Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Just had a mad dash to the surgery with the poo sample. It had to be there before 0900.
Weather looks good here at the moment.
My cleaning lady comes this morning.
Project for this morning. My TV in the kitchen has decided to not come on. Also I took the other small one from the back room, and that one seems to also expired.
Test meter and screwdrivers. At the ready.

Good morning everybody.

Weā€™ve had daughter Karen here most of the morning.

Off to town now to send some parcels back to Amazon & call in Tescoā€™s.

Hope everyoneā€™s having a good dayā€¦

Sorting out garage ,to give items to heart foundation charity when they come monday

Good morning all.
Friday again. So as usual lunch at Morrisons and a bit of shopping, then dinner at my daughterā€™s later.
Oh look! Blue sky now, with some light clouds.
Just remembered, got to drain the water from the orchids pots.

Good morning all.

Rained during the night.

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

Afternoon all, nobody been in here since this morning.

What have you all been upto?

Its been a really beautiful sunny warm day here and the sun is still out.

Have a nice evening all.

Afternoon all.

Been incredibly busy dealing with sisterā€™s affairs, texting and speaking to niece on phone, going to the house to meet a plumber. Then back there Monday for its repair, back tomorrow as someone wants the unwrapped dish washer.

Not had a minute to myself.

Best wishes Jazzi! Seems like youā€™re going through such a stressful time!

Morning all.

Off into Town this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Thank you. My older sister said yesterday on our phone chat, donā€™t burn yourself out. Are they taking advantage. I said no, I offered to three of the four children a couple of weeks ago. Said while I have a key I can be at the house for whatever reason. Itā€™s the least I can do, for my little sister and her family.

Morning all.

So, yes, at sisterā€™s house this morning to meet a potential buyer for the dishwasher, then once home again will put some roasties on, cook the gammon steaks with cheese and pineapple (divine). One half can do another meal tomorrow, but think I should have cooked them a day or so go.

After dog walk and eating, I will see what housework needs doing,

Plumber has confirmed for Monday afternoon. Iā€™ll remember to take my glasses with me, to read a book. The girls wonā€™t be at the house till Tuesday.

I can rest tomorrow. Tried on different clothes and have decided what to wear for Friday. Iā€™d rather be comfortable so have chosen a blue soft woollen sleeveless top with one of two cardies. Some blouses Iā€™d tried were tight around the top, and I need to be unrestricted when driving.


Good morning all.
Raining here at the moment, but only a fine drizzle
As for Saturday, laundry being done.
This afternoon I and another couple have been invited for tea and chat to her down the road that I take to the Wednesday club.
But the other two canā€™t make it now, so it will only be me.

Good morning everyone.

Bit of washing in the machine then onto the line and hope for the dry but overcast morning they have promised as is now. However wonā€™t be the end of the World if it rains.

Have to pop to the community allotment plot this morning. was there yesterday giving first coat to the donated wooden rustic bench, I also replaced the one arm rest with a piece of old wooden rake, and gave it first coat of paint apart from the seat which needed to be checked. Todays plan is some filler into large slightly decayed areas on the top back support rail I put wood hardener in there last weekend so should be good, now it will of dried out due to being under cover will maybe put a coat of wood hardener onto the seating area if it not as bad once I have lightly sanded it. The bench has lived on this allotment for over 30 years but has had a decline since before covid when the old chap took ill he has given his plot up now but donated the bench to us he made it. I think I can relove it and restore it to ausable and love life. Chosen colour is Black Bean.

Then onto lunch with a friend at 1.30 loooking forward to it.

Home shower and read or relax with tv who knows.

@Emjay Enjoy sounds very nice out for tea.

@Jazzi You are doing what you can I understand that but remember to look after yourself your sister would want that too.

@susiejaeger Havea nice day

Catch you all later

I will Kazz, thank you.

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Oh what a surprise, itā€™s raining. Wet squelchy dog walks then.

Good morning all l
Rain stops play. I donā€™t need to get yet another soaking.
Also I donā€™t need to go out anywhere today, so I shall find things that need to be done indoors.

Morning all, its pouring of rain here, not going out today.

I will make a list of what shopping to get tomorrow as we are both going on a low fat cholesterol diet, as our cholesterol levels have gone up a lot.

What are your cholesterol levels?

Have a good day all.

Good afternoon everybody.

Tony & I are just back from our grandson Charlies new house.
He bought an ex council house - it was a real bargain at Ā£152,000. Itā€™s been done out immaculate. Beautiful fitted kitchen, laminate flooring throughout. So clean - all painted cream.

He has the biggest TV set Iā€™ve ever seen taking up all his chimney breast wall - well you have to get your priorities right donā€™t you?

This afternoon weā€™ve got another gardener coming at 3.00 to give an estimate for killing & removing the ivy that is taking over our garden. The one we saw yesterday quoted Ā£350. Iā€™ll just see what this one quotes.

Suzie, my cholesterol level is quite high - 6.7 I think last time it was done. The doctor offered me statins but I decided not to take them as they cause muscle pain. I already have enough pain with my bad back plus PMR. (polymyalgia rheumatica) I tries low cholesterol margarine but after three months it had only reduced my cholesterol by half so I ditched it,. Anyway, I donā€™t worry about it. Just try to eat healthy most of the timeā€¦

Ok then - have a nice afternoon everyone.

Thanks Carol.

Morning all.

They put my on Statins back in the 90s, why I donā€™t know, because my cholesterol then was only 4.2, but I ended up in Hospital, was unable to walk and they took me off them and told me never to go on them again.

Have a nice day all.