I’m off to our local hospital first thing this morning for routine blood tests. Since I developed PMR I always seem to be going for blood tests! After the hospital - a walk round the park.
Got to stay in all afternoon to wait for a doctors call. We are going to discuss Tony’s gout as it’s getting out of hand now.
Good morning all
I shall be doing general tidy up today in preparation for my daughters stay next week,I might even give Ellie a bath,.
Hope all goes well for Tony and carol . And Jazzi headache as cleared .
Good morning all.
Cold and cloudy out there.
Warm in here as I have put my heating on for a while, to just take the chill of the house.
This morning is the coffee club. That is from 10-1. They have a speaker coming from Barclays bank to give a talk on banking scams.
Perhaps I could tell them how to deal with them.
Lunch at Morrison with my daughter later.
Jazzi speak to a doctor! I know that isn’t easy, but your headache has been there for too long and the cause may be something simple that is easily rectified. Those pain killers are not going to make it go away for more than a few hours.
It may just be stress, but you should treat the cause rather than the symptom and you can’t do that till you know what the cause is!
Greetings all, colder here this morning but looks like the sun is trying to break through now…
Good advice from Twink @Jazzi , certainly sounds like it needs looking at…
As usual no plans for the day, I’ve just finished my cleaning chores and I’ll be doing vegetable curry for lunch, but that’s all that’s on my list as yet, so I may groom the dog if I get desperate for a job later…
Thanks all for your concern. I tried booking an appt online for something unrelated but as they have a GP shortage they are not taking any enquiries. If I was really concerned I would phone but am not at that stage yet.
Covid test was negative this morning, thankfully.
I have had long term headaches in the past, as has my sister. I once sat in my London A&E many years ago because I was worried but they wouldn’t do anything. I haven’t taken any painkillers yet today as it isn’t bad or crippling. It just reminds me now and then that it is there. I have deliberately avoided doing major house work till it goes completely. I need to hoover and then do some carpet washing.
Good news about the Covid test Jazzi!
If you think it may be stress try breathing in through your nose to the count of 6 & then out through your mouth to the count of 8 and do it around 8 to 10 times. When I had a huge branch fall on my overhead power lines, last year, I found that made me much calmer.
If nothing helps & your doc won’t see you try phoning 111 and tell them that you have had a long-term headache for several days & ask if they can help. You shouldn’t have to suffer and be unable to get any medical help!
Twink, for the time being I am going to blame the flu jab I had last week. The stress I mention was on Sunday and I don’t think that what went on should make this headache continue.
My sister called round with some DVDs that I had copied from some done professionally, and one hadn’t worked on her daughter’s blu ray player. One did and she brought both home (silly girl!). I then tried doing another copy on my PC but it failed, because I had no room on my C drive and memory was low. So we went into the front room, to see what player of mine would allow the DVD to play and then I was going upstairs to locate a blank VHS tape. And I was cross because I’d wanted to cook my roast meal lunchtime and wasn’t able to, and ended up with toast for lunch and then a late roast meal.
As I pointed out before, whenever my sister wants something done, it takes hours out of my day and yes, can stress me out. The times we have spent in front of a PC, for example, to get something done for her, and because she has forgotten something, we haven’t got anywhere. She is soooooooo much a technophobe, she doesn’t even do online banking. And helpless?? She can’t even replace her Ring doorbell back on its bracket. I believe it has not been put back now for many months. Her attitude seems to be ‘if I can get someone else to do it, why should I?’
Just to reiterate, I am no longer stressed. Today is a calm stay at home day. I even didn’t bother with the writing group last night, just had the cafe meeting yesterday at 11, which was still enjoyable.
I really must power through this headache and tidy the house! My BFF phoned yesterday to say he and his missus are coming up on the 21st for an overnight stay in a hotel and to see me and Holly. I have booked H into 24 hour care though, so I can go out with my friends and entertain them (carvery restaurant first), but they will get to see her.
He was waiting to have both his cataracts done so he could drive. I’ve known this bloke for many years and look upon him as a brother. He was so helpful to me when I was in London. Then I would help him, computer wise. We would do car boot sales together. I still see his ex wife. And his new partner accepted me as part of the package! They are both generous to a fault.
Good morning all.
Misty out as you can see with the photo. It’s amazing what you can capture that the eye does not see when you press the button. Gull on the morning sun rise.
I have the cleaning lady coming this morning, and apart from that, nothing else yet planed for today. I shall just let it happen.
(It will not let me add the photo as it said that it is to large. For goodness sake, it is only a phone shot, so how do you reduce the size?)
I dont have a smart phone so cannot give any advice other than could you transfer them to your computor , then load from there , see if that works , .
I find it simple as sliding the photo from my camera card which ive put onto my laptop straight onto the post im doing . Theres no mention of haveing to resize .
Only have that come up when ive changed my Profile picture, in that scenario ive just tried another till i get one to fit .