Boasting parents / grandparents

Are such a bore .


And such a delight :two_hearts:the little ones I mean


Oh dear, Muddy - what has happened?

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LOL - some are - some of the time!

I’m afraid you’d think me very boring if I even had grandchildren, something I wish I woukd be blessed with. Id be a bragging gran for sure


Nothing has happened I just get fed up of listening to people boasting about their grandchildren .
Most people are totally uninterested in other peoples grandchildren


I rarely mention my grandsons to anyone because I don’t want to hear about other people’s grandchildren - or their children if it comes to that. It doesn’t mean I am any the less proud of my children and grandchildren though.


Well, having just become a grandmother for the first time, this week, I shall remember and keep my mouth shut about the little cutie pie…oops! :zipper_mouth_face:


Absolutely not!

Tell me everything!!!


I wants to hear and see the blessings


Congratulations :tada: Pixie!
Way to go. I’m so happy for you.
Boy or girl?
How much does he/she weigh?
Is their a name picked out? ( not asking for this personal info )
Have you seen this child yet?

I say brag away. Parents and grandparents have earned the right to brag about their children and grandchildren. People who don’t like it don’t have to read or listen. I happen to enjoy listening to others talking about things they enjoy and I get fed up with those who try snd guilt others out for being happy and sharing their source of happiness.

I mean, heaven forbid that members share their joy with others? Some people brag about their family. That’s their joy.

Some people brag about their art. That’s their joy. We all have different passions which is perfectly normal. We aren’t all the same.

People are strange. It’s like sharing anything positive is considered bragging yet b*tching and complaining seems to have become the norm that’s perfectly acceptable. Humans are strange.


I don’t have any grandchildren but im such a braggart where mt my fur kid is concerned lol


Well everyone knows i have the most impressive wonderful faultless grandkids in the whole wide world…so there :slight_smile:


There’s a world of difference between talking about your children or grandchildren and actually bragging about them. I could, for example, tell you how much my daughter is really enjoying her new job. Or I could tell you, instead, that I’m so proud of my daughter for being one of only 6 shortlisted out of 200 applicants, and she’s doing so well that already there’s talk of promotion and I just know she’s going to go right to the top. Now that is bragging. Just saying she’s enjoying her new job is not. (Neither scenario has a grain of truth, by the way).

I cannot stand bragging, and I see a fair bit of it on Facebook, but I love to hear about the joy people have from their families, funny anecdotes about their grandchildren and so on.


Not sure how dropping sprogs (or having sprogs who drop sprogs) earns any sort of rights.

I love seeing peoples art works and craft project here. Certainly don’t think they are bragging about it. Seeing their projects (specially @Muddy’s beautiful dog and horse pictures) gives me a great deal of pleasure and joy, far more than a list of kids and grandkids achievements


When does sharing something become bragging?
Does it depend upon whether you like what you see or not?
From people’s gardens to things people have made there are many things discussed and on display in this forum but rarely do I see anything that I personally would consider to be “bragging”.
People are still free to choose what they personally can and can’t enjoy and IMHO so long as what people enjoy is within the law, attempted censorship by others is unnecessary.
If people don’t like it, they should just move on.


No problem here in those regards either . In fact our girls are spoiled rotten and we are really proud of that fact and most certainly don’t apologize for it. If others don’t like it. Too bad.

You’ll hate me then. :joy::face_with_spiral_eyes:lol

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I am always talking about my son to friends as they do to me about their children, it’s called sharing, I love hearing how well their children have done, if I saw my grandchildren I would be talking about them as well.

I have seen pictures of them on FB…and they are beautiful, my middle son is the image of me!..:heartpulse:

He was the image of Chesney Hawkes when young and had many girls knocking on my door,:heartpulse:

Also asked to do modelling, he turned it down, that was my middle son.


I agree. In fact, I love reading optimistic posts where members are sharing something that’s important to them. Showing something and being proud of it is attractive to me. Maybe others get upset but I rejoice in others joy. I don’t ever put them down for doing so. It’s inspiring and uplifting. It sure as heck beats reading about others complaints and such.


In my opinion, cause apparently I’m allowed to have one, grandparents and parents have earned a right to brag about their kids. They’ve raised and supported them. I think anyone who puts effort into anything has a right to be proud and talk about it and nobody can convince me otherwise.

I’m an artist also. Viewing other members artwork is one of my favourite things to do.
You totally missed my point.
People share what they are personally invested in. They share their joys and passions. They share their personal preferences. We don’t all have to equally feel the same amount of joy while others share BUT I don’t think there is any reason to criticize them either. THAT is my basic point.

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