Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)


A had a somewhat weird letter yesterday.

The National Grid want to make an appointment as soon as possible to inspect some of their electrical equipment inside my house.

Anyone heard of this before?

Make sure to check them out before you let them in Swim (but I don’t need to tell you that) Make sure you are not on your own when they call. And find out what equipment they have in your house. The National Grid’s responsibility usually ends at the meter

Happy Christmas Swim


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Thanks for that OGF.

Very good advice.

I will check them out, but can’t do that until they are open again on Wednesday Morning.

I have a very good external and internal camera system.

All linked in real time to the cloud.

I have an NHS supplied falls alarm, which is hung round my neck and which Is also a panic button.

I am both lucky and well organised, but many people aren’t.

Once again OGF, thanks for your very good advice.

Far too many scams about nowadays.

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Morning all.

Looking forward to having dinner at friends (lunchtime) but will be feeding sister’s cats this morning. Poor Holly will spend most of Xmas Day on her own. Hope she won’t be too lonely.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, ho ho ho.

Preparing my dinner in a minute.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Enjoy your meal at your friends Janet.

Thanks Susie. Hope you enjoy your meal.

Happy Christmas everyone.

Now I’m going to sneak downstairs & see what Santa’s bought me & then bring a nice cup of hot chocolate back to bed for Tony & me.

We’ll be rousing ourselves about 11.00am as we’re due at Ady & Paula’s at 12.30.

Enjoy the day everyone

Good morning all and a happy Christmas.
I have had a good walk that woke me up.
I shall be going to my daughter’s later for food and festivities.
Now going to open my presents. One is another bigger than the one I already have, air fryer.

Already been to see to the cats. Home, done a jelly and when set can start on other toppings. I have a chocolate trifle kit but might not use all the packets.

Enjoyed a cuppa, and will shower soon.

Enjoy your festivities.

Morning all.

Angry with my neighbours, whoever they are, throwing food out on the ground where most of it is outside my house. And opposite, where I take Holly for a wee, is a massive cooked meat bone. She was more interested in that last night when I popped out the front with her.

Good morning all.

Happy Boxing Day.

Turkey again today, but cold with Mash potatoes and pickles.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
I hope you all had a good day yesterday.
Busy boy today. So far I have stripped my bed and that is already been washed and in the dryer
Already remade it with my Bee pattern duvet and pillow cases.
Got a bread on the make.
Shall go shortly for my walk. Not the boggy field but around the streets.

Good afternoon everybody.

After a hectic Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, Tony & I are taking it easy today.

We’ve had a good lie in & this afternoon we plan on doing Tony’s favourite walk at Crich in Derbyshire and then coming home to the TV & chocolate.

I really feel ready for this peaceful day.

Have a good day all

Thoroughly enjoyed my turkey dinner, and the trifle and cream that followed.

Morning all.

Will be phoning a garage this morning, hoping they are open. I need to get my car looked at. It is sluggish and loses power when trying to drive off from standing. I got bibbed at when crossing a junction towards my sister’s road on Christmas Day when the car almost stopped part way. Yeah, like I’d stop on purpose!

If I need provisions when without, I can always bus into town, there is a small Tescos and an M&S.

Good morning all, raining here.

Off into Gorleston this morning running out of food.

Janet, Kia does seem to have problems with their cars, our Stonic keeps judding when moving off from cold.

Have a nice day all.

I have the Nissan Juke. It has actually been problematic since I got it, with its constant going into limp mode.

Good morning all.
It’s nearly 0900 and it is so dark. It rained in the night, so again no field walk, I shall just do a walk around the streets.
I don’t have anything else planed for today, so will just let it happen.

Morning all.

Am popping into Town this morning, need to buy a new watch, mine packed up yesturday, it was old, just like me and its not the batteries either.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning all.

The view from my bedroom window, thanks to my NfH and their rubbish. My bin is the one closest to the road.

I might even go into town too, on the bus. I will see.