Another price increase

I’ve never even seen a 3 ltr size milk here? They are all either 1 ltr or 2 ltrs.
Anything bigger would not be practical for me.

Actually, the spring grass is growing fast now, that is why horses are more likely to get laminitis munching on the lush spring grass, but I do agree about the other costs you mentioned.
Poultry farmers are saying its not just the food costs gone sky high, but apparently even the egg cartons themselves have gone up.

It’s always seemed so wrong to me how many farm animals spend their whole lives inside now, never allowed to behave naturally, or run about, or see sunshine, pigs in particular.

I saw on tv last night that the food banks are having to cut the amounts down that they are able to give people now.
Partly because there are so many people wanting food now, and also because the donations themselves are getting less, presumably because people barely have enough for themselves even, let alone giiving surplus away to food banks.

@Mups , This coming winter is going to cause a lot of rethinking about
Maggie Thatcher’s ‘market rules all system’ l believe Mups!!
or we will find ourselves living in Charles Dickens England once again ??
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

Yes, I agree Donkey, it’s going to cause many problems and many will suffer.
I don’t want to think too far ahead. :frowning_face:

If one wants consistency of product both in terms of quality and quantity then you have to control everything about the environment and what they eat. Suppose the way to imagine it is to compare chickens, eggs and probably other animal based production to growing plants in huge greenhouses/polytunnels.

It’s a pity that humans haven’t managed to replicate the chemical processes involved so that we could grow meat which had absolutely no chance of being sentient. Maybe one day eh?

@Melgal70 , l disagree on your point about controlling the animals
environment Melgal, it is a widely known fact that free range eggs are
far superior to the battery produced product, and the same is true of the
meat of free range birds !
Beef is also better texture and taste if raised on mixed pasture and the same
goes for lamb or mutton !!
Wild fish taste better than farmed fish !!
The reason for keeping animals inside is purely for farmer convenience
and profit maximising ??
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:


@Donkeyman , don’t get me wrong and I agree with you about quality. But I was referring to consistent quantity of a lower quality which satiates the demand side of things and which can only be guaranteed if one controls the formation of the meat.

@Melgal70 , Oh, sorry, it seems we do agree after all Mel ?? :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I’m just about to eat me bacon sarnie now
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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How else do you propose feeding 8 billion people if not with intensive agriculture?

The UK cannot feed its own population even with intensive agriculture.

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Think its been mentioned before somewhere but UK farmland has less than a century before it will become so depleted in quality that it will be unable to grow foodstuffs.

Bet you can’t open a Four Pint container of Milk with them. :smiley:

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Once Art takes them out of that glass by her bed and dries them off with a towel, I think you’ll find that she can.

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Don’t they reckon one day in the future, we will all be living on dried, pelleted food like many animals are given?

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Wouldn’t surprise me, given the vitamin powders and other stuff that’s available now that people use to enhance themselves.

I guess that ultimately, diet/food is all just a chemical process anyway.

“Soylent Green” ! :open_mouth: :nauseated_face:

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@ Bruce, Wots that got to do wiv profits Brucy ??
Ozzy will be in the same boat as UK now that all your stuff is sold on
the world markets and you will have to pay the same as the rest of us for your
own stuff !!
Enjoy it while you can !!
Donkeyman! :+1::+1:

Perhaps this will be the natural culling of populations Bruce.

It will all be built over by then a barren concrete jungle.

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What a cheerful lot we are. :grinning:
And all I did was mention about the price of postage stamps!
Next thing I know, we’re all gonna run out of food and die. :flushed:

Now i have another theory. Its all sex’s fault.
If every time humans decided they wanted to procreate, if something bad or painful happened, eventually the majority would desist.
But what happens instead?
They have these mind blowing experiences, so keep repeating it!
Thats why the population has exploded over centuries and why we have too many mouths to feed.
Make it unpleasant and farmers will get their fields back again. Poultry and livestock will be able to live more naturally, midwives will be able to use bicycles again, and even postage stamps could come back down.
Mastermind are begging for me y’know. :rofl:

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