Any Trekkies here?

Haven’t seen it yet. Thanks. It’s on the list now.

I didn’t realize there was so much Star Trek and related stuff that I missed.

Not really, the baby story was part of an alternative timeline where Trip and T’Pol got married.

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Okay, I Admit it. I’m a bit of a sad bastard (nerd). :smiley:


Janeway…loved her as Captain! :+1: Star Trek Voyager…

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Looks fun! Thanks!

Nerds are the best!

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Not a fan of Star Trek though I very much enjoyed Red Dwarf and to a lesser extent Blake’s 7. I enjoyed the reincarnation of Lost in Space too.

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Blakes Seven was my favourite…the wobbly sets were hilarious still loved it though :slight_smile:


I’m well into Star Trek and I’m a bit of an expert because my boys were big fans in their teens, I think I’ve seen ‘em all

I enjoyed seeing some old faces turn up in Picard!

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So, Star Trek sexy babe comp….

Seven of Nine or T’pol?

Was that the one with Metal Mickey the robot?

Yes - hilarious!

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I am sure she is Katherine Hepburn’s love child! She looks like her, speaks like her, and has spookily similar mannerisms!


Now you have mentioned that, Tabby…I will never unthink that! :joy:


Katherine Hepburn


Kate Mulgrew (Janaway)



I love Star Trek and it’s offshoots.

The only thing I found a bit irritating is how most tend to end up having a massive (existential) war with someone…It’s as though they ran out of ideas and thought that the best way to wrap it all up is to revert to form.


Well, they are explorers really, not warriors. So maybe you could rewrite the ending and have them discovering a lovely planet and settling down to raise families with whoever their first contact is with :joy: I think Janeway and Chakotay did a similar thing in some dreamscape time travel adventure?


Why does everything have to end up being a war?

I dunno? because that’s what everyone remembers? Little House on the Prairie & The Waltons have been done already, so…a bit of drama gets the folk watching!

Yes we’re all Star Trekkies. Watched the original, liked the one with the Tribbles. TNG, DSN, Voyager, Enterprise and Picard.At first we only had Amazon Prime to watch The Grand Tour but now can watch Picard and The Expance. The Expance is great.
Got the films of the original Star Trek.
Got all the series of TNG and voyager on DVD.

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