Hi Kazz, they are still on the Blue Cross homing website, so expect no homes yet. I feel as sad as their mum, my niece. They have pretty faces in their photos. I shall miss them.
Yes, still very sad, and now I have my bully neighbour to cope with. The one who set up the scam Go Fund Me page, and was caught out by various people. Accused Holly of being vicious and needs a muzzle. She was tied up at my door, waiting for me to get coat and bag, he has come past with their dog, closely followed by two boys on bikes, I don’t know if Holly felt threatened or hemmed in, but she and their dog had a tussle. As dogs do! He has said ‘no Luna, just cos she started it’.
I walked away, thinking ‘I ain’t having that’, so messaged him. Said ‘please don’t walk past my dog when tied up. She had nowhere to go’.
‘Your dog went for mine. She’s vicious and needs a muzzle.’ He then sent a clip from their doorbell, which shows everything to the side and strictly speaking, you can’t see anything, and I said so.
When he asked for my own Ring footage (good luck with that, it’s disabled, lol), I wrote ‘no-one got hurt, so please back off. Grieving for my sister right now and don’t need this. Thank you’.
He just replied ‘you started it, but nobody got hurt so let’s drop it’. Or words to that effect. No sympathetic words about my loss. God I hate that man.
He was stupid enough to think residents round here would donate £15,000 to his funeral fund,* but his expensive lifestyle was exposed.
*no sign of him dying yet, by the way.