Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Carol, have you still not heard from the Hospital yet about the Spinal Injection? Its been a long time.

Have you received my card yet?

Morning all.

No plans for going out today, apart from dog walks. I will get my main meal cooking lunchtime then after midday will take the dog to say hello to our neighbour in the shop, for their usual cuddles. Last night I only needed to let Holly into the garden, which was handy. That wind had got up again.

If nothing needs my attention I will settle with a library book I started yesterday. I have a few to return now. Had to check my list to see which one has the most reserves on it, and think I have only a few days in which to finish/return.

Older sis and I have the same method. We keep a record of our borrowings and reservations. I can take the book to the library with me to tick off the returns and if taking the older one can check back if I have already taken a book out in the past, whether I read it or not. Then once written in the journal I go online and see which ones have reserves against them, so need to read those first. All good fun! Lol.

Stay warm.

Good morning all, sunny here.

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It does not seem so cold today here.
After my morning stroll, I went to feed the fish, but the top of the water is covered with the stuff from the silver birch tree that is in the car park. Now this is where I hope for rain, as the pond is full, it drains off this stuff. Or I can get the hose on it.
This afternoon I have been invited for tea and a natter by my friend down the road. She is the one I take to the Wednesday club.

Good morning everybody.

Weā€™re going to nip to the car wash this morning to give it a vacuum & wash. Itā€™s so grubby Iā€™m ashamed of it!

We got a half price leg of lamb from Tescoā€™s yesterday. Thatā€™s cooking slowly in the slow cooker ready for dinner tonight. Usually I donā€™t buy lamb - itā€™s so expensive but this was a good offer.

No other plans really - just going to take it easyā€¦

Yes the hospital rang me but after much consideration I decided not to have the spinal injection.
This was just after Iā€™d have my colostomy so I was in no mood for more hospital treatments.
I donā€™t think Iā€™m as bad as you were Susie.

Not received your card yet. Sorry not posted mine yet.

ok Carol, I posted your card on Thursday 1st class.

Good decision on the injection Carol.

Good morning all.

Not much doing today, off out to Aldi this morning to do our weekly shopping and thatā€™s about it for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Hoping to get to the library today, I have quite a few books to return now. Then I may go on to Argos and buy something there. I want a bed rail, to hook under the mattress at the end of my bed and then roll up a fleece or something thick to warm up my feet. Last night I used a spare duvet, which was toasty!

Good morning all.
Nice here at the moment.
Off to Sainsburys shortly for my main weekly lot.
Then I must try to do something with that stuff floating on the pond.
I thought that the rain would have got rid of it. Unless this is a new lot.

Good morning everybody.

I just looked through the window & saw a squirrel running about on the garden. Isnā€™t it time they hibernated?

No plans for today except a walk to the post box to post my Christmas cards.

Plenty of housework to be getting on with.

Janet - why donā€™t you get some nice warm bed-socks?

Have a good day allā€¦

Carol, I donā€™t like bed socks. I am usually pulling them off not long after being in bed. They get too warm.

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Carol, squirrels dont hibernate, they will be after yer nuts all winter :melting_face:

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Good morning all, its raining here.

Off into Gorleston some time this morning, need to get more food stuff in etc.

We have a Rat digging up our back garden under the shed.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning everybody.

I have a 9.30 appointment at hospital to see that my abdominal surgery (Colostomy) is healing as it should. Be glad when thatā€™s over.

This afternoon itā€™s Joshā€™s schoolā€™s Christmas Fayre - hoping to go to that.

Busy day for me.

Thanks for your card Susie.

Have a good day allā€¦

Good morning all.
It is also very wet and miserable out here.
The field is almost waterlogged and muddy. That makes it hard going.
I shall have to leave my walk to later, and maybe just do a walk around the streets.
I expect that I shall be going with my daughter to help with her shopping at Sainsburys. It does get me out of the house for a bit.

Afternoon all.

Had a very disturbed night. Insomnia, went downstairs for some hot milk and noticed my security cameras sync module was blinking. Had to reset router this morning but garden camera still offline. Might need to change batteries.consequently got up at 9 and had cafe meet at 11. Didnā€™t have time for greetings.

Dog walk again shortly.

Good morning all, its dull, miserable outside.

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Urgh, yes, I looked out the window earlier and saw evidence of rain. I feel so sorry for those people affected by bad floods.

Will walk the dog first before getting the slow cooker meat ready. I aim to get it on by 10am, so it has about 7 hours to cook then, ready for first meal this evening.

Good morning all.
Just got back from my morning walk, and it has just started to rain.
Off to the Wednesday AgeUK Wednesday club shortly.
I found an interesting page on Facebook about orchids. I have been educated about them, and got answers to some questions that I needed to know.