Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Morning all.

Not late so much as been busy, talking with siblings on the phone, and texting. Read early this morning on FB my brother’s first wife had died. He did joke about it, as he has seen off three ex wives, and one girlfriend in between, and has warned his present one ‘to be careful’!!

I have no certain plans for the day. Don’t even have anything ready for a main meal, apart from probably doing my own mixed grill. We have had rain so not sure what allotment would be like. Might leave that for today.

I do have a lot of washing up to do and spend diaries to update. And possibly some tidying up indoors. Blue bin can be moved to just by the gate, ready for the morning. Need to get that emptied as I am off for a caravan break on the next cycle and might not come home (even for the cafe).


Oh my, at first I didn’t realize that Holly was a dog when I began reading this - I’m new here. Makes much more sense now that I know Holly is a dog and not a person. :rofl:

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Good morning all
It’s not very nice here today. Very cloudy and miserable looking, just like me.
We have an appointment at the vets today for Minnie. The eye does not look much better, and apart from everything else, she has another growth on her back foot, that she keeps on licking. That is the same one where they amputated a toe a few years ago.
Later I expect that I shall go shopping with my daughter to get their stuff for them down the road.

Morning all.

Yes Kimba, she is definitely a dog.

Cafe meet this morning, then goodness knows what. Depends on the weather I expect.

Morning all, overcast here and a gentle south easterly so not warm, but mild enough so no complaints.

Just back from our early walk where we heard the first cuckoo, always a joy…

Only plans for the day are visiting the garden machinery place to get some expert advice on a repair to our scarifier, and I’ll be cooking some dahl for lunch.

Fingers crossed for Minnie Emjay, hope all goes well at the vet’s.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Oh yes, sorry Emjay, good luck with Minnie.

Good luck with Minnie Emjay.

Welcome to the forum KimbaSue.

Has been very hot outside this afternoon.

Have a nice evening all.

You know when you walk away every time, from an offensive situation and you leave it to the universe to deal with these people’s karma, correct?

But deep inside of you, you wish you could just bitch slap these undeserving schmocks?

As the stress has been building up and you just want to release all at once on these ingrates!

Yes, that’s how I feel so far these past weeks. Therefore, I apologise, it isn’t towards anyone on this excellent forum. I’m just expressing my pent-up stress and frustrations

Feel free to use it if you’re in such situation yourself. Sorry


Ah I feel better already, Cheers!

Morning all, the sun is out.

Sorry you feel that way Supernatural, there are a few people in my life that I would like to smack in the face, have a good scream to realise the pressure.

Off out at 8.30am to Gorleston.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning all.

A free day to do as I please. Busy tomorrow with several appts and Friday waiting for a nurse to call. So today, what I do depends on the weather. Could do more weeding on the allotment. I popped over there yesterday around 4. Used my shrub cutter and its two attachments to give short, back and sides on a lot of the weeds. So much growing on and around the compost area, mainly nettles. Used this rather than a strimmer, which I could take to continue. The cutter is best for small spaces.

Wondering whether, instead of going out to buy bread, to use a packet I have in the cupboard, make my own. After all, it’s one of the reasons I bought my stand mixer with the dough hooks. :grin:

Ooooh, the sun is just peeping out over the roof tops. Nice.

Good morning all.
Blue sky and sunny, but still a chill in the light wind.
As usual for Wednesday off to the coffee and chat group. I have not heard from her down the road, so I expect she will be going.
I shall bus it today, it’s only 4 stops. No I ain’t going to walk it.
I think I told you about the Ukulele classes that are starting later this month. My mate and I have enrolled for it.
I even bought a diy kit to make one, that I have already done so.

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Well done Emjay. How is Minnie?

Nice job Emjay, good luck with the lessons… I’ve tried many times over the years to play a variety of instruments but it appears that there isn’t a musical bone in my body, a complete and utter failure… !

Morning all, a glorious spring morning here and our walk was perfect, with the birds in full voice, a cuckoo in the distance, swallows flitting across the ponds and the sweet smell of hawthorn blossom, absolutely as good as it gets.

Just baking a loaf this morning and cooking salmon and mash for lunch, but no other plans as yet.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

My bread is done, Barry. Just a small one.

Playing with Holly and her tennis ball, we had just started and she made a grab for it in my hand and caught the middle finger of the left hand. Punctured the skin, so have washed, sterilised and put plasters on. It is now stinging and throbbing. She ran upstairs and hid (so well I couldn’t find her) because I was groaning in pain, but we have since had cuddles.

Just waiting for some washing to finish. Not sure about the weather, conflicting websites whether it will rain.


Yes, I did a karate routine and smash the bleep out of their essence.

Sigh feel so much better now. They’re locked in the box and it’s now thrown into the void!

Namaste :pray:

That’s the way to do it Supernatural.

Wow, well done Emjay.

Both Janet and Barry baking bread.

Have a nice afternoon.

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When I took Minnie to the vet (PDSA) yesterday, the lady vet said that the eye seems to be healing nicey. I do not have to give her the Calpol anymore.
But she wants me to bring her in on the 22nd of this month to check her over. She will stay there for the day while they do the tests.
I think they are worried about her kidneys and liver.
I thought that they knew about the kidneys, but not the liver.


My poor Holly was attacked lunchtime. Was standing by the alley talking to a neighbour, and she barked at two terriers with their owner. The dogs were actually all barking at each other. Woman tied dogs to the railing, went into shop, back outside she untied them, then one has flown across the road, lead and extendable handle trailing, and gone for Holly. Woman crosses road, other dog joins in so both are having a go! Woman ends up falling to the floor, I manage to get Holly in my arms and she’s weed all down my coat and trousers.

Neighbour helped woman to her feet and had hold of one of the dogs. I had Holly up on a wall end to check her over. I asked the woman if she was ok, she asked after Holly. Said to neighbour I’d take H home, and after some cuddles and last minute check over, she went upstairs to hide in the wardrobe. Her little cubby hole.

I hope to see the lady out and about to make sure all three are unharmed.

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Sorry to hear this about Holly , a traumatic experience for her as well as you , unfortunately im no stranger to dog attacks my poor Ellie as been attacked 7 times , last time it was when it was lock down and 2 dogs escaped from a garden ran down the street and flipped Ellie onto her back and went in for the kill , Ive never got over it . And it cost nearly £300 at the vets .
I very rarely take her out by my self now …
I hope Holly will get over this , sending a big hug for her and you …

And from me Jan, a horrible experience for you both and hope that you and Holly are OK now.

We used to get the same thing with Alfie, for some reason he seemed to be disliked by other dogs and was attacked several times for no apparent reason. The worst attack being by three border terriers that appeared from nowhere and just set about him. Luckily I was very close to him and managed to pick him up out of the fray before he suffered any serious injury although the poor soul was left terrified. Their owner then appeared, called the dogs and hurried off without saying anything, bloody ignorant so and so…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: