Bob (old grey fox) is recovering from a heart attack

Hope you’re feeling better and will be home soon :bouquet:


Yes! To speak your language, the uphill part of your journey is completed with success, and now an easy walk downside and home to rest and recuperate!
So happy all is looking like a promising new journey again.
You take care of yourself and Mrs. Foxy.


Great news OGF - but don’t be a typical male and try to do too much too soon! Take it easy, follow the instructions of your doctor and Mrs. Fox


Good news Foxy!
Take it easy and be kind to yourself! :wink::+1:


This is excellent news, OGF! I expect that your fitness will help immensely with your recovery. I am sure you will get plenty of support around the house but do take care!

Cardiac medicine, and stents in particular are amazing. I thought you might like this demonstration. No kinks! :grin::

Stent demonstration


Some really cherished posts from other members shows how esteemed you are. :star_struck:
Best wishes.


Great news there Foxy, and well done to all them fantastic doctors and nurses, who sorted you out. Time to put those feet up young man, and give the jogging a break. Let’s raise a glass or two! :beer: :clinking_glasses: :beers:


Happy to hear that! :smiley:
Take it easy, best wishes to you.


Fantastic and heartwarming news (no pun intended) Glad all has gone well and you will be home before long.


Excellent news Mr Foxy !


Stents wow that is a good result…You’ll be in your Own Bed tonite that means a Big step forward now for you and for your wife she will be so so relieved…


A big thank you to all the members who were by my side during those long days stuck in my hospital bed. Thank heavens I got a smartphone just weeks before my unfortunate event, or I would have had no way to keep in touch with the forum and my friends, even though my fingers were not as nimble using a microscopic Querty keyboard on a phone as they are on my laptop.
I must say a big thank you ( I already did with chocolates and a card) to all the doctors, nurses, auxiliary staff and the bloke and lady who brought me cups of tea every hour. (probably did me more good than all the medication) Don’t let anybody tell you that the NHS is not up to the job. Food was delicious, and I tried to book a stay again in the second week of July, but they were having none of it and said I would have to have another heart attack, so I’m working on it with this MacDonalds…Only joking!
I arrived home last night with more medication that you find on an average size pharmacy shelf, some of which I will take, and some I won’t. I’ll book an appointment with my GP tomorrow so I can discuss my medication needs, and tell her what I will and will not take…That should be interesting!
Thanks Conradd for the heads up on Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing.…I already have been a regular watcher of the programme and I just love the banter and their attitude to life after heart surgery, I might even knock running on the head in favour of fishing…But let’s not be too hasty… :nerd_face:


Hey Bob I’ve not been online for a while and was sad to hear the news that you were in hospital, it was mentioned in a different thread but there were no details so I was very relieved when I came across this one.
Great to hear things are going to plan and you’re at home again. To most people I’d say keep your chin up but you have a very positive attitude and I think that’s going to pay dividends in your recovery. If you do start to feel down ( which is very common after having a gripper) please shout up because everybody here will rooting for you. Get well soon buddy.


Cheers Ralph. Something like this makes you realise which are the important things in life, and it’s the people who care about you, and the things that happen in your little corner of the world. Having the support of all my forum friends has certainly been a big help in getting me through this… :+1:


Hope your recovery continues well, Bob. Take care.


Good to know you had great care and are feeling better OGF! Looking forward to your thread on the reality of the NHS vs MSM political spin OGF :wink: x


Ive been looking after my sister again in Surrey and am now home after a 3 hr journey early this morning . I have been missing posts and didnt know . Im sorry to hear this Foxy but i now see your recovering well . What a shock for you and us all . Wishing you a speedy recovery . :pray:


Excellent news you are back home again Bob. Build yourself back up gradually, no more trying to beat time records, be content with what you are able to accomplish. :grinning:

It’s good to know you were treated well foodwise in hospital, full marks to the NHS for everything they do.


The best cure is always your own bed, your own family, and your own meals.

For now, take care of that heart muscle and enjoy the binge watching.

While the food and view were apparently good, I’d rather you next review come from a cruise ship!

Take care! :039:


Like myself, Bob had the benefit of the NHS. I did also and from from the same hospitably a few years earlier and with the same excellence results.