Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all. Nice here at the moment.
I am going shortly to Sainsbury’s for a few bits that are needed.
After that???
More TV, read my book on kindle, do some of the puzzles on the iPad, think about what to make for lunch and dinner later.
Hey Ho, off we go.

Sounds good to me, Emjay. That is what I mostly do in between dog walks. Get shopping and chores out of the way in the morning, then relax after lunch. Bliss. That is what retirement should be about.

(I feel better about not working on the allotment yet. Gardening books state January isn’t a month for digging due to adverse weather. Yay!!)

Morning all.

Cafe meet this morning, then I hope to spend some time indoors having a clear out, and maybe a hoover round.

Good morning all.
It just started to drop a few bits of moisture from the heavens when I went out with Minnie for our morning stroll. But that was it.
Maybe a warning of more to come shortly.
I have to go to the pharmacy again, as they have missed 3 items from my list that were not in the bag when I picked the others up yesterday.
So that could be the excitement of the day.

Good morning everybody.

Ady & Paula are picking us up & taking us to lunch.
That’s about as exciting as it gets.

Have a good day everybody…

Good morning all.

Feels chilly, got heating on.

Carol, what did you both have for lunch yesturday with Ady & Paula.

Not going out today, got Lady coming at 9.30am to cut my Toe Nails.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

I’m sitting at the bedroom window with a cuppa and first tablets, occasionally looking out, checking the weather. Urgh, horrible again.

A staying in day.

We didn’t get anywhere Susie. I was feeling depressed again & when they arrived I picked a fight with Paula over something so trivial I couldn’t believe it.

We both ended up going back to our respective homes - both of us in tears…
My fault entirely.

I don’t know what happens to me. My head seems to burst with tension & I fly off the handle.

Life is not good for me…

That’s not good, Carol, especially when you need them both. Hope it can be resolved.

Good morning all.
Well people, it ain’t too bad here at the moment. But I don’t like the look of those clouds heading this way from the west.
Coffee (tea for me) and chat group, club, call it what you may this morning.
I took the prescription for the 3 items that they missed to Morrisons yesterday. They said they were not ordered with the others.
I told them why. They did not see the second sheet with them on attached to the first one. The have been ordered and will notify me when ready fo collection.

Sounds about right, Emjay.

They still messed it up. I picked up the other packet that had 3 items marked on the bag, but there were only 2 items in the bag.
Luckily i still have some of them. Might go again tomorrow.

Is there any truth in the rumour about the planned tower blocks for the borough? Read the Walthamstow Echo online. Talking of proposals for the car parks in Morrisons and Sainsburys (read this a few years ago), and Sainsburys and Wilko down the high street.

Good morning all.
Not a lot going on today. Well not at the moment, but things can change.
Done my first walk of the day. Don’t tell anybody, but I am stealing bits of the field every day.
I collect so much mud on my boots, that when I clean the boots the mud stays in my garden. I might put it into pots and grow something.
Cleaning lady coming earlier this morning so she texted me.
I shall wander again to Morrisons chemist and moan about the poor service.
Janet. There are so many rumours flying around about building projects, that don’t know what to believe.

Morning all, sun shining here.
Have already done my weekly shopping at Aldi.
Vets this afternoon with Poppy.
Have a nice day all.

Good morning everybody.

I didn’t get to sleep until 5.00 am this morning. Four hrs later I’m up again! Think I’ll be taking a nap later…

I’m just waiting for the doctor to call me sometime today & for delivery of a Tesco order.

It’s time I cooked a proper meal. We’ve been living off what’s in the freezer and bacon & tomatoes, chips etc. I just can’t be bothered to cook a decent meal but I know I must. My poor Tony eats what I give him and doesn’t complain - bless him.

Have a good day all…

Carol, why don’t you try soups, scrambled eggs, stews etc. something easy to keep down.

Morning all.

Nothing planned for the day.

Waiting in for a delivery from Amazon.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Having so much trouble on the ipad, not able to publish my post. Tried 3 times, so now on the phone.

Susie, did you get Poppy to the vet? What news?

Housework for me later, and getting a chicken on the rotisserie in my new 5 in 1 air fryer. Will need to truss it up first (thank goodness for YT).

Good morning all.
Sunny but cold out.
I have a bread being made, should be finished about 10.30.
I am going to Morrison again to see if they have finally sorted out my meds. I also have to pick up my daughters FIL meds as he is still housebound at the moment. ( he lives in the same road as me.)
Whilst at Morrisons, I shall have lunch there. There is a little group of neighbours that meet up there for lunch every Friday.