Morning Jan, here’s hoping your energy levels improve, I hate feeling that lethargic and I guess you do too…
Morning everyone, another dry day in prospect here so I am going to strip an area of turf that has settled and put some more soil underneath… I may be gone for quite some time…
Good morning all.
It is cold, and so am I. It affects my damaged parts such as the new knee joint.
I don’t yet know what I shall be doing today as I expect that there will be more dramas down the road with my daughters in-laws.
Already done one load of laundry, and it is in the dryer.
Also done my 5.7 of a mile around the field with Minnie.
I must have been tired last night. I only woke up when Tony bought me breakfast in bed at 11.00!!
I don’t usually sleep well so I’m charged up for the next week now…
This afternoon we are going a run to Grandsons new house. It’s our granddaughter in law’s birthday & we are taking card & present.
They live on the edge of a country park so we may go a stroll around it at some point.
Anything wrong with the outgoing one, Susie, or just old?
Did some washing earlier, that is on airers to dry.
Updated my spend diaries.
Received message from niece thanking me for card and money, and letting me know baby’s name.
Basically just been pottering about indoors. Soon time for Holly’s lunchtime walk. Bless her, she has received over 174 reactions to her photo and her birthday, with 40 comments so far (on FB Westie group). What a lucky girl she is.
Morning all, colder here too, but wearing a sweater to save on the heating and besides, we are off out shortly to get Rosemary her booster and then on to my Mum’s to check up on her.
Good morning all.
Sunny and blue sky, but cold.
I am having such bad nights now. I just can’t seem to get a good nights sleep.
I might doze off and then I am awake. Of course it is all down to my knee operation. Trying to find a good spot where the knee is not pressing on the bed.
Ah well it can only get better. I hope.
I did a total walking milage of 2.3 miles yesterday. I got dragged out to the big organic shop in Muswell hill. That is near Alexander palace. For those that don’t know it.
Got a bread making at the moment,
I also found it more comfortable with a pillow under my leg when i broke it,but I expect Emjay as tried that , Perhaps Emjay you could do with something to help you get off to sleep, to get pass that uncomfortable time .
Good morning all .
Ive just finished cooking a Lamb casserole , so Im looking forward to my dinner today ,
Ive been sorting through photos from years past , when one took them to be developed , I must have spent a small fortune over the years , now looking back on some I think ?
, , some out of focus and several of the same subject …
Conversation this weekend was about Inheritance,they know whos getting what ,where the will is and my Funeral preperations , ( I did wonder if I was looking not quite 100%)
Mmmm, coming up to casserole type weather. I think I might still have some portions in the freezer, so will dig down one day, take a look.
My older sister has so many actual albums in her spare room/study, probably just under 80! I said blimey, you would have spent an absolutely fortune on having them done. She agreed.
I finished a library book last night so might go and return it. I have another one to go back.