Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Being my first time here excuse me that I am not up with all the goings on of the contributing members.
With time I may get to know some of you and learn how those on the other side of the world live.
Was this the first time you have had a gall stone? So glad that it has been remedied.
Good idea to childproof your home

Morning all, I forgot to come in here this morning.

Went to B&Q to get some plants.

Emjay, hope Minnie will be ok.

Jazzi, have a nice time at the Library.

Carol, Hopefully your MRI Scan results will come back positive for you.

Brett, have a nice Indian meal.

It was a nice meal. Very spicy hot though. Kept sipping water to temper the heat :slightly_smiling_face:

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Water, is the worst thing to drink when food is too spicy, you need either Bread or Naan.
Water or Wine makes it worst.


Good morning everybody.

Iā€™m up early because Iā€™ve got Josh for an overnight stay.
I just donā€™t sleep well when heā€™s here. So far - not heard a murmer from him so I may go back to bed for an hour when Iā€™ve had my cuppa.

Lots to do later.

Have a good day allā€¦

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Good morning Carol.
Lovely day here in Perth today. Not a cloud in the sky at 2.26pm.

Welcome! If you want, you could start an introduction thread here so the members can get to know you better.

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Thank you for that. Done. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good morning all.
Introduce myself? Even I donā€™t know who I am.
Right. It looks like it could be a nice day today here. It is very warm out, and just back from the morning stroll with the not too well Minnie.
As usual for a Saturday, laundry is being done with the help of the electronic deviceā€™s.
I donā€™t know what I shall be doing today, I will just have to wait for my daughter to tell me.

Morning all.

Might go off to Argos this morning and buy a reasonably priced Kindle. I have the early original one, dated 2010 I think. Apart from not having the cable I believe early ones are no longer supported by Amazon for uploading stuff.

Morning everyone, pleasant morning here too at 9Ā°C and sunnyā€¦

Back from a long walk in the forest and not contemplating doing much with my day other than pottering around aimlessly and cooking omelette and chips for lunch.

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Went for a wee shopping jaunt. Got 2 lovely new baking trays for Ā£2.49. 24 tea/coffee spoons for Ā£4.50 stainless steel nice mirror finish. 2 multi boxes of Sheba kitty food, Poultry and Fishy, 2 months worth for furbaby.

And bit of food for weekend until Tuesday.

Gosh it was freezing today, Iā€™d say colder weather than in winter season. Very strange as itā€™s May next week, what on earth is going on with Mother Nature?

It should be getting warmer not blooming colder, am I correct? :laughing:

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Super, Iā€™ve been sitting out in my garden with my library book, and did an hour on the allotment. Itā€™s been a beautiful day. Only noise starting up from nearby neighbours and dog wanting a walk brought me back in. Garden closed for the evening now, with dinner on the go.


Morning all.

If not going out with sister, I will go to the allotment and maybe attempt the greenhouse. A lot of poles to fit together.

Sis had talked of going to a garden centre so I messaged her yesterday. If no response I will continue with my own plans. Sometimes on her weekends off she flits off to stay with one of her children, scattered about the country.


Morning Jan and all to arrive laterā€¦

Rain all night again but no complaints, itā€™s good for the garden!

Back from the usual walk now but no other plans, no doubt something will turn up thoughā€¦

Enjoy your day folks :blush:


Good morning all l
Well I donā€™t know what happened to the weather wherever you lot are, but yesterday was super warm. I even took my jumper off. :shushing_face:
Today looks like it is going to be the same.
I think I told you that at AgeUK they are starting a teaching to play the Ukulele class next month. My mate and I have managed to enrol in it.
So I saw a kit to build one. Got it and already built it.
I even found an app for the phone for a tuner.
Not a lot else going on for me today.
Got some lamb and veggies already cooked, just needs heating up for my midday meal.


Morning Janet and Barry, I got up late this morning.
Another beautiful sunny day here.
Not going out today, got plenty of housework, laundry, cooking to do, plus sunbathing and reading.
Have a nice day all.


Morning all, Happy May Day, whatever you are doing.

The sun has just come out here.

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Good morning all.
No sun here yet if any at all today. Very overcast.
I shall be going to Sainsburys shortly as usual for a Monday.
After that I shall just let it happen.

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Morning everyone, rain cleared earlier after yet another wet night, and sun now trying to break through so could be a nice day ahead. :sunglasses:

No plans at all for the day, so I may try to find a new recipe that I can knock up in the kitchen. If that fails Iā€™ll probably waste the day with a jigsaw and a film but either way itā€™ll be a relaxing way to spend my Mayday .

Have a pleasant day yourselves folks :blush:

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