Butter - do you use it?

me to i love Google :mrgreen:

Eileen, that was a tongue in cheek remark. No, I never use Google itself to look up things, but I use another search engine when I want to know something. I use Dogpile which is a search engine that compiles Yahoo, Search, Google and Bing all rolled into one. I love Dogpile! :smiley:


Thanks for the link; gave it a look. The Wikipedia link was way down on Dogpile on the Philly cheesesteak item I’d copied earlier on Google. I think I’ll stick with what I like, Mollie.

Glad you’ve given it the thumbs up Kitty :mrgreen: I’m going to look for that chocolate cake on Monday :-D:-D

Just wanted to say i bought some Kerrygold Irish unsalted
butter and it really is lovely, as nice as Lurpak :mrgreen:

Butter or healthy spread?

I have to say that there are certain things which can only be eaten with real butter, hot toast and a baked potato are just two examples, but on sandwiches, crackers etc I will use a ‘spreadable’ version. Have tried most and there is one which I have found is head and shoulders above all the rest, not only for taste, which is excellent but it is actually good for you. This wonder spread? Lurpak spreadable with olive oil. I used to use a certain Italian sounding olive oil based spread, but as a lover of Lurpak butter I spotted this and decided to give it a go, and was pleasantly surprised, it actually DOES taste like butter, even to the extent will use it on potatoes and veggies. And coupled with a couple of slices of Tesco poppy seed bread and a chunk of strong cheese it is a supper to delight in.

We use Flora buttery - cant tell the difference, love it. May give the Lurpak a go when its on offer tho’. The other advantage is to be able to use it straight from the fridge :smiley:

I’m and out and out butter fan; I would use margerine occasionally but after being told that it is one molecule away from being plastic - that seriously put me off eating it! Olive oil spreads are fine and I might just try the one you recommend daisymay :slight_smile:

Flora - isn’t Marge gal - couldn’t eat that…anyway give the Lurpak a go…:smiley:

It has to be butter for me and a nice salty one … Yum
Toast , crumpets , and bagels

I might just do that - the butter is rock hard every morning (the only time I eat it) so it would be nice to just spread away without mashing it into submission :lol:

We’ll have a try and compare notes afterwards :smiley:

Bags - naughty gal - have you tried the 2 alternatives… I used to love me butter, I tell ya - no difference and just as good on lovely tata’s…
Honestly Karen - give either one a go …

As I eat very little of it I dont feel bad plus I cut back on fat in other ways … I have tryed other things and they are disgusting …
When you butter is hard , slice a few bits at the start of making breakfast , then last few sec’s put on the toast while grill is still warm… spreads well then, Or put it in the airing cupboard over night in a dish…

:lol: Honestly Bags - you are a one gal - they are not disgusting - all in yer mind - I wouldn’t touch them, as I loved me butter. As for leaving in an airing cupboard - na :!:

I buy the Lurpak Spreadable Lighter, but I did think it was about 40% butter anyway. I aslo keep some hard butter in my fridg. Not tried the Lurpak with Olive Oil, but I’ll look for it next time I shop. I’m not keen on the spreads, but OH thinks they are doing him some good - although I’m not sure if they are. He eats the spread I eat butter and I enjoy a dippy egg fried in butter in a sandwich - don’t care if it is not healthy, I like butter. :lol:

I guess it all depends on whether you’re bothered about your health or not. My OH has just had a triple bypass and been going to the rehabilitation classes for several weeks now and the advice he got from the nutritionist was to eat good quality margarine or olive oil mixtures and not butter.

But if you’re not concerned about what butter does to you, then it doesn’t matter. Quote below from Mayo Clinic:

Margarine usually tops butter when it comes to heart health.Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so it contains no cholesterol. Margarine is also higher in “good” fats — polyunsaturated and monounsaturated — than butter is. These types of fats help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad,” cholesterol when substituted for saturated fat.

Butter, on the other hand, is made from animal fat, so it contains cholesterol and high levels of saturated fat. But not all margarines are created equal. Some margarines contain trans fat. In general, the more solid the margarine, the more trans fat it contains. So stick margarines usually have more trans fat than tub margarines do. Trans fat, like saturated fat, increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. In addition, trans fat lowers high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol levels. So skip the stick and opt for soft or liquid margarine instead.

Look for a spread with the lowest calories that tastes good to you, doesn’t have trans fats and has the least amount of saturated fat. When comparing spreads, be sure to read the Nutrition Facts panel and check the grams of saturated fat and trans fat. Also, look for products with a low percent Daily Value for cholesterol.

If you have high cholesterol, check with your doctor about using spreads that are fortified with plant stanols and sterols, such as Benecol and Promise Activ, which may help reduce cholesterol levels.

Lurpak Butter nothing else :smiley:

Its been a long time since I believed any thing that the manufacture of any unatural food stuff said about there product . Low fat spreads are mixed with dangerous chemicals that could cause cancers … As I dont suffer from high cholestrol Id rather eat a natural product than some man made product mixure of chemicals . Years ago reports that claimed butter was bad for you were comissioned by these manufacturers to make people paranoid in to buying their products and as normal the adverage comsumer fell for it .

I have never fallen for sweetners or low fat rubbish prefering to rather not have sugar in my tea or use to much of any one product that is fattening . with a healthy natural diet you should stay fit with out any need for all this cheaper chemical based stuff. and up to today Im fit and healthy …except for a few accidents I have had .
I wonder if all these people who buy low fat then go on to eat ready meals which are full of fat or drink alcohol full of bad calories …?

Its not about the healthy option for me, I love the convenience of the spread and it tastes good !

Oddly I used low fat spreads for years never lost an ounce in weight but changed to butter but obviously eating less of it and having taken sugar out of my diet have been losing weight really well.

So it is butter all the way for me.