Another price increase

Remind me when Britain went metric? Wasn’t it in the 1960s?

What’s wrong with 2 litre and 3 litre bottles of milk?

Yes, I saw this on the news here tonight too, Pixie. But they said it would affect all dairy, not just milk. Butter and eggs are increasing too.
The farmers reckon their animal feed bill has quadrupled.

One thing I don’t understand though, is why have they not got ther cows out on grass? Why feed them expensive pelleted food? Is it because half the fields have been turned into motorways or housing estates now?

BTW, I noticed 4 pts of organic semi skimmed was £2. in the Co-op tonight.

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People were bedazzled by percentages when they should have been more worried about pounds shillings and pence.


Really very simple, grass does not grow well at this time of year.

Spring Grass and hay is vital, but fertilizer costs have shot up.

Milking requires electricity, which is much more expensive than last year.

Dairies need vast amounts of electricity to pasteurise and bottle the milk.

Diesel is at an all time high, so collection and delivery costs have risen.

It really is that simple.

It’s a bit like the Welsh language Bruce, some of us want to retain our heritage and identity.
Change is not always for the better.

They hold less so more are needed on the cold shelf to last the week.

We only buy litre bottles as use very little milk anyway .
Grown ups don’t need baby cows food :slight_smile:

What do you put on your cornflakes Muddy?

EH? three litres is 5.25 pints that’s more than 4 pints surely? Personally when I buy milk I just get one three litre container, it lasts me about 4 days. Two would last me over a week and I could get three on one shelf in the fridge door (I don’t though)

I dont eat cornflakes but if I have cereal at all I use oat milk .

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Probably written by Milk Marketing .

I was just wondering that most of these publications and dietary solutions are just advertising put about by people who want you to buy their products instead of the well established ones. And it turns out I was half correct. ‘PETA’ is PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS They are not really interested in your dietary needs, more of an animal protection society. I dare bet that they want you to become a vegan also…

Yes they are a animal protection group but it doesn’t mean that in theis case they are not right !
All these adults swigging milk .Yuk .

I am now feeling guilty that l buy 2.2721litres (4pints) of full fat whole milk (blue top) every week and drink the lot!
A nutritionist once told me that there is something in full fat milk that people in our age group need.

I have never broken a bone and my teeth are still good.

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I think it’s more a question of where you live Bruce, and how much milk you consume.
Our fridge is not large enough to accommodate such large quantities of milk, and because we visit the supermarket twice weekly, just a couple of two pinters will suffice. I usually buy the smaller bottles (two pints) because having a large bottle opened for a fortnight would probably send it on the turn before it was all used.
Although we buy petrol/diesel in litres, the old British pint is still very popular here, and I notice that while watching ‘Aussie Gold Hunters’ they still refer to the gold standard of ounces. I believe it is still used worldwide when dealing with gold. A litre of beer in a pub just doesn’t sound right…

But still considerably cheaper and more convenient than delivering it yourself.

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You just give it another name. Here it is a schooner or a midi of beer still based on the old imperial system 15oz or 10oz but now 425ml or 285ml. It’s not hard.

South Australia beer is even more complex they have a Schooner, 285ml, a pint, 425ml and an imperial pint 570ml.

For things like milk, petrol etc it makes no sense to hang on the stupid imperial system.

What makes it even more stupid is that the UK and the USA can’t agree on what is a pint or gallon so it is obviously time to abandon them for a measurement that everybody agrees on.

Nor have I ( except when I shut my finger in the garage door ) and the old gnashers are still going strong :slight_smile:

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3L containers are not available in my region. Also 4pts are just about the max weight my wife can easily lift from the refrigerator milk shelves. I brought a 6pt home once and she could not manage the weight with her wrist problems. When she is not in remission, it’s all she can do to manage a 2pt container and prefers me to deal with all of the milk pouring.