Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Morning everyone, cold here too, getting pretty tedious now…

Yes Jan we are lucky, but there are no NHS dentists now so it’s pay through the nose regardless of what you need doing and like Susie said, it ain’t cheap!

BIL is visiting us today and taking us out to lunch at the pub which will make a nice change, and I’ve a couple of odd jobs to do then after he’s gone. Must water the veg plot too this evening, not seen any rain for weeks.

Have a good day folks :blush:

That’s what I said Susie, but in a roundabout way.
Am I lucky or am I lucky? I still have a NHS dentist. I have been with them for years. But instead of the used to be every 6 month checkup, it is now once a year.
But I can still get a quick appointment if needed.

My dental surgery obviously haven’t been able to replace the one who left just weeks or days before my scheduled check up. Just hoping I don’t have any problems.

Good morning all.
Ah ha! The sun is breaking through the clouds, and just back from the morning stroll.
I could have a busy day today.
I have to go to pick up the parts for my printer from the Argos in Sainsburys, delivered to there from the eBay sender. ( I like that idea as I don’t have to wait in for it)
Then when my cleaning lady comes, we are going to clean out the pond. We will remove some of the water and sludge. Then refill.
This afternoon I shall get stuck in and sort out the printer. Following the instructions on YouTube.

Morning everyone, no sun here yet but maybe some after lunch they say. At the moment though I still wear my winter coat for the morning walk, but then again it is only June… :roll_eyes:

Back to the dentist this morning for a scrape and polish before picking up my Mum and bringing here her for lunch. No other plans but I do have to clean the algae off the front fence before I repaint it over the weekend, so I may tackle that.

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

I had my heating on first thing this morning for an hour or so. I gave in.

Sitting in the garden with the dog, hoping for a quiet few moments. Back from seeing to cats and a little shopping. Had a warm sausage roll and cuppa, will wash up soon then do lunch of a roll and another cuppa.

Taking it easy today, obvs. Pain killers helped me get through the chores but will need another dose after lunch.

The sun is trying to shine.

Afternoon all, sorry I thought I came in here this morning, obviously not.

The sun is shining, freezing cold and very windy, I spent 10 mins in the front garden and came back in.

Have a nice afternoon all.

It is still cold, Susie. I can’t be out in it for long.

Good morning all, the sun is out at last, will it last though.

Nothing planned at the moment for today, see how the weather pans out.

Got a load of washing on at the moment.

Have a nice day all.

Morning everyone, cloudy here but the sun is forecast for later and 30°C over the weekend they say, how will we ever cope! :sunglasses:

Just back from the weekend Tesco shop and grabbing a brew whilst contemplating the day, but no set plans at the moment, although I must water the veg plot soon if we are going to have a heatwave…

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Good morning all.
Clouds are dispersing, sun is out and already quite warm.
As for a Friday, lunch at Morrisons, and dinner at my daughter’s. So no cooking for me.
The Epson XP-700. The continuing saga.
There were so many screws to take out to get to the ink pad holder. Done that, changed the pads, put it all back together, and have 1 screw over???.
I still have to sort out the software to reset the counter.

Morning all. Just, I think.

Sounds a lot of fun, not, Emjay. Good luck.

Well my back went last night, so having to call on friends and a professional dog walker for today. Taking it easy, and have a TENs machine running, and taken pain killers.

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Sorry to hear that Jan, a bad back can be such a misery, so here’s wishing you a speedy recovery… :bouquet:

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Thanks Barry, Appreciate that.

I hope your back recovers soon Jazzi, this hot weather doesn’t help things either does it… :worried:

Thanks Mags. I think I over worked my body a week or so ago, tripped down a kerb last week, and then moved water butts. Silly me.

Morning all.

Beautiful sunshine here.

Off into Town this morning.

Hope you feel a bit better this morning Janet.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Also blue sky and a hot sun, even this early.
Up early again thanks to one little dog.
So laundry almost ending. Been out with that little dog for our stroll.
Bread being made, and now resting doing this and other bits on this iPad.
Backs Jan? Yea. Been there and now treat it with caution.
Daughter has gone away for the weekend, so I shall have to amuse myself somehow.

Morning everyone, overcast here first thing but signs of the sun breaking through now, and forecast for 20°c later on…:sunglasses:

Walked the hound through the forest and now having a brew before a trip to the garden centre to get a couple of large planters for pieris bushes that have outgrown their present ones. Curry for lunch but no other plans as yet…

Yes Jan, hope you are a little better today…

Enjoy your day folks :blush:

Good morning all.

Janet, I hope your back’s a bit better today.

Our day is revolved around our granddaughter Taylor today.
At 1.00 we are all invited to be present at her 4D scan. This should show the baby’s face very clearly.

Afterwards, Taylor has a baby shower at a local tea rooms. High tea for the ladies present at the scan & more invited. There will be 14 of us at the baby shower.

The men will be going to the pub for a meal & drinks.

Baby already has a name - she’s Sophia Abigail…

Have a good day all…