Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.

Off out to Aldi at 8am to do our weekly shop and that’s about it for today.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Flipping cold, innit?

Maybe library visit for me. Finished a book that has many reserves, and I could also do with more bread.

Good morning all.
Overcast and cold in my bit of this world.
Already got a bread making and should be finished in 32 minutes so my timer says.
Then off to Sainsburys for my Monday shop.
I expect I shall have to go again later, when my daughter gets back. As she said she needs a few things.

Good morning all.
Where is everyone?
Raining, so no way am I going to go walking round the muddy waterlogged field.
I shall get on my bike and do a tour of Rome again or maybe France.
Of course I am talking about my exercise bike and YouTube
I will be going with my daughter later to Sainsburys, and help her with her shopping.

I’m here Emjay, I woke up late, very unusual for me.
It’s pouring of rain here, so not going out today.
Yes get on your exercise bike Emjay.

Have a nice day all.

Morning. Just about here. Did the bin and dog walk, then breakfast, first.

Noon in the cafe, our festive lunch. Afternoon teas and Prosecco for most of us. Should be fun.

Good morning everybody.

This morning I want to take cards to Tony’s sister. Whilst we’re in her town a visit to the local Lidl is needed.

This afternoon I want to take wreaths to my mum’s & my grandparents grave.
I will also go with Tony with a wreath for his parents grave.

That should just about fill our day.

Have a good day all…

Good morning all.

Off into Gorleston this morning, doing my last minute Food Shopping and bit and pieces, visit the Butchers for Turkey & Gammon.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

I have to stay in to wait for a parcel delivery that I missed while in the cafe yesterday. I could do with popping out but suppose it can wait till after my hair cut tomorrow morning, or see if I have time afterwards. I will also go out on Saturday so I can buy some pot plants for several recipients. Want to leave till last minute so they are fresh.

We all (7 of us) thoroughly enjoyed our festive lunch, and I forgot to hand over several cards. Oh dear, my mind! I loved the Prosecco but was burping all afternoon and evening, lol. The lady who runs the cafe really is a fabulous baker.

So suppose I’d better find something to do while waiting for postman.

Good morning all.
Blue sky but cold. Well it is December.
I have not done my morning walk around the field, as I can see from my window that it is almost a lake.
So later I shall get a bus to the Wednesday club, and that will include some walking.
Her down the road ain’t going.

We had rain yesterday morning and the pavements were full of mini lakes. I have no clue what my allotment looks like. Not been for weeks.

Good morning everybody.

I’m meeting my friend Chris later for Christmas lunch & exchange of presents. It’s Chris’s birthday on Christmas day & mine on Christmas Eve so birthday presents will be exchanged too.

Late afternoon I want to go to the charity shop with Tony to look for a coffee table. Mine was a round one with a glass top. I somehow managed to crack the glass & a glass cutter wanted £80 plus VAT for new glass so I declined.

That’s my plans for the day.
Have a good day all…

Good morning all, its cold and very windy outside.

Popping into Town this morning.

Have a nice day all.


Hair cut at 10 then I’d like to try and do some shopping. Yesterday was wasted waiting for the postie, who handed my parcel to next door anyway. So I could have gone out.

Good morning all.
It was a loverly party at the AgeUK yesterday, lots of mince pies and was given some to take home. There was a lady that came and was singing. A raffle that I did not win anything. Then there was the chips, lots of chips and the sparkling liquid. Checked my blood sugar level this morning and it was 5.6. That ain’t too bad.
So today is the shortest day. So when is the longest night? Is it tonight or was it last night?
So my cleaning lady this morning. And that could be the excitement of the day.

Good morning everybody.

Tony & I are popping into town to collect a small coffee table I bought yesterday from the charity shop.
I also need to draw some money out as most of my family are having monetary gifts this year.

Must also call at Tesco’s for some laundry tablets & other bits I’ve run out of.

Have a good day everybody…

Emjay, shortest day is tomorrow Friday 22nd December.

No it’s not.It’s the 21st and always has been.

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Morning folks.

Probably do housework today, like going round with the vac. I don’t want to get shopping till the weekend, as will then need fresh bread and pot plants (the latter for gifts),

Morning all.

Sorry Emjay you are right, I was looking at something else, North of the Quatar is 22nd but here 21st.

Not going out today, got the fencing people coming at 9am to erect fencing all round the garden.

Have a nice day all.