Butter - do you use it?

Just had a look at your beautiful cat, she is a stunner :mrgreen:

Awwww. thanks She’s a pretty girl. Spoiled rotten and I love her to bits! :smiley:

I’m a butter lover. BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER. Margerine is awful. On occassion I have used “I can’t believe it’s not butter” spray for corn on the cob and other veggies. But yes…butter is love to me. LOVE!

Eileen :slight_smile: does Leia like butter , my cats always loved to lick it off my fingers.
Over here they say you should rub butter on a cats paws when you move house to stop them running away :lol: to they say that in the USA?
I guess they are so busy licking it off they forget to run away :wink:

Yes, that tale about butter and paws has been around forever; it probably came over on the Mayflower with the colonists cats! Leia likes butter and will always eat a bit; but one of my earlier cats, Patches, a brindled tortie, was absolutely mad for butter. I rehomed her when she was an adult cat, and had obviously been in a house with strict rules: she thought she wasn’t allowed on the furniture for one thing. But … even though she knew jumping on a table was bad and stealing food was strictly verboten, she couldn’t resist butter! Truthfully,sometimes I’d put the butter out and then pretend not to see when she hopped up and started licking. Yes, I know, not sanitary, but I just wiped off the edge where she’d licked …never sick in a day! (I can visualize the non-cat people shuddering…:roll:)

More than you wanted to know about cats and butter… ? :mrgreen:

The butter thief dozing:

Butter for me also. Not long ago my local shop was selling two tubs of Lurpak for £2.50 so I bought some. It is expensive over here and I have to have the spreadable, which is even dearer. I spotted similar tubs in Aldi and, although not Lurpak, I decided to try it and by heck, it’s as close as it comes to tasting the same, at half the price. :slight_smile:

mmmm I looks like ‘Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth’ as they say :lol:

I get Utterly Butterly from Lidyl

Oh GOOD one, Meg! :smiley:

Yes, I’ve tried that one from Aldi (or was it Lidl)??

As you spent time in Germany Mollie, do you remember the name of any butters? I adored one, but can’t quite recall the name…I think it was something like ‘Markenbutter’, it was without added salt.

To reply to Jimmy first, I’ve also tried Utterly Butterly, and it isn’t bad at all, but the Lurpak taste-alike is definitely from Aldi, although Lidl also do something similar.

Carmen love, it’s more than 30 years since I lived in Germany so I’m sorry but I can’t recall the names of stuff back then. Would that information be available by goggling and yes, I do mean goggling. I never use Google! :mrgreen:

LOL! Why didn’t I think of that? I’m always goggling :mrgreen:

Going off to goggle it now :lol:

Enjoy your goggle and, if you find what you’re looking for, let us know. :smiley:

Found it!!


Used to love this on the fresh bread rolls we had in the mornings for breakfast…or any time of day for me. :smiley:

Oh, mein Gott in Himmel. Yes, I do remember that! Well found! :smiley:

I bought a tub today from Tesco :smiley: we will be trying it out once i have finished my last tub of Lurpak:mrgreen:

Ooh hope you like it then :slight_smile:

I am sure i will :smiley: i will report back :smiley:

almost forgot to say we had crumpets with the new butter tonight and its really nice,:mrgreen: i will be buying it again thats for sure

What’s the problem with Google? I love Google.