Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning everyone, a sunny forecast here and 21deg, perfect. :sunglasses:

A walk along the beach for us this morning then a picnic lunch at the Hardy Monument where, on a clear day, you can see for miles.

Wishing you a pleasant day folks :blush:

Good morning all.
The meter man is already here to fit the smart meter. I had just got back from walking with Minnie around the fields.
They were supposed to message me of his arrival, but that did not happen.
Weather good here at the moment.

Good Morning,

Good morning.

My post of a few minutes ago failed to settle. I know not what I wrote!

Doing laundry, then will go to the SM, for some shopping and petrol. And I must book a cab for an appt tomorrow. Itā€™s for my diabetic retinopathy eye test, so no driving allowed, and the clinic would be two buses home. Rather awkward to get to in a hurry.

ETA. Had an email from my energy supplier, Octopus. They are putting their prices up. Yes of course they are! Itā€™s winter. Argh.

Im just changing to octopus,heard they are number one on Which.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I am happy with them. It is just we all hate having increases in our utility bills.

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Good morning all, not so warm this morning, just put the heating on.
Nothing planned for the day, just sitting around.
Have a nice day all.

Good morning everyone, quite cool and misty here but forecast to brighten up later they sayā€¦

Today is our last day in Dorset and home tomorrow, but today will be spent with relatives having a get together lunch which is always pleasant after not seeing them for a year or so.

Enjoy your day folks :blush:

Morning all.

Fiddling about this morning, then I have a cab at 2.30, for my 3pm appt. I will no doubt get to the clinic with ages to spare, so can wander about looking in shops. Diabetic retinopathy eye test, then a bus to the bus station, and another one home. I will give Holly part of her dinner before I go, and the rest when I get home, as I usually feed her about the time I am out. Argh.wrong timings.

She seemed to want to go out about 6.15, but though I came downstairs to use the bathroom, and make a cuppa, she settled back down. But I couldnā€™t go back to sleep so am now up. So much for a lie in, eh?!

I have been sorely tempted to put a bit of heating on but am resisting. When I think I had it on all the way from early October, for 6-7 months, I donā€™t want to end up with higher bills so early again.

Good morning all.
Weather here is not too bad at the moment but it could be raining later so my weather station says.
I have nothing planed for today so will just let it happen.
I expect that my daughter might pop round sometime later.

Good morning all, looks like it might be a nice day.
Sending Hubby out to Gorleston this morning to do a few errands for me.
Nothing planned as usual for me.
Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
For me today, I have an appointment for annual eye test at 1100. And then going to my friend after. Going to fit up 2 bird feeders some how. In the community garden.
Weather is good at the moment, but can see some heavy clouds approaching from the west.

In trees or a close to them as you can gives cover for our feathered friends. I have carabiners fixed to branches with cable ties. Makes taking the feeders down for cleaning very simple.

Morning all.

A rest day for me, I think. I have a bad headache. It didnā€™t help getting woken up by a text around midnight, then Holly wanting the garden about 2.30. The text was from a coffee group friend about todayā€™s church concert. I have decided not to go. Sheā€™s sent it at 11.38. When she doesnā€™t sleep it appears her recipients canā€™t either. Has texted again just now, reminding me.

Good morning all, looks like it might be a nice day here.
Nothing planned for me as usual, apart from cooking dinner.
Janet hope your headache has gone.
Have a nice day all.

Morning all.hi Susie, hope you are ok today.

Still got a bit of a headache but it should be ok for today. Have our coffee group from 11, then I will clean the bathroom. Yesterday Iā€™d hoovered all downstairs, and ended up in the afternoon having to clean up after a bottle of vinegar dropped and smashed onto the kitchen rug. Found a small delivery box that the glass could go into, and that is stored safely in the outdoor garden box, till I can dispose of it elsewhere. We canā€™t put it in our blue bins. Fortunately Holly was upstairs out of the way at the time. But I still managed to nick a finger when opening the box to put the main bottle in, that Iā€™d quickly put in the sink to drain.

I then had to use three Flash mop wipes to get all the vinegar off the floor tiles and kick boards. Out in the garden I threw water over the rug to clean most of the vinegar off, folded up the rug and ran into the kitchen, putting it in the WM. And yes, I had to wipe up the drips, because there were clothes inside that had to be pulled out first.

Not quite what Iā€™d planned for the afternoon! Phew.

So now the mop wipes will need to go on my next shopping list. Iā€™d started to use a bucket, water and cloth and realised that actually, the mop would be quicker and easier.

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Good morning all.
All good here and just had a nice walk around the fields. The football pitches have been marked out and goal post erected.
So I expect we will have the usual congestion of vehicles trying to park. The car park only has spaces for 15 cars.
My friend will be coming shortly, and I expect we will go somewhere for lunch.
Also I expect a visit from my daughter later. She has cooked more lamb for me.

That sounds a rotten afternoon for you Jan, hope itā€™s all sorted and tidied now, I did pretty much the same thing once with a jar of picklesā€¦

Morning all, an autumn chill in the air first thing but looks like being a nice day later.

Weā€™ve been away for a week so the garden is looking a bit the worse for wear so thatā€™s where I will be wasting my time later no doubt, just chips and something for lunch today.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Good morning all, looks like it might be a nice day today.
Got a Whole Chicken in the Oven cooking, been in there since 6.30am this morning.
Nothing planned for the day.
Have a nice day all.

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Good Susie and all to follow.

Just back from our walk and the forest is really starting to look back endish with the dying bracken and the fallen leaves, even saw the first chestnuts earlier! No plans for the day other than a trip to the Sunday market, although the rain has just started so may give it a miss. Home made tomato soup and crusty bread for lunch.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone :blush: