BUT - watch out for a change in that. If our infection rates don’t come down soon, it may be less than six months.
I can’t imagine what they think I am at risk of. The health service see so little of me that they must barely be aware of my existence. They hardly know anything about me. Besides, it definitely said “booster” in the text message they sent me.
in that case they seem to be making it up as they go along!
I know I had a jab on the 27th April because I marked it on the calendar, but I don’t know if it was the first or second one. I was pretty sure it was the first, but I’m not sure of anything now.
I went for the booster jab, and it turns out my second one was in April, which does make it six months. So all is in order, except my arm aches.
Had my booster yesterday. No effects - not even an arm ache. Just did my regular activities today.
With my first two jabs I didn’t feel a thing, but this one hurt.
My first two jabs were done by women, and I never felt them, the one today was given to me by a man.
Draw your own conclusions.
Mr B and I both had our booster jabs on Wednesday. No ill effects at all, apart from being slightly tender at the site of the vaccination. Neither of us had any side effects with the two original (Astra Zeneca) jabs either.
You know what they say, though - no sense, no feeling
Far various I have had blood drawn for injections and usually a plaster was applied. None of my jabs for Covids needed plasters. I’ve just had a look for my recent jab and there was just the faintest on my arm. Two males and one females did the jabs for me.
Maybe you got less lucky?
Yesterday got a notifaction by text as was up in Romford so I just called in to book an appoitment and was given the jab striaght away,
I had the jab at 9 am, yesterday. Woke up at 4:30 this morning with a coming-down-with-a-cold feeling. I will post bulletins updating my condition throughout the day. Stay tuned.
According to Scotty and his mates I get my booster six months after my second dose, so I will get the booster in January 2022. I had two AZ shots originally but apparently that vaccine has been abandoned so my booster will be a Moderna or Pfizer.
No worries for me I had little reaction from the first two shots so I hope it will be the same with the booster.
My first two were AZ, but the booster was Pfizer. When I questioned it, they told me all boosters were Pfizer, regardless of what the previous ones were.
It has yet to be explained why AZ is not on the table, no booster here till that has been explained!!!
I read somewhere or other that this was to do with the efficacy of Pfizer being better than AstraZeneca. There were also some side-effects with AstraZeneca that didn’t occur with Pfizer. It was in the press apparently so now Pfizer and another one, Moderna are being used instead.
This link gives more details:
Are the JCVI members the same folks who, at the start of this advised that Face masks were of dubious use (when there was short supply at the front line) now aplenty are of upmost importance?
You won’t be getting arrested then?