Bob (old grey fox) is recovering from a heart attack

Glad you are home and on the road to recovery - now for once in your life listen to Mrs. Fox and take it easy


How did I miss this?
I’m shocked, but relieved you are ok
All the best x


welcome back to the land of threads and postings, good to see you


Sorry about the late reply.
Sorry to hear about heart attack.
Glad to hear your on your way back to recovery.
Take it easy, do what the doctors tell you and take care of yourself.


How are you feeling OGF? Please keep posting to make sure we know you’re doing ok.


Sorry Annie, came out of hospital and two days later developed a nasty head cold that’s made me feel crap and grumpy (more so than usual) so haven’t felt much like communication.
The good news is…After dosing myself up with hot lemon last night I felt a whole lot better this morning, and with the sun shining through the window coaxing me out, I walked a mile round the block. Only steady mind… :018:
And I’m not taking those statins…No Way!


Maybe have another think about taking up that fishing Foxy!
Maybe Mrs Fox will let you keep your box of maggots in the fridge?
Do keep the lid on tightly…I speak from experience! :wink:


Sorry about the bug but glad you are feeling better. Following on from Chilli’s post, I’m not sure Mrs Fox would be too happy about maggots in the fridge. They may accidentally end up in your sandwiches…


It may surprise you both to know that I was actually a keen angler in my younger day, but that was before anyone had a fridge, so I kept the maggots and lug worms on the cool shelf in the pantry… :astonished:
I used to cycle the ten miles or so to the river Torne where I fished for Perch, Roach and Pike. But I enjoyed the ten mile cycle ride more than the sitting on a riverbank so I decided to cut out the middle man and just go cycling… :biking_man:…It was easier without the ten foot Spanish reed rod sticking out of the front and a bag of worms on my back…


Plus your fingers don’t stink and you can eat your sandwich’s without having to worry :smiley: