Assisted suicide ! The right/to Die

Hm, why did you involve “god” then? Anyway, that is not important. There are different opinions about “who decides” in this thread. Mine is that it is everybodies own decision, independent of somebody else judging ones medical situation.


My best friend Rosi got ill before one Xmas and she ended up in The Royal London Hospital but lived in Hastings…away from friends and family. I have her last few letters and the sadness is still unbearable. the last one Dated 16th February 2006.
She suffered so so much. Even though she was on Morphine the dose was for pain nothing else.
I feel if you read this from someone that is dying and without any real help as she went home to Hastings as was her wish. She was nursed by our 3rd shared friend who was a fully trained medical carer…Her love for Rosi and her expertise is without question but Rosi was never really alive again but she lingered for many weeks…She slept over 23 hours each day. woke and soon fell asleep again. She would have asked if she was able…my time has now come so please help me die in peace.

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I am the sure the world turned out for her Funeral.

I will always support assisted dying even the flaws that are inevitable.


You are in UK - I dont know sure what the rules are there.

here in Australia though - no, somebody couldn’t just give whatever dose they liked as all ampoules are strictly recorded in all settings.
Or at least couldnt without it being known that they did and obvious repercussions of that.

sure, people could over dose on some things - but that is nothing new, suicide by overdose happens now and is not illegal.

What is illegal is helping someone else to do it or doing it for them.

Medical assisted death (suicide) is legal in eleven states here. I vote we people go - call it what you like. We’ve been letting people slip out of suffering with morphine for a century and it is the kindest way out imaginable. My dad signed his own release (suffocating with lung fibrosis caused by Amiodarone), so technically suicide, and we (their three kids) made the same decision to let my mom go when she had a brain bleed from a fall. For her, morphine put her in the fast lane to let go.

My mother never knew what hit her (the floor - she would think that funny :laughing:) and my dad was suffering horribly. There was absolutely no reason to prolong their lives one more day. Either way, it was a blessing that they had doctors who quietly wrote the orders. Thank God or scientists, or whomever worth thanking that we had the option.


Since reading the posts on this thread it has made me seriously reconsider my decision to leave things as they are, and in a civilised world, assisted suicide seems to be the most humane way to deal with terminal illness and for those in intense pain and suffering who are just waiting for the end…
Surfermom… :hugs: How the hell are you?


That is my reason for Posting a very Personal Letter from Rossi, she slept her last days and even that seemed so cruel to us.
You cannot watch over somebody die like that…,Peace is what people need. Sleeping is still fraught with your nightmares.
When I was on life support I had the horrors of nightmares and then when I woke the nightmares continued for many days…I would see a staff member and I saw they wanted to put me on what was like a huge furness it was the scariest time of my life…Then I thought I was on a ship crashing against the cliffs and being attached by savages with axes…hallucinations bought on by the drugs they give you to try and save your life…


So sorry you had to endure that, but thank you for sharing your perspective, and I am glad you are ok. Do you think the nightmares were caused by medication or the trauma of what your body was experiencing?

Aaah, the satisfaction of a forum - challenging ourselves to consider things in new perspectives :+1:.

I am the hell, ok OGF :rofl:. The universe has had me on assignment, so it’s lovely to be back :sunglasses:


Side effects of the Medication 100%…

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Also I had a huge upset with a top Consultant Sept 2021… and that was a shock as nobody had ever talked to me the way he did and tbh his secretary was his side kick…
I had nightmare most days until about two months ago…some things you have no control over…unless you stay awake… :yawning_face:

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Glad to hear it Surfermom, and it’s beyond my wildest dreams to have you back… :hugs:
Perhaps keep me on the straight and narrow, I was getting a bit unruly… :nerd_face:

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Isn’t that all the more reason to have checks and balances in a legal framework so it can happen but can’t be abused?

Checks and balances are more likely to ensure it will be abused Bruce. Once it’s made legal there are many ways to circumnavigate the law and the rules. At least now it’s black and white and the taking of someones life for whatever reason is illegal, but it still happens.
However, under certain circumstances I believe that it should be possible to end the pain but I don’t know how that could be done without changing the law. In the end though, it’s not my decision and It never will be. The establishment will carry on changing the law and making decisions on my behalf without my approval.

We have checks and balances on all sorts of things now - saying that makes it more likely to be abused doesn’t make sense, that isnt how anything works

I think you must be so naive not to think that rules will never be broken and checks not circumnavigated. If that were the case there would be no fraud or criminal activity…

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I do agree with it, provided the person who wants it, is fully clear about what it entails and they aren’t being coerced into it.


I didnt say that.

by that logic you would have no rules about anything because people might circumnavigate them

That is a good argument for making sure checks and controls are tight and are monitored (which nobody is arguing against) - not for not having something at all.


France is pushing forward now to allow assisted dying…strict conditions would be in place.

Macron announces bill allowing ‘aid in dying,’ under ‘strict conditions’

In an interview with two newspapers, President Emmanuel Macron announced legislation to allow eligible patients to administer a lethal product, alone or with assistance.

Le Monde with AFP

Published on March 10, 2024, at 7:17 pm (Paris), updated on March 10, 2024, at 7:52 pm

1 min read

France’s President Emmanuel Macron said a bill on assisted dying would go before parliament in May, speaking in an interview published Sunday, March 10.

Only adults with full control of their judgment, suffering an incurable and life-threatening illness in the short- to medium-term and whose pain cannot be relieved will be able to “ask to be helped to die,” Macron told newspapers La Croix and [Libération](

Minors and patients suffering from psychiatric or neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s will not be eligible, he said.

It’s not logic July, it’s a fact…How about Dr Howard Shipman? and lots of others just in the medical profession. Policemen who have murdered and raped victims. Airline pilots who commit suicide with a plane load of passengers…The list is endless. How do you stop the odd person slipping through your net of checks and controls July? All I’m saying is, checks and controls will not stop the occasional greedy family member from apparently abiding by the law and fixing it for the wealthy uncle Stan to be put to sleep…? Except it will be legal.

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No it wouldn’t. Murder is still murder.

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