Chips (french fries) - crispy or soggy?

Spoilt for choice … :thinking:

Not at all. Just the facts, ma’am. :innocent:

I’ve eaten every size deep fried potato in your post. :yum:

But that french fry sandwich. Nope. :009: (although the potatoes in that look good)

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Thanks to this thread I now do understand the difference between chips and fries and understand now why French fries are called that… :wink:

Chips or fries I like both but crispy please!

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These eggs and fries bring happy memories to my mind.
My dad and I used to have that once a week for lunch, while the others were at school /work and as there was nothing else to cook, so would often be the last meal of the week before refilling the fridge.

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My granny in London would always “do” egg and chips for anyone who fancied it, my school mates and later Uni mates used to love it

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Bad, bad Butterscotch :rofl:

That is NOT a French fry sandwich :rage:

It’s a chip butty :rofl:

(Maybe you’d prefer tomato sauce ?)


I’m OK with all of the above APART FROM what you call a chip “butty” ? which reminds me of a different type of “butt” and I find even the sight of this “butty” repulsive. I can NOT get my head around why anyone could find that even remotely inviting. I’d prefer to pour soggy flour over those chips than eat that ( & no way I’d do that either. ). YUK the murder of good chips. :confounded::confounded::confounded:

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I love a chip butty:


Might make that piece of white bread taste better. Or not. :nauseated_face:

This is what I’m saying. We might need another poll.

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MURDERER !!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :grin: :grin:

Ooooh, yeah , that’s the proper job, decent mug of tea too!

This thread is turning into chip porn :rofl:

It’s no good, I’m going to have to make some now :woman_shrugging::scream:

As to those who can’t take their chip butty and turned their nose up at a nice slice of white bread……away with you, shoo!

This is a nice one!


Chips in a barm:


Chips in a barm:

Ooooh, I’d forgotten barms …….:yum::yum::yum::yum:

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In the other hand - a faggot’n’pea batch:


That would be a big no no for me too! :sweat_smile: :scream:


You ever tried eating a Big Tasty and a whole portion of Chip Shop type Chips, Billy Bunter did and look what happened to him! :laughing:

That’s it.:slight_smile: Poll created to give a voice to the chip butty lovers and non-lovers.

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I’m in the minority too. I don’t understand how we ended up putting vinegar on our chips. Ketchup tastes so much better.


What’s a barm, it looks like a bread roll to me.?