Boasting parents / grandparents

Muddy, l think l have to agree with you. If l am with a group of women and they start talking excessively about their children, grandchildren, about clothes and shopping, l just want to yawn and go to sleep!
I know they are proud and want to tell the world how great and clever they are… but Sorry, It’s all too mundane for me.


When they corner you and you have to listen to them :slight_smile:

If every ones offspring and offspring’s offspring are doing so good, how come there are so many problems in the world? :smiley:

I tend to agree with Muddy and Artangel.
A lady who used to keep her horses at my place had 3 children, but she never boasted about their achievements, she would let them tell me themselves, if they wanted to.
I have no objection if somebody I know says " My daughter/son…
got into University
won a painting competition
has been selected to play fo the school football team"
but I don’t want to hear the full story of how they did it… and would ask if I did!
What is really sad is that parents who boast about their children eventually make people less interested in the child. I have nieces, nephews & friends children in my life & I am happy with those relationships … so why should I bother to seek others approval?

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If being Proud and wanting to share a family member’s achievement, is boasting…Maybe the accusation of boasting comes from jealousy.

But I understand again and again same old blah blah blah can be irritating


Well it maybe but it’s more likely annoyance stuffing your smarty pants grandchildren down the throats of others is annoying .I know a lady who does this all the time and worse brings her grandchildren on visits with her lauding their accomplishments.They are only small and quite irritating after a while and she wonders why people don’t encourage her visits …….

I’m pretty sure that nobody forces you to listen to them and there are always options, as in you could always either ignore them or even tell them that you do not like them “cornering” you.

I can understand that maybe if it happens a lot or if you have a short fuse it can get annoying but that is no different to people that do exactly the same thing about countless other things such as their garden, their job, or the hobby that they enjoy.
Surely though it only becomes irritating to those that don’t like what they’re being shown because they are intolerant of others?


Zaphod quote

Surely though it only becomes irritating to those that don’t like what they’re being shown because they are intolerant of others?

Or just intolerant of the topic having heard/seen it time and time again.

I don’t stuff grandchildren or my garden or hobby down anyone’s throat . It strikes me that people who go on an on about their grandchildren have very little in their lives and have nothing else to talk about .
Yes I am fairly intolerant of gushing grannies .

I think we are all well aware of your intolerance of bragging parents and grandparents, :joy:

Hopefully next year my son will be buying me a two bedroom bungalow, he’s had huge promotion, sorry but I’m so proud of my sons!!..:smiley:


Well don’t go bragging about it before it happens , chickens and eggs comes to mind .

I always say to him “ God willing” :pray:…we never know what’s round the corner.


That’s fantastic Pix and I’m sure much joy will be shared for years to come. Mine range from 27 right down to 13 and I’m proud of them all.


Thank you LD. I’m hoping to visit in October, and I shall be sure to regale you all with stories of baby babblings and dribble! :joy:


Muddy, do you think you ever brag?

Just asking?..I’ve got my tin helmet on, a bit off topic,:joy:

No I don’t because my parents brought me up rightly or wrongly to believe it was bad form .
bragging about your grandchildren is sort of basking in reflected glory ….

Bragging to me means, bragging about oneself and their own achievements constantly, I don’t believe sharing about your children or grandchildren is bragging , I certainly wouldn’t constantly talk about my son, but I think sharing about them is lovely, like pixie had a new grandchild how wonderful is that, I’d be on here in an instant if my sons girlfriend was pregnant even, this community is all about sharing with each other imo.


Spot on P3! Not much point in being a member hanging back and too grumpy to share.


Why on Earth should anyone possibly be interested ?
Women get pregnant everyday it’s not earth shattering news .
No one here knows your son much less his girlfriend .

In case you hadn’t noticed, this is a forum where people share all sorts of things.
Those that do not wish to participate need not do so; it is not compulsory.
That is why some threads are extremely popular and others are not.
For example I don’t like word games so I avoid those, just like anybody else can avoid what they personally dislike.
What I don’t do is try to stop anybody else from enjoying those word games, or devote a thread to saying what a bore I think they are because that is just bad manners.