I haven’t got any Grandkids, officially, any way, unofficially is another story. So nothing to talk or brag about here.
[quote]In case you hadn’t noticed, this is a forum where people share all sorts of things.
Those that do not wish to participate need not do so; it is not compulsory.
That is why some threads are extremely popular and others are not.
For example I don’t like word games so I avoid those, just like anybody else can avoid what they personally dislike.
What I don’t do is try to stop anybody else from enjying those word games, or devote a thread to saying what a bore I think they are because that is just bad manners.[/quote]
Why don’t you wind your neck in as I started this thread you don’t have read it so take your own advice .
Don’t .
Muddy I am happy to hear about a child that I know, providing the grannie doesn’t keep telling me more,. If she does I use some excuse to escape!
On here you don’t have to read what they say, but in real life I wouldn’t want to hear hear how wonderful their grandchild is if I don’t know them, apart from saying the obligatory " they have done very well"
Twink I was not making any comment on anyone’s grandchildren here . I ignore all that sort of guffsee below
The members on here were very happy when I shared that my son bought me a new car, I was so excited I wanted to share it.
Each to their own Muddy, I loving reading what members share, I wouldn’t dream of spoiling a thread that brought some members great joy and happiness, I don’t see many people, my son doesn’t usually finish work until midnight, so this is my happy place where I love to share and also listen to others sharing, I don’t have a husband and get quite lonely at times.
I had a ‘friend’, ex next door neighbour, who moved away but still kept in touch. She would send me a letter, sometimes only once a year, telling me about her children’s children, how they were doing etc. in a round robin that went to all her family & friends. Now that was boring as I hadn’t seen her kids since they were little, never mind meeting their spouses & kids. It was pointless to me. Eventually the letters stopped. Thank goodness.
Is someone spoiling someone’s thread ?
This is my thread or at least I started it all boasting grannies can quite happily boast as much as they like I won’t be reading their threads .
Out of curiosity if you don’t read those threads, why moan about them, which you have done constantly on this thread, I’m just trying to understand where you are coming from that is all?
I am not moaning about any threads i didn’t even know there was a thread on boasting grannies
I started a topic…
What is there to understand ?
I could have started a topic on other people who annoy me ie those who don’t pooper scoop after their dogs but I didn’t .
There are any amount of topics that I could or could not have started but I didn’t .
No need to understand anything .
I think you need a hug Muddy,
Probably intolerant of them too.
Pauline I thought it was nice when you told us about your car & a place like this is good to share news , especially at times when we are alone with nobody to share the joy .
We are all different and I just feel Muddy had her own reasons for disliking boasting grandparents. When you are at a social gathering some grandparents can go OTT & I am sure that many people would get bored when escape isn’t easy.
No where has the OP mentioned about reading ‘those threads’ on this forum at all, her wording was ‘hearing’, which doesn’t involve this forum at all. I have a neighbour who used to stop me when out and used chat for half an hour or more about her grandchildren and I couldn’t get a word in! I used to avoid her especially when I was in a hurry.
I think you misunderstood what I meant and personally cant be bothered explaining, …I’m not looking for a fight,
I didn’t explain what I meant properly ,I see that now.
No, I don’t think I misunderstood it.
As I said ,I didn’t explain it properly, and don’t want to stir things up,
I also love hearing about parents children and grandchildren ,some people have no one to share with! not constantly though, if I have time then I will listen.
If we all shared and listened to each other it would be a much happier world,imo.spread love not discord.
I can understand that.
What I cannot understand is then equating that with every single parent and grandparent that talks about their children as being “boasting” and “boring”.
Doesn’t equate at all . Not every grandparent does brag about their grandchildren .
As I have said before: when does talking about something become bragging?
Surely that depends upon your own perception so that you think of something as bragging but the person next to you also listening might see it instead as interesting and worthy of sharing.