Bit of a fright this morning

What a mess Julie sending you all lots of love :lol:

I second every word. X

Hello Julie - good wishes to you x

Julie … I bet you’ll be glad when this horrible saga is over and you can get back to living your life in peace.

And what a wonderful idea! A papoose.

Hugs to Betty, Elsie and you … XX

Poor Elsie having to be in a cone - I know they are necessary sometimes - but most animals hate them. Well done to Betty for removing her sutures - it is amazing how they know exactly when to do that, isn’t it? I hope your antibiotics are working better for you now and that your leg continues to improve.

What a horrid experience for Nathan - thank goodness he had witnesses who were able (and willing) to speak up for him. That couple sound really evil, I hope steps are taken to make sure they never have another dog.

Is it known what has happened to their dog?

I believe it’s been seized and in kennels, it was at the MILs house and they found it because their neighbours complained it was out of control.

Cones off all stitches are out and we seem all to be healing. Just the mental scars to address because Elsie is definitely not happy if I take her out but will happily go with Nate and Steven. Have booked a behaviourist to come and see us end of the week to see if they have any ideas to help her.

Elsie associates the event with you Julie, understandable
She may also be picking up on your vibes being concerned for her x

Glad to hear the physical wounds are healing well. I hope the behaviourist can help, well worth trying.

I’m so glad you are all on the mend. Give Elsie some time and her confidence with you will come back.

How is Elsie now, Julie?

Just back from 2 weeks at the caravan where she had a great time, beach was her favourite and a gentle wander round the caravan site after her evening meal, she loved every minute. Came home and she was a shaking leaf again coming back up the path into the flats :frowning: but she has proved getting away from where it happened she does settle down and enjoy herself again so I will persevere and take her out in the car away from the flats as much as I can.

If she is still that upset Julie, have you considered getting her help from a good behaviourist to help her overcome this?

Ringing the vet Monday to ask for his list - he keeps a list of recommended people for all sorts of problems he was hoping two weeks away would mend her mind (as he put it) but she is a nervy dog at best of times so this hasn’t happened. Betty teeny tiny Betty is feistier after it all ready to do battle if needed but Elsie is less of a fighter generally.

Hope you don’t mind me saying, but try and ensure they are members of the apdc. They don’t come cheap, but maybe insurance would cover it?
Link below if you want to have a read.

Good luck.

Thanks Mups when we had problems with Duncan we found it more important the person actually understood and liked dogs than anything else, will certainly try to find a qualified person but IME diplomas don’t guarantee a love of dogs.


I agree, but that diploma should show they have sufficient knowledge and are properly trained. Sadly, some people still do not teach with the gentler reward-based methods unfortunately, and still prefer the ‘dominant’ approach, which could push Elsie backwards.
The APDC lady I know has been doing it for 10 years, plus was a veterinary nurse for 20 years before that, and is absolutely super. I hope you are lucky finding a good one.

Yes you are right will look into it.

They usually work through veterinary referrals anyway Julie, so perhaps your vet will have a leaflet about them. At least if she is no good, he/she has a professional body behind them you can complain to.
Poor Elsie, it must be awful living in fear of going out the door even. I can imagine how I would feel!

She was fine at the van but as my husband just pointed out I was relaxed and happy too so she wasn’t picking up on my nerves. I am off to the GP myself as my nerves are shot by this having panic attacks this morning just going up the road to get some milk. Haven’t had that problem in over 10 years ! Stupid as I know the dog is not here but it’s just left me a wreck around the flats.