Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Noticed some frog spawn in our pond on the plot yesterday. A good sign of early spring!

Good morning, stonking morning here, wall to wall sunshine! I like thatā€¦

Morning all.

Off to Tescos shortly, to drop off a coat to Timpsonā€™s for dry cleaning. If I get there before 11.30 it will go today and be ready by Wednesday hopefully.

I had advertised on NextDoor for an allotment co worker and also mentioned I was thinking of getting a professional gardener in to help prepare the plot. Someone contacted me regarding the latter and I hope to get a quote from them in a few weeks. Wonā€™t do anything until after the funeral.

Just been invited to go to one of these kids play places with our lovely grandaughter - politely declined that one, so Iā€™ll be home alone for a few hoursā€¦

Good morning all, looks like the sun might come out.

My back really hurts, am using an infrared lamp for a week, see if it eases up.

Off out at 9am to the Doctors for a routine blood test app.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Up early. Dropping the car off in town for the service and two new tyres. Will be too early to use my bus pass so will need to wait till the 9.50 one home. Shall sit about in the warmth of the library.

Then itā€™s cafe meet at 11. Might cook my meal from Tescos for lunch, gammon steak with cheese and pineapple, and a few roasties.

Hope blood test is ok Susie.

Good morning all.
It feels a bit colder out this morning. They said that it is getting warmer. WRONG.
I have a phone appointment with my Dr this morning. I expect it is about my blood test results.
Later I will go shopping with my daughter. I have to use the ā€˜smartā€™ device as she donā€™t really like it. I do, I think it saves a lot of time than if you go through the usual checkouts.

Last night I tried to doze on the sofa but I was freezing! Switched electric blanket on, let dog in garden and went to bed to get warm.

Back from Draculaā€™s Den, wait a week now for results, its only a routine b/t for my Diabetes, Cholestral, Kidneys etc.

Hope all goes well at the Garage J|anet.

Emjay, hope your knees are feeling a bit better and your cold.

The knee is a bit better, but I did not have a cold.
I got my blood test results via the Doctors phone call. All is ok, but have to have another blood test for my thyroid which they forgot to add when I went for the test a couple of weeks ago.
I told him that I was quite upset about the attachment to the message that was sent about the kidneys. I was told my kidneys are ok and nothing to worry about.

Good news about your kidney function, Emjay.

I did pancakes lunchtime. Used the bottle where you add milk and shake it. What a fuss!! Took a few minutes to get the cap off, then a lot of the flour stayed at the bottom because the mix was coming out of the top over my hands. I was wary about how tight to do it, so it didnā€™t get a good shaking.

Anyways, Holly enjoyed her bits (plain of course).

Will probably do egg and bacon later.

Morning all.

Got a hair trim appt at 11.45. An awkward time, really. If I can get the car out of Hollyā€™s sight I might, after my appt, shoot off to the retail park to get some loose dog biscuits that she eats and has run out of. Iā€™d rather go before but then itā€™s having to calculate what time to leave and get back, park the car up the road and then go straight to the salon. Or I could go after lunchā€¦

Need to sort through my box of photos, see if I can find any old ones of my sister. The family will be showing what they can gather together on a screen at the wake.

Good morning all.
It is raining here at the moment,
I have to go and pick up another blood test forms from the surgery and also see if they will give me my son-in- laws one as well. Also got to get a poo test kit.
This I shall do on my way to the Wednesday club.
I donā€™t have to pick up her from down the road, as she has a clinic appointment for having a caterac removed.

Good morning everybody.

I had some good news at the hospital yesterday. The Dr told me the body can heal itself & in my case the trapped nerve was getting better. The pain in my lower back I get is due to arthritis. Ah well - thankful for small mercies.

Today Iā€™m at a coffee afternoon run by the stoma nurses.
Itā€™s a 12 mile drive for me so it better be good. I wonā€™t go again if it isnā€™t!

Have a good day allā€¦

Looks like good news all round.

Emjayā€™s blood results were good.
Carolā€™s results were good.
Janetā€™s had her hair trim, there is an Indepenant Pet Shop in Gorleston Janet.

Just had my blood test results come through.

Diabetes was good.
Kidneys were good.
But my Cholestroel has gone up a lot, its normally about 4.2 its now 5.7

Good morning all, its milder this morning.

Popping into town about 10.30am this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

I shall be doing my usual here there and everywhere.

When will you be going to the Funeral Janet?

Next week.