Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Morning all.

Free this morning, then I will be at sister’s house for the plumber’s visit. I need to keep an eye on my phone messages, unless I switch notifications back on. Edit. Changed my settings now.

Good morning all.
I am on Statins, one at night, but I don’t know what my colestral level is. Never checked it as don’t know how.
It’s not raining yet, but don’t look too bright.
Off to Sainsburys shortly, and that could be it for today.

Emjay, whenever I have a routine blood test and I’m talking to a nurse, I ask for the results, then put them in my medical book.

But don’t ask me right now what they are, I am upstairs, having a crafty sit down with a cuppa and to read for a bit. Washing hanging up, dehumidifier running.

The Doctor is trying me on Ezetimibe to lower my Cholesterol levels, I have said to her, if I have any problems with leg muscle cramps, then i’m coming off them, she agreed.

Good morning all, its dry outside at the moment.

Not going out today waiting in for a parcel, a Cordless Hoover, can’t manage to take our big Hoover up and down the stairs any more.

Will pick up my new pill tomorrow.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Susie, for awhile I have had two hoovers now, one downstairs, one up. I too couldn’t be doing with that. Each one does half of the stairs, depending on how far the cable reaches.

Cafe meet this morning, and while I have the recycling bin out the front, will see what I can find to throw away from the middle bedrooms. Never know what time the team comes along the road so it’s fill the bins while you can.

Remembered to put the spare house keys I had cut recently in the bag to give to two ladies this morning. They will also have my older sister’s phone number. They can all liaise with each other should there be problems with me, now little sis is no longer here.

My niece made me cry last night, by sending a copy of the order of service onto my phone. Song playing out is Valerie, by Amy Winehouse. My Val loved that. I had an image in my head of her dancing to it on Friday! :cry::cry:

Good morning all.
Not a lot going on at the moment. I just did my morning stroll.
I forgot all about the bedding that I put in the machine yesterday, I saw it when I went to go out. It is now in the dryer. I expect I shall forget that as well.
Off later with my daughter for her shopping. I have to use the ‘smart’ checkout device for her.

Easily done, Emjay.

Good morning, we’ve just had a parcel delivered, think we confused the delivery man, we have a choice of three doorbells he could push (don’t ask) so he tapped on the door… Luckily I was just passing to the kitchen otherwise I’d never have known he was there…

I have two. An ordinary one and a Ring. Police were doing door to door yesterday regarding a bunch of kids caught breaking into sheds and cars. I was pre warned. He presses my Ring. Do you think I was able to talk to him remotely? Nope. Crap signal at my sister’s house. Sigh.

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Morning all.

Filling up with petrol today, and I still have a trouser leg to take up. Took ages to do just one last night and I have a cut at the end of the middle finger which hampered progress. Might also start some packing.

Yesterday I continued ripping CDs to add to my usb stick, so I have something to listen to on my long drives. But my computer has now started beeping. A Google search shows it could be a major problem. I have an all in one, with a cd drive, and the latter are being phased out. I need to find the external one I have or find another. Definitely the pc could do with replacing. Tried plugging in the usb cassette player I have but the computer wouldn’t run the cd rom. Reckon that’s going to be no good, too. I had two cassettes I wanted to copy.

It’s all money being paid out, isn’t it? I will get the laptop charged, and use that.

Good morning all.
Raining very wet rain. Well it is to be expected as I have a funeral to attend this morning. Not mine I hasten to say.
As Jan was mentioning computers and storage, I already have put all the photos and stuff on to memory sticks and some cards.
I only have a laptop now that I occasionally use and there is stuff on there that is also backed up on sticks and cards.
All these storage devices seem to get smaller and smaller.

Good morning all, what terrible weather we had yesturday, they say its suppose to be the same today.

Not going out today, waiting in for phone call consultation.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It’s not raining at the moment, but it is expected whenever.
I have to take the car in for its MOT this afternoon. I shall give it a check over shortly.
My cleaning lady has texted me that she will be late, as she has a Dr appointment.

My gp phone call was scheduled for 2-6 today. She calls this morning, when I’m out and miss it, leaves a message, and I think she will call back another time after discussing with someone. Why did this have to wait 2-3 weeks?? Why do they do this???

Morning all. Not stopping.

Morning all.

Not going out today.

thinking of you today Janet.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Lots of blue sky, but fooled by this when I just went for my morning stroll.
The field is so waterlogged, I felt like that Jesus bloke that could walk on water.
Got a bread making.
I now have to go get the steps out of the garage as I need to sort out the light in the bathroom. It keeps flickering. I have changed the bulb, so it’s not that.
Lunch later at Morrisons with my daughter, then dinner at hers later.

Have a nice time with your Daughter Emjay.

Good morning all

Bright and breezy here work washing on the line and been and played tennis this morning totally enjoyed it bac to pop next lot of wahing on the line then off to graba bit of shopping and maybe garden centre. Enjoy your day all