Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Morning all.

I need to find somewhere to drop off some dry cleaning. It’s whether I choose a nearby launderette, or Timpsons in Tescos. Both send the items away. Tescos tell me it could be a 48 hour turnaround.

Felt quite emotional when in bed, thinking about sister again (having seen my niece in the afternoon). Ended up coming downstairs to make a milky drink.

Good morning all.
It’s dull and miserable looking out.
I am not walking found the fields as it is a lake. I shall go walk around the streets shortly.
I am still waiting for a notification that my meds are ready to be picked up from the chemist in Morrison. It’s been a week when I handed the list in last Friday.
As I expect that I shall be going for lunch there later, I shall inquire as to where are they.
Nothing else going on at the moment.

Emjay, we have had constant rain here, for weeks, and it’s very cold. Just now had an allotment rep tell me my plot has been flagged up as needing attention. Reminded her of the weather, and mentioned the recent loss of my sister, and asked for some leeway. I reckon the ground over there is rather muddy. Suppose that doesn’t stop some people. :roll_eyes:

Told her I’ve considered a co worker, so guess (a) I need to start advertising the fact, and (b) ask for a team of gardeners to get it dug over for me, to make a start.

Jazzi Allotments are hard hard work

They certainly are, especially when the weather is against you and with limited resources. My friend and neighbour, who has a plot on the same site, hates hers, says the novelty has worn off, but her partner wants to keep it. Due to abdominal surgery years ago she doesn’t do physical work, only chopping grass with shears.

@Jazzi I do a alllotment that stemmed from my litter picking group which then got an offshoot of gardening in unused spaces group and then we got an allotment space as gardening rescource there are about 8 of us at the core of it but still hard work.

At our allotment site there are now two plots together that rent space that has been adapted with raised beds soil etc and they are sub let/rented by individuals to garden as they wish. Anything like that in yours it seems to be going very very well at our site.

Haven’t dug the allotment for ages. Why don’t you go for no dig? You can cover any weedy or grassy bits with cardboard sheets or black horticultural sheets. Then just fork over bits when you are ready and add any compost/dried manure/feed when planting. A lot easier on the back or knees. Mine is a bit flooded as well so not much to be done except cover it up.

Morning all.

Off into Lowestoft this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Greengage, I considered that, but it’s still too much to take on. I had sprinkled some green manure seeds in a few raised beds, but no idea if they germinated.

Will probably stay home between dog walks, if weather still poor. Can find stuff to do indoors.

Good morning everybody.

I’m off to my monthly stoma group meeting this morning.
I got talking to some lovely ladies last month. Hope they’re there again.

Later, this afternoon I’ll take Tony a walk. I’ll let him chose where he wants to go.

Have a good day all…

Good morning all.
I am just back from a wander around the swamp. In other words the fields are waterlogged.
My daughter has gone to the IOW for the weekend, so I have to make my own plans or amusement.
As always for a Saturday, laundry being done.
I have a couple of orchids that need repotting, that I shall do shortly.
That will be my gardening. I still have a vegetable plot in my garden, but that is redundant, as I ain’t up to digging now.
All I have that is productive, is the apple tree, and the rhubarb which I can see some activity on them.

Hope you had a really good meeting @carol

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Orchids just back from my nieces and she is giving Orchids a try. Sure you will be okay being self sufficent while you daughter is away.

@Jazzi Any news on your sisters cats being rehomed. Hope all is going okay a very sad time for you all.

Hi Kazz, they are still on the Blue Cross homing website, so expect no homes yet. I feel as sad as their mum, my niece. They have pretty faces in their photos. I shall miss them.

Yes, still very sad, and now I have my bully neighbour to cope with. The one who set up the scam Go Fund Me page, and was caught out by various people. Accused Holly of being vicious and needs a muzzle. She was tied up at my door, waiting for me to get coat and bag, he has come past with their dog, closely followed by two boys on bikes, I don’t know if Holly felt threatened or hemmed in, but she and their dog had a tussle. As dogs do! He has said ‘no Luna, just cos she started it’.

I walked away, thinking ‘I ain’t having that’, so messaged him. Said ‘please don’t walk past my dog when tied up. She had nowhere to go’.

‘Your dog went for mine. She’s vicious and needs a muzzle.’ He then sent a clip from their doorbell, which shows everything to the side and strictly speaking, you can’t see anything, and I said so.

When he asked for my own Ring footage (good luck with that, it’s disabled, lol), I wrote ‘no-one got hurt, so please back off. Grieving for my sister right now and don’t need this. Thank you’.

He just replied ‘you started it, but nobody got hurt so let’s drop it’. Or words to that effect. No sympathetic words about my loss. God I hate that man.

He was stupid enough to think residents round here would donate £15,000 to his funeral fund,* but his expensive lifestyle was exposed.

*no sign of him dying yet, by the way.

Good morning all.
No field walking, but I have just had a nice walk around the block. I am surprised the amount of litter that has been dumped. You can tell most of it is where cars have been parked and cleaned out.
Plans for today?? Not a lot.


Oh Emjay, I hate that, people showing such disrespect. Our roads here are full of litter where seagulls get to the bin contents, or lids flap open. If bins are too full it’s inevitable some will end up blowing about in the wind. The residents don’t seem capable of stopping it happen.

A roast for lunch, minted lamb swirls. I think that’s the last of my stock, but mustn’t get anymore, as I need to empty the FF, defrost and order a new one. Then I can later defrost the chest one. Well, that’s the plan, anyway.

While the veg are in the mini oven, Holly and I will go to the card shop and chat to our lovely neighbour, once she starts her shift at midday. We always have a laugh at my idiot neighbour’s expense.

Thanks Kazz. It was ok but not so enjoyable as last month. The ladies I mentioned were sitting somewhere else when I came in & no seats near them. I had a brief chat with them when we had a tea break.

The people I sat near were a man & wife - they never spoke to me so I started a conversation with them. It was a bit hard going but I managed to get them talking - mostly about their adventures on their motor bikes - yes they were bikers - in their sixties & they both had an ostomy. Just shows you don’t stop enjoying life…

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Morning all, have woken up to brilliant sun shine.

Nothing planned for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It is also a blue sky with just a few light clouds that are moving away.
Plans for today.
I shal be going as usual to Sainsbury’s shortly for my weekly shop.
Then when I come back, I will make a bread.
When my daughter gets back from the IOW, and comes here later, I shall again go with her to Sainsbury’s as she has to get a few things.
I noticed that a frog or toad has returned to my pond.