Boris Johnson widely regarded as a ‘liar’ by voters, poll finds

Perhaps he could test out the accommodation in Rwanda for a couple of years too? :rofl:


We knew he was a liar when we Elected him.

The facts were out there, he had been sacked twice when he was elected.

We also knew he was a serial adulterer, but then that is not uncommon amongst the top classes.

He did the job, we are out of the EU, which is the good thing.

He lied to get us out and has not delivered on his promises in his deal.

He was the person to get us out, but that is job done.

We are in changed circumstances which are better for us if we have a New Leader.


Not exactly Spitty, he would not have gone unless he knew it was safe.

@spitfire, But you can see Boris has his flak jacket under his shirt Spitty !!
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::+1:

@Maree ,. In two years we will have 5,000,000 more illegals in the country
Maree, and we will have another political party running for election !!
UNLESS, we can stem the tide !
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

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Don’t you remember the promises written on the bus? The promises to Northern Ireland of no border done deal? the ‘oven ready’ deal for BREXIT? etc etc. Perhaps you did not read or hear from his previous bosses before he was elected to Lead the tory Party. They all claimed he was sacked because he had lied. Or his headteacher at Eton who described him as totally unable to accept any responsibility. Perhaps there were millions of others who did not hear these facts and voted for him. I cannot believe that if they had, they would still have voted for him.

People voted for BREXIT. The SOB hasn’t even delivered that properly.

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Just where did you find these figures? I only ask as I would like to understand the logic and challenge its presumptions.

I beg to differ: we are not completely out.

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I agree. Unfortunately, Treason May was the sitting PM and she was doing all she could to keep us in the EU. I think the majority of voters still wanted out and knew that she wouldn’t deliver it, so they voted for the only available replacement.
Never mind. There’s a good chance he’ll be on his (Boris)bike next time, though I’m not sure who his replacement will be.
Are there any senior Conservatives who believe in Brexit - a true Brexit?


I know we are not completely out.

The reality is many think May got a better deal than Boris.

May was never as charismatic as Boris, but far more detailed.

The Important thing is that Boris got us out.

His job is done, over, finished, complete.

It is time for a change, we need someone different now.

A boring hard nosed Politician who can understand all the traps and get us out of them.

This does not require a General Election, just a change of PM.

I am left of Centre, a realist but definitely not hard core left or Communist.

I would like to see us doing more to help those who go to work to survive.

I would also like us to give more to those who genuinely cannot work.

What seriously annoys me is those who supposedly cannot work but who are great at cutting lawns, painting etc and in particular those who volunteer to look after your car etc.

I am not sure that Boris is focused on these things, the things that really affect our daily lives.

Of course he isn’t. Thanks to Carrie, he’s effectively a Greenie!

@Socrates, The figures that count Socrates, are the voting figures in the
last general election, which was just a vote for BREXIT and nothing else ,
and it turned out to be a landslide victory FOR BREXIT !!
Boris was the only candidate running on that ticket at the time so we were
stuck for choices ? Nigel Farage unfortunately withdrew half of his candidates
at the last minute so that option was denied us!
The reason we have all this unfinished business hanging around is the fact
Boris lied as he had no intention of ever leaving the EU at all, his policy was
the same as Teresa Mays except that he kept the deception going until
the last minute before he U turned and left us in the position we are in now !
BTW, My figures include the immigrants that are allready here and their
future progeny !!
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

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Sorry, I was referring to the 5,000,000 million illegals. As for this last post, I have no understanding of the intentions to attribute to May and Johnson. As for 'Overwhelming vote for BREXIT. I think that is an over-exaggeration. However that said, we do have BREXIT now, and a PM who is incapable of telling the truth or taking responsibility. It seems the majority do get it wrong sometimes.

Ever heard of the “sewage census”? It’s based on the quantity of sewage coming out of towns and cities. Indications are that there are five million plus more backsides ‘producing’ than there are known to be in the UK. More than 5 mil actually.


@Socrates, Not an overwhelming result ??
What do you mean?
The largest ever parliamentary majority ever !!
Boris could have done anything he wanted ?
He chose to obey the remainer conservatives instead of the voters !
The imperatives of democracy are to obey the wishes of the majority not
‘do the right thing’ anyway ??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:
PS, What we have now is not BREXIT, it is Boris’s idea of BREXIT !

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I think that statement was in three parts.

  • Yes, we do have Brexit now, but not completely.
  • Yes, the PM is happy to tell lies when it suits him.
  • If you are suggesting that the majority ‘got it wrong’ by voting for Brexit, I suggest that the majority would disagree with you.
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Once again Donkeyman, I must apologise. I thought you were talking about the BREXIT vote. However, I really was just asking where the 5,000,000 ‘illegals’ came from? Not the immigrants.

You believe Johnson actually swung to the ‘Remainer’ camp. I find that interesting. It is not a view I have ever heard before.

I would also like to know your idea of how BREXIT should have gone, as I can only see the results we Remainers predicted. Most of the promises were lost within days of the result. On the latest polls, there has been a significant swing against the BREXIT vote. But I will grant you you cannot put too much faith in polls.

I think your definition of democracy is more akin to anarchy than democracy. My interpretation is different. The problem is that the ‘people’ do not and cannot fully appreciate the complexity of Governance, like the details of the relationships between countries or high finance and economic pressures. In the ideal democracy, politicians are voted in on the basis of what they say is possible and what they say they will endeavour to achieve, plus the voter’s confidence in them to do so. Between the Civil Service and the politicians, these objectives are to be set, their achievements planned and carried out. However, especially in these rapidly changing times, these objectives will inevitably have to be reviewed. It is what is achieved that the public can decide on their performance and vote for or against them in the next election.

You must admit, that seeing Johnson as our representative to the other World Leaders, and his performance at home is an example of where the ‘people’ got it very, very wrong.

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And he DID! Then he squandered all those new votes; what a chump when he had everything he had always wanted :man_shrugging:

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It is very easy to state that there has been a significant swing against Brexit, especially by a remoaner who has absolutely no solid evidence to support his assertion.

I can only assume that your definition of democracy is that any vote should always go in the direction you agree with. I’m happy to explain that that is not how it works.