Butter - do you use it?

Butter only for me always has been :-).

The truth has started to emerge that some spreads/margarines contain the kind of trans fats which are very harmful to our health.

Been looking at my tub of Flora - 'cos I didn’t think it was a ‘low fat’ spread. It doesn’t indicate that - its a blend of vegetable oils and buttermilk, Omega 3 & 6 - sounds OK. I did say its my preference, not trying to sway anyone from butter…:slight_smile:

I have actually tried most of these butter substitutes, mainly for the spread straight from the fridge angle, and have to say the Lurpak range are the best. And yes tried the Flora buttery one, and quite liked it, until I tried this one. I actually use the ‘sliced butter’ trick on my hot toast and it works wonderfully well. Oh and just a little nugget of information, I believe that ‘margarine’ as such has not been available since the war.

We only have butter now.
As preposterous as it seems, we used Benecol for years and then hubby was diagnosed with high cholesterol - we now use Anchor butter :roll: but rarely eat red meat, duck, sausages, liver or processed meat.

:shock::shock::shock: Oh Jan darlin’ - no way could I take them out of my diet - I’d starve!!!

We have Lurpak here but it’s one of the most expensive so I usually buy Western Star spreadable butter or Bertoli olive oil spread for OH, hardly use it myself 'cept for cooking as I tend to like cream cheese with ev’rything :slight_smile:

We had friends who came to stay once annd she brought a box of food stuff with her instead of relying on us to feed her and hubby…
One of the things she had was anchor low fat spreadable butter … When they went they left it in our fridge where it stayed for over a year. it was then taken down to the garden shed to use on the legs of a chicken (long story advice from vet !!!) It was then forgotten about for a few years until I cleared the shed last year to come here … I opened the lid thinking it would be rancid… But it looked just the same as new brought … goes to show no real food stuff in it …yuk