Good morning all.
It’s stopped raining here. Went out with Minnie as usual…
I shall be going to Sainsburys shortly. I don’t need much, as well stocked up.
I am also leaving my heating on, and as Jan says, dang the expense.
If I can’t pay and they take me away to a nice cell with heat, 3 meals a day, and other luxuries that I can’t afford.
Carol. No one likes taking pills and other medication. But I suppose the other alternative is a hole in the ground or a very hot oven.
Good morning everyone
Snow forecast today…I would usually be cheering because I love snow but now I live next to a field of sheep I just hope they are ok…I couldn’t eat lamb anymore I feel so sorry for them :
Today I will start decorating the last room in the house…its been a long job but we are getting there.
Have a good day everyone
Good morning all (Tuesday).
Its frosty outside.
Off into Town this morning, need to buy a few things.
Have a nice day all.
Good morning all.
Very cold, very frosty, and very cold and frozen ground. Not easy to walk on being that it is lumpy, having been churned up by the football mob.
I have no plans to go out anywhere, but that could change if my daughter has plans for us.
Morning all.
Chores done, for now. Early dog walk. Tried to open back gate bolt to take black bin out for collection. Frozen solid! Fortunately I had a spray bottle of freezer de-icer, so applied that, back indoors for my gardening gloves, a bit of a tussle, and got it free. Phew.
Lots of icy patches on pavements where puddles have frozen over.
Now having breakfast. Coffee group this morning. No idea how many. 4 confirmed, not sure of a few others.
Good morning all. As I stood in the corner of the field this morning, that is my sun trap, I could feel a bit of warmth from the rising sun. The rest of the field was frozen and lumpy.
I don’t think it was as cold as yesterday.
Going to the coffee and chat club shortly. Then later this afternoon, I have another appointment with the physio. I just hope that it is the last one.
Morning all.
That’s the slow cooker going. Beef, onion and mushrooms (the latter I’d had in the freezer), in a Guinness flavour packet mix. I will do a pie later, or might have some tonight with cheesy mash and veg.
Hoping to change bed linen at some point today.
Good morning all.
Off out at 8am to do our weekly shopping, come home put it all away, then out again at Gorleston Town to Morrison’s to do a bit more shopping. Then this afternoon the Window Shutter man should be coming, if he doesn’t let me down again.
Have a nice day all.
Good morning everybody.
I’m having my flu jab this morning so have decided to cancel my cardiac rehab because I’m sure to have an aching arm after the jab.
Later, Tony & I are getting the bus to town. We need to go to the bank to get a money transfer sorted out for out new car payment.
Also I need to go to an Amazon hub to return a book. I usually print my own label & take to the post office but this facility seems to have gone!!
Have a good day all…
Morning all.
Another day getting up at a reasonable time, 8.15. My neighbours can go away more often, lol.
Not sure what I shall do today. I should pop round to the allotment, make sure my pallet collars are still there, or maybe adjust some floor coverings that have blown out of the pegs.
Didn’t do anything with the cooked meat yesterday, apart from portion and refrigerate it. Bread and jam for supper. I never want a big or cooked meal in the evening.
Good morning all.
Blue sky and sunshine, but of course cold. Minnie did not want to walk far this morning. I could tell as she walked a bit and then just stood there.
I said “do you want to go back” and she turned around and started to go back.
So no walk for me.
Yesterday I did a total of 2.8 miles walking. I did not use the car but walked and bused.
Same again today as I have an appointment at 5pm with the audiologist at the local Scrivens that do NHS hearing aids. Better than having to go to the hospital.
Yesterday I had my last session with the physio. Glad about that.
Good news about the physio, Emjay. Hope it has helped. Do you know, I often ask Holly that question as she often hesitates to go further. She eagerly turns to come home,
Morning all.
Meeting Janet this morning in Town.
Have a nice day all.
Morning all.
Yes Susie, I’m on track. Just having breakfast then will walk dog when my hair is dry. If weather ok I hope to catch the 10.20 bus from nearby. Will get me to bus station by 10.30.
Good morning all.
It does not seem so cold today. Just done the full curcuit of the field with Minnie. Seems she wanted to walk this morning. Maybe it’s the treats that I keep giving her.
Now don’t laugh. I am going to the AgeUK for Bollywood dancing. My mate who I know from there said it could be a laugh.
We will see.
Lunch at Morrisons, and then dinner at my daughters later.
P.S. guess who is 85 today?
Happy birthday Emjay! Enjoy your day. (Ahem…I presume you mean yourself? )
We need a video of you Emjay doing Bollywood dancing. lol
Morning all, have been up all night with the Cat, she is calm and relaxed now.
Have a nice day all.
Good morning all.
Oh look the sun is out, but it ain’t fooling me as it is still freezing out. Had to break the ice again in the pond to feed the fish.
The ‘Bollywood dancing was a bit disappointment, as only 3 turned up to do it and a couple watched. And with the staff members that made a total of 7. We were told 10 am but it was 11am. Still we had tea and biscuits while we waited.
Nothing planed yet for today. Laundry being done.
Morning all.
Late up, but late getting to sleep. Just as well I posted two replacement birthday cards last night for the 7am collection, otherwise my niece and her daughter would have got them very late in the week.
I had hoped to take the car to our Wilko and the car park behind, as they have garden items on sale. A walk in green house, specifically, but they also have a potting bench. The latter isn’t on their website otherwise I’d have chosen both for delivery.
Best get the dog out.
Hope Poppy is soon feeling better.