Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll

I would have probably voted the same way as I did in 1975, Though it is not an issue I gave much thought to at the time, I merely watched from afar.

After the vote I was an interested observer and the British Government’s leaving strategy was a total farce, surely no one disagrees with that?

The end result has left Britain the poorer for several reasons, no one knew what they were voting for, there was no desired outcome expressed, leaving was an ill thought out strategy run by inexperienced pollies and public servants, and finally and possibly the most fatal thing - Covid struck almost immediately.

The economics of the whole world are different since Covid. Britain was weakened by leaving but could have recovered however Covid was the blow that left it down and out - recovery will take a lot longer because of it…

The British people must shoulder a lot of the blame for electing the conga line of useless characters who are not fit to run a shoe shop never mind a country.

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Plus our workers aren’t protected any more by EU employment laws and workers rights

How long before the Tories exploit that to cut pay and conditions?


Leaving was easy, trying to negotiate a good deal for leaving a lot harder

Because why would members of a club you’re abandoning care about you getting a good deal?

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Yes, those who voted the vile and amoral Johnson in and ignored his obvious shortcomings because they thought he’d deliver Brexit have a lot to answer for and shouldn’t be allowed to wriggle out of the blame for what he did to our country

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The madness and hurt caused by ineffectual career politicians and neglectful civil service, who are lapdogs to the extremely wealthy rich.

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The word is usually applied to reducing the amount of product but keeping packaging to make it seem we are still paying for the original product. For example I like Bahlsen’s Choco Leibniz biscuits when they are on offer, but there are now only a few biscuits in the pack when there used to be 9. They have changed the packaging to make the reduced number of biscuits rest diagonally instead of flat. So they seem to fill up the box. You only have to lift some products to realise there’s hardly anything in there.

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I voted for none, the veracious comment Bruce makes, my reasoning. No decent people coming forward to stand against the mob aka corporate yes-men.

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Britain’s employment laws are, and were, far superior to EU laws Maree. We are losing nothing of our rights after leaving the EU.
The minimum wage in France is £9.87 per hour.
The minimum wage in the UK is £11.44 per hour from April.

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The common people, working classes, Joe Public etc…were simply asked do you want to remain in the EU or leave the EU? How that will be accomplished is up to the Oxbridge and Eton educated people in government who we trust to execute the majorities wishes…Democracy and all that…
And furthermore Annie…Only the remainers are complaining now…

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And everyone knew what they were voting for and the implications of leaving, of course. I refer you to the farmers in my earlier post. They definitely knew what they were voting for as is witnessed by them dismayed by no UK import checks on food stuffs and also dismayed by the introduction of import checks of food stuffs. Such clarity of knowledge.


So the thread is about whether Brexit has been good for the UK - do you have any examples of benefits that have been realised since Joe public voted in 2016?

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So the BBC or some such MSM outfit report on a few disgruntled farmers and we assume that all farmers feel this way. And what a scoop for the remainers and EU employees to have another go at brexit.
Well it serves them right. We should ban all imports from the EU and grow our own. That’s what I voted for.
St George

we ran a Poll in Doncaster on whether we should errect a statue to the bitch thatcher
point zero zero 5 of half a percent didnt burn their voting slips…
where do they ask these questions, the same question in the dubious south would have voted for a gold plated statue…

We have been members of the EU for over 40 years Annie, the tentacles of these money and power hungry bandits have embedded themselves in every part of UK life like a cancer and I don’t think the damage that that caused is going to be put right in 8 years…
Benefits to Joe Public…Yes certainly…We don’t have to watch televised episodes of the bunch of tossers falling asleep, playing with their phones and taking a kings ransom for the privilege in Brussels. And when our government finally grow a pair, we’ll be 30 odd million quid better off.

Foxy’s right, at the start of this process, you had to wonder just how many years it would take to unpick the domino effect of all the joint legislation that would have represented a true Brexit.


We skirted the S*it or Bust phase.

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That was something David Cameron should have been aware of before selecting the voters to get him off the hook. A no vote did just that, vote to leave had not been on his agenda.

Still a stupid boy.

Having called a referendum purely to try to settle an ongoing Tory civil war that has continued virtually unabated for the last seven years, having risked his country’s economy and influence and security (his words) by calling and then incompetently losing that referendum, then having wandered off humming and spending seven years making money, David swans back to the Foreign Office to take a good look at how bad things have got.

If he had said to the Committee, “It is far worse than even I feared, we are a laughing stock, our influence is diminished and we are less secure, poorer and permanently on the outside looking in”, you might think more of the man.

But apparently it is nothing to do with Dave – he is the impartial witness to someone else’s crime. He just wishes to serve, to make the best of a bad job.

God, this noblesse oblige can be a right pain sometimes, but it can make life more interesting. Especially for those stuck sulking in a field, in a shepherd’s hut.


Thanks for sharing one of the elements of your vision of a proper Brexit. You do realise that you are proposing a regressive concept to roll back decades of development of efficient supply chains? These supply chains have brought down prices, kept inflation low for decades, kept supermarket shelves full of an incredible variety of foods, delivered foods all the year round, and reduced the risk of shortages due to local bad growing seasons. This would be replaced by expensive, home grown turnips and potatoes, most of the time. It was good enough for England in the war and that’s the England we so fondly remember.

Not that it matters since every Brexit thread I’ve ever seen looks identical, but this thread isn’t about whether Brexit has been good for the UK. It’s just about a recent poll taken that says that a majority of people surveyed in the UK think it failed.

The thread about Brexit benefits is this one, started in Sept. 2022 and last posted in October 2023.