Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
It is raining here, so I am not going out for my morning stroll.
It will have to wait until later.
Thursday, so my cleaning lady comes today.
I am going to try again to access my local library online. I already have a card, but can’t remember the pin that is required. There is a book that I want to download in ebook format.

Good morning all.

Going for a Christmas Meal at lunch time, hope it will be nice, costing enough money.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Susie, where are you having your meal? Enjoy.

Emjay, I love the benefits of belonging to my library, not least the access to all newspapers and magazines. After years of buying my favourite computer magazine I can read it free. I also cancelled my newspaper subscription. And in branch, on their PCs. Enjoy.

I had awful insomnia in the night so hopefully a day of rest for me, and maybe an afternoon nap. Or an early night.

Good morning everybody.

It’s damp & dismal here this morning.

Daughter Sue is coming to see us this afternoon but until then I’m taking it easy.
I had my covid injection yesterday & I’ve woke up hardly able to move my arm without pain.

Janet, I have insomnia too - you have my sympathy.

Have a good day all…

Janet, we have just come back from our meal, it was really nice, would recommend it.
It was at the Coast Bar & Restaurant in Corton, opposite the Pub in the Street.
We had two courses Starters and Main, Curry Parsnip Soup with a Roll, Turkey, Stuffing, Roast Potatoes, Pig in Blanket, Parsnips, Brussels, Carrots, Red Cabbage, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, 2 Drinks, 2 Christmas Crackers.

Dinner was £21.00 each = £42.00 and 2 drinks were £5.00.



Morning all.

Nothing planned for me today.

Good morning all, its dry here at the moment.

Nothing planned for the day.

Cooking a Sausage stew for lunch.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Quite late today as I did not wake up until 0800.
I was going to go to one of the libraries to sort out this card.
But I thought that all I am chasing is a book that was recommended to me.
I might not even like it.
Apart that I could of got it as an ebook, but what would I read it on? My iPad? Nah.
I still have about 100+ books on my kindle that I have not read.
As for a Friday, lunch at Morrisons with my daughter and a bit of shopping, and later dinner at her home.

I still like the physicality of reading a book - turning pages and so on. I might get bored reading on some device and it is probably worse for the eyesight. There has also been talk of electronic devices causing insomnia if used before sleep. I found some good second hand bookshops and I can get two or three hardbacks for just a few pounds. I haven’t been to libraries recently but I think I should do this, especially as a local one has just been revamped.

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Do support your library Greengage. I’m in mine every week, I would say. I have a lot to read on my Kindle but keep finding new and good books in my local branch. Reading relaxes me, and I disappear in that world of fiction, leaving cares behind.

I agree Greengage, reading posts on the forum or the odd piece of research is all I want to read off a screen…Books for me everytime.

Good morning all.

Off into Town at 8am, my usual Saturday Stroll around the shops.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It is very miserable out, very overcast and almost dark.
My daughter has gone to the IOW for the weekend, so I am having to make my own entertainment. I have a couple of jobs that need my attention.
I expect my grandson may come at sometime.
When I was younger, I used to visit the library quite often.
But having been involved with computers and such for many years, it was obvious that I got into the different devices that allowed me to read books on them.
With my kindle, it slips into a pocket. Now although I only read one book at a time, I am carrying at the last count, 147 books with me.
I get offered free books daily. I have paid for some at times, and much cheaper than a ‘tree’ book.

Morning all.

I had a good night. Holly took herself off to bed early so we didn’t bother with garden or going out, and she patiently waited till about 8.45 this morning.

Just finished breakfast and thinking what to do with myself.

Good morning everybody.

Paula & Ady are taking us to lunch today.

When we get back, Tony & I are nipping to Aldi.

In the meantime I’m sorting my washing out this morning.

Have a good day all…

Did go out. Took the car to Gorleston, paid for a car park, then caught the bus into GY. Got my sweets and much much more, including in Gorleston. Was out about 3 hours and Holly was fine.

Good morning all, had a beautiful red sky early this morning.

Popping into Gorleston about 10am this morning to QD and that’s about it for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

I was in there yesterday, Susie. Wish I’d had longer to browse.

Not doing much today.

Good morning all.
I have done my morning chores including my walk.
I don’t have any plans except make my roast dinner.
Saying this I expect I shall find something that needs my attention.
Maybe my grandson may visit.