Anti-vaxxers alternative scenario

That’s exactly why there is such bother …
On the one hand Boris has the medical ‘boffins’ advising him, who might not live in the real world but are primarily, and some might say, solely, concerned with the nations health.
On the other hand you have the Chancellor and industrialists and business leaders who are concerned with the damage to the economy, or dare I say, their own vested interests in pharmaceutical company shares, perhaps at the expense of the nations health.

This is why we need a decisive chap like Boris at the helm … yes, I know, my tongue was stuck firmly in my cheek as I typed that.
I should have said Carrie instead.

Since when do accountants believe in conspiracy theories?! Perhaps you mean bookkeepers?

Well I agree scot, no one on the forum knows sod all about vaccines or viruses including me. But are you saying that Chris Whitty is the only scientist in the whole world that has the correct theory? There are lots of well respected scientists and virologists who disagree with Chris Whitty. Why don’t we hear from them?

Name some .

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You know, this is quite a nice diversion for a dull day.


Morti count yourself lucky having a dull day. All family dramarama here!

@AnnieS … broken presents already huh?

probably because the entire scientific community thinks they are nuts.


if only lol. More like broken humans - not so easy to fix.


Mrs Fox has just brought my tea Muddy…

When did that ever stop anybody from pontificating about a subject Annie?

Vested interests and propensity to pontificate are likely correlated.

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Next time you and Mrs F are heading for McArthur Glen let me know - I’ll buy you both a coffee!

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Ain’t read back, but, I don’t think he has done the Knobing like his predecessor. :laughing:

It was from way back when Ronnie Barker wrote and started in a prison comedy, Porridge. One of the screws was referred to behind his back as a ‘charmless nerk’

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Didn’t know where to post this and didn’t want to start a new thread about it, but thought this was an interesting article, although long, regarding the doctor who said to Sajid Javid that he wasn’t going to take the vaccine:

Another interesting article:

Dr James claimed that ‘the science is not strong enough’ and that he didn’t need a vaccine because he had antibodies, showing he had acquired some ‘natural’ immunity through infection.

Meanwhile, the unvaccinated tennis star Novak Djokovic used a similar argument to get into Australia — claiming an exemption on the grounds that he had Covid in December and would, therefore, be protected by his antibodies.

The trouble with this argument is that, firstly, the unvaccinated and unboosted make up the majority of those in intensive care. And secondly, just because you have antibodies against a previous strain of Covid, that does not mean you are protected against catching, or spreading it to more vulnerable people such as patients with cancer or pregnant women.

A study published in December, by researchers from Imperial College London, concluded that the protection against Omicron, if you have had a prior Covid infection ‘may be as low as 19 per cent’. A course of vaccines — the double dose plus the booster — on the other hand, offers something like 75 per cent protection.

Why the difference? It appears that our immune systems are very good at learning from experience. The more often your immune system is challenged by a virus (or a vaccine, which is mimicking that virus), the better it gets at defending itself against it.

The first time your immune system encounters a virus it isn’t quite sure how to react and it takes time to start building an effective response. While that is happening, the virus is busy replicating, spreading and doing damage.

If you’re lucky, your immune system will spring into action and you will recover after a trivial illness. If you are unlucky, you end up in hospital, perhaps in intensive care. The idea of a vaccine is that your immune system gets the nudge to start working long before you are exposed to the real thing.

The reason for a second, and even third jab, is this amplifies and refines your immune response to protect you, and others, in the future.

Multiple exposures seems to be particularly effective at educating your T-cells, immune cells responsible for seeking out and killing dangerous viruses, and which are vital for conferring long-term immunity. T-cells also seem to be much better than antibodies at detecting and destroying new variants of Covid.

And this matters because one of the main reasons for getting vaccinated, as far as I’m concerned, is that by doing so you’re protecting others — particularly the vulnerable who cannot have a jab.

We know that people who are vaccinated carry a lower load of virus, and clear it faster from their bodies, so there is a much lower chance they will pass it on. Vaccines, of course, can have side-effects and are not 100 per cent effective. One of the criticisms of Covid vaccines is that, despite being triple jabbed, you can still get infected and become ill.

This is true, though you’re far less likely to get seriously ill than if you were completely unprotected. And there is the consolation that you may now have ‘super immunity’. In a study by the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research in Boston in the U.S., researchers tested the blood of people who’d caught Covid after being double vaccinated.

*They now had a 30-fold increase in levels of antibodies and a four-fold increase in levels of T-cells, compared with patients who had been vaccinated and who had not got Covid; which bodes well for future encounters with the virus.*emphasised text

Not interested when its not like for like. 18 months ago we had Alpha, then wasn’t it Delta, both were deadly with no medical answer, then, the big jab started, and the balance tipped, the residual anti vaxers are now facing Omicron, now all the risk and hard work has been done, so, still not interested, its not like for like.

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I think they should let the unvaccinated be if they do not want it. The alternative just makes people more anti all vaccines. Who is wrong and who is right - time will tell.

Yep AnnieS, its all about time, it always has been.