Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

@Jazzi I do hope today went as well as it could. HUGS

Thanks all.

It was an absolutely fabulous day. Couldnā€™t have gone better. So many people to say hello to, people we havenā€™t seen for years. Enough food.

Now sitting with brother and sister in law in their flat, had a cuppa, then will go to my room. Was up at 6, a 3 hour drive, good and steady. Staying an extra night so going to carvery tomorrow lunchtime.

No other plans.


Glad it went well Jazziā€¦As well as these kinds of things can, under the circumstances.

Morning all, a bit frosty this outside.

Off into town this morning.

Janet, glad everything went well, enjoy your carvery.

Have a good day all.

Morning all.

Thanks folks.

Not slept a wink in this guest room, so might try for a nearby Travelodge. The whole point of staying again is to be refreshed for the drive home. This single bed just made every bone in my body ache.

Good morning all.
Frosty and sunny but cold out here.
I shall have to make my own entertainment today as my daughter has gone to the IOW for the weekend.
Laundry day for me,so that is being done.
I shall go for a walk shortly, but not around the fields as they are like a shallow lake.
I have just descaled my kettle. Buying those packets of kettle descalers in the supermarket is a con. I buy packets of citric acid off eBay for a fraction of the price, that has enough for many times to do the job.

Managed to book the room in Harlow for tonight. Family room for Ā£61. I shall have breakfast in the Toby.

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A friend has asked me to go to a spirtuailst church meeting with her. Trying to decide has anyone ever been to one or similar?

Morning al, frosty but very sunny here.

Off out at 10am to do our weekly shopping.

Sorry Kaz, not been to one before, but sounds interesting, go for it.

Safe journey home today Janet.

Emjay, how are you today?

Have a good day all.

Good morning all.
It is frosty and Misty this morning.
I have already completed my mission to my daughters, to feed and water her cat.
It was good going so early, as no traffic. There and back in under a half hour.
I donā€™t expect it will be so quick tomorrow morning. But I will go later, and from there go to Sainsburys for my shopping.
I am ok Susie, thanks for asking.
I really donā€™t know what else I shall be doing today, so I shall just let it happen.

Morning all.

Thanks Susie.

Very foggy here but I donā€™t expect to start off until about 11, 11.30. Finished a Toby breakfast then will hang about in the room till at least 10 for stores to open, and load the car. Will get petrol at the end of this long road, then make my way to the M11, for a steady drive home.

By staying here at Harlow I have already knocked about 30 minutes time off but of course it all depends on traffic and conditions.

Hope to collect Holly by about 5.

Home. About to unpack case to load dirty washing into the WM. Then will collect Holly about 5.

I remember staying in a b&b a few years ago to attend a family event. My eyes were wide open all night. There were about 5 so called floral air fresheners in the room. I eventually pushed all the air fresheners in a drawer shutting it tight and opening a window. Some people might like them but they donā€™t work for me!

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Morning all, its very cold outside.

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
I am not going out so early, allowing the school run traffic to die down.
Got to go do daughters cat, and then to Sainsburys.
Weather is miserable looking l

Its Gale force wind and freezing here Emjay.

Now where is that Janet?

They donā€™t work for me either greengage, I hate the things and they could cause illness. Very unnatural.

Morning all.

Here, Susie. Had a million and one things to do first.

Morning all.

Taken my black bin out the front and moved next doorā€™s from outside my house. They always wait for undercover of darkness before putting theirs there. One day they will be walking the streets looking for it.

Cafe meet today. Then maybe, maybe, I will wander to the allotment and take a look. Was half of the mind last night to give it up, and cut my losses. My friend/neighbour isnā€™t interested in hers anymore. She said the same, itā€™s too much hard work and the weather is always cold and wet.

Good morning all.
Yes Jan. you get to an age when the mind is willing but the body is not.
Still there are some things that I can still do. One of them is to work with a soldering iron.
This is a chore that I am going to do shortly. I have to renew the lead of one of my electric razors.
So apart from that, I expect that I shall go shopping with my daughter later, to work the ā€˜smartā€™ device.