Bit of a fright this morning

Panic attacks are really horrible aren’t they. They happened to me about 14 years ago when I was going through a particularly difficult divorce.
I didn’t know what was wrong at first, you don’t if you’ve never experienced them before, do you. My doc sorted me out though, and hopefully I will never be in that position again.
Good luck at the Vets and the GP.

Indeed they are horrible first one I had I did think it was a heart attack, but thankfully not.

Hi Julie, and welcome back from holiday. Hope you are ok now.

So sorry Julie there are nasty ones about I blame the owners , I do hope
You get this sorted out and all is calm again.
Glad you reported it as they can’t let this happen again. Your poor doggies
Bless them !! Must be traumatic . X

Panic attacks are very frightening indeed Julie, look after yourself too as well as your doggies.

I really hope that something gets sorted on these dog owners.

Thinking of you and sweet Elsie and Betty