yet phoned anyone. Would have been an expensive mistake, seeing as they were with me.

Neighbours looking out must have wondered why I was wandering about shining the torch to the ground. :roll_eyes:

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Morning all.

At least you found the keys Janet.

Off to the Pain Clinic Assessment at 8.45am this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Yes, it was such a relief. Good luck at clinic, Susie.

I will be off out early to visit the over 60s club to see a few friends, and I have another library book to collect. They tend to send alerts out at 6.45am. Pfffft.

Good morning all.
Raining. So no morning walk for me.
I will go do some time on the exercise bike shortly and find a video on my iPad in some tropical place to cycle to.
Cleaning lady comes this morning, and I expect my daughter will come this afternoon.

Back from Clinic, all went ok, lots of pulling me about and exercises.

Good. Hope you get the mri appointment soon.

Hi Janet, not yet, she doesn’t think its my re-occurring back problems, she thinks its my hips, so she is organising an x-ray for my hips, then if that comes back normal, then she will send me for an MRI scan for my back.

Ah I see. Sorry, got it back to front.

Its really stupid Janet, you would think that they would do an MRI scan first before Physio, it doesn’t make sense to me.

Good morning all.
So I have to go give blood so they can test it this morning. The Dr forgot last time to get a test for my thyroid, so that’s what I am going for today.
As usual lunch at Morrisons, and see if they have my scarf that I left there last week. Don’t really matter as I have a few of them.

Good morning all, its raining again.

Not going out today, maybe a walk later.

Emjay, hope they find your scarve.

Janet, good luck with Holly this morning.

Have a good day all.


Thanks Susie. She is with him now, and I’m waiting for my Morrisons breakfast. No time for any forum greetings today. Got up at 6.45, left at 8, here in no time. He took her straight in.

BF here. Laters.

Oooh that was nice!

Shall do some shopping before going home. She should be ready between 1-3.

Good morning all, dry outside at the moment.

Janet, how is Holly this morning?

Have a good day all.

Morning all.

Doing ok, thanks Susie. She has had some scrambled egg, wandered out the garden and straight back in, so later I will take her out the front for a wee. I’d carried her downstairs but she made her own way up. I will leave her to rest quietly for the day.

I will just potter about indoors and keep a close eye on her. Got what shopping I needed yesterday.