Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.

I am in terrible pain this morning, just taken painkillers, couldn’t sleep during the night either. Not heard from the Hospital either.
Got to go out this morning and do our weekly shopping with Husband and Trolley to hold me up and Stick.
Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Oops, missed yesterday’s greeting.

Most probably library visit today. Had intended to go yesterday but decided to take it easy. And perhaps visit a few shops in town (not a great deal there now, tbh. Not for me, anyway.)

Hi everyone, a bright start here and looks like being a nice day.

A visit to granddaughter and her new baby this morning hopefully, and we’ll call in on Mum on the way back for a chat and to mow her lawns. Nothing planned for later but something will turn up I’ll guarantee.

Susie, so sorry to hear that you’re still in agony, I do hope they sort you out soon with some sort of relief and some sort of permanent resolution, no- one should have to live like that these days…

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Off to A&E now. Not liking how the burn is. Holly has been taken down the road to the carer, I have packed coffee, snacks and a book!

Will park the car near the main road and take a bus to the hospital.

Good afternoon all.
Late today, well I have my friend staying and well? I have now taken her home and back now
Yesterday we made a plum pie. This was desert with ice-cream, after the lamb shanks and vegetables. The plums were from my daughter
Just got a few jobs to do here now.
Weather is now brightened up, it was cold and damp when Minnie was taken out early.

A&E visit went ok. Only had to wait about an hour. They didn’t think it was infected, but have applied a silver gauze, to promote healing, lint and an adhesive covering. Told me NOT to shower, or get it wet, for 2 days and to have my surgery check it in two days time. I have my appt for Wed morning.

It didn’t hurt whilst the nurse cleaned it, but it does now. Ouch.

I parked the car near the main road, caught the bus and went past Susie’s house, in time to see her look up. I waved frantically and pulled my mask down, so she could see, and was rewarded with a huge smile of recognition. Lol. That was so strange, going past at the right time.

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I did also wave back frantically like you did.

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Good morning all, its Foggy & Cold outside.
Sent Hubby out at 6am to Tesco for me this morning.
Back now and going to do breakfast and a cup of tea.
Nothing planned for me as usual.
Have a nice day all.

Morning Susie, and any to follow.

Having breakfast, will give Holly some toast before she goes to the carer. She had a couple of other dogs and couldn’t leave biscuits out for her, so I will make sure she isn’t hungry before she goes.

Morning all, a pleasant bright start here and another warm day ahead I reckon…

Just back from walking the dogs and having a brew before tackling my very few jobs for the day, preparing lasagne for lunch and cutting down my raspberry canes and shredding them for the compost heap.

Toast for Holly Jan, what a strange diet… :thinking:

Hope you are in less pain today Susie.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Not at all, Barry. Do you not give any to your boys? Holly enjoys it, and it’s a way of knowing she has had something to eat. Westies are known to bring up bile if they have an empty stomach. She had maybe two biscuits earlier. Yesterday the carer said because she had other dogs she couldn’t give H any of her biscuits.

It is usually part of a slice, or today was half of one (small wholemeal).

Not being critical as we all have our own ways Jan. We feed our boys twice a day, at breakfast and at tea time and always dog meat and kibble. They may have a treat here and there but really not much else. I just wondered why you didn’t give her a meal in the morning with dog food if you are worried about her being hungry in the day?

Good morning all.
Just back from Sainsburys with my weekly shop.
It is also nice out here. Blue sky and very little high cloud.
It was still ground Misty when I did my early walk with Minnie around the field.
As for feeding her. She always has a bowl of dry food for when ever she wants it. In the evening about 5.15 I give her the wet food or even some chicken thighs that I cook and freeze.
When I have to go out and leave her I give her a gravy bone.
She can be left for ages without any problems.
Shortly going to cook the lamb mince with carrots, onion, peas, and my secret ingredients. That will be shared out into 3 portions and frozen for when I make shepherds pie.

Sounds tasty Emjay…

What’s the secret ingredients Emjay, shh, I won’t tell.

Today is one of my better days, have just taken more painkillers.


Emjay’s cooking certainly does sound delicious.

Holly gets her main meal between 3-3.30. If I offer her toast, first thing, she will gladly eat it. Sometimes she won’t eat biscuits, and I would prefer to know she has had something when she goes off to daycare.

Good morning all, the sun is shining bright, will be sitting in the garden again today reading, I am so brown now.
Making a Beef Casserole today for dinner.
Have a nice day all.

Morning everyone, some high cloud again but a pleasant day ahead nonetheless methinks. :sunglasses:

A last minute change of plan here and we are going to my Mum’s to do some autumn pruning, and she wants a large pyracantha root digging out, so I may be gone for quite some time… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have a good day folks :blush:

Good morning all.
Really nice out this morning but is a bit chilly.
More cooking this morning. Going to cook the chicken thighs 4, with carrots and onion. No secret ingredients, just stock Cubes and pinch of pepper. Litre of water. This will be 2 soups for Thursday and Saturday lunches.
Secret ingredients for the mince lamb, is vegetable stock, pinch of pepper, and tomato sauce.


Got some washing on (that which got left behind!), and want to hang the first lot out, but waiting impatiently for the window cleaner.