Anne Widdecombe says don't make cheese sandwiches if you can't afford the ingredients

Yes, you’re right but I’d have been safe, never watched it! :scream:

But if she was up for taking the dosh and the publicity she should have got treated like everyone else

Because it’s all about her thinking she’s better and entitled to privilege, isn’t it?

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AFAIK, it’s legs akimbo:


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I see you didn’t say it has nothing to do with Truss! :smiley:

When you say “very little” to do with Brexit, this implies that you agree it does have something to do with Brexit, just that we have a difference of opinion on the scale of impact of Brexit.

she isn’t someone I’d invite to a dinner party. A wine and cheese evening perhaps…

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how many years ago did this take place OGF?

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Time is relative, isn’t it?

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As long as Ann Widdecombe isn’t a relative :rofl::rofl:

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Who wants to be in a communal bathroom with cameras ?

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Nobody wants it, they put up with it for the money and the publicity

Ann Widdecombe took the money and the publicity but wangled her way out of the bathroom thing

Like I say, entitlement and privilege …. whatever situation they’re in

I bet she nicked all the cheese out the fridge as well :crazy_face::rofl:

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It was a condition of her going on to the programme they didn’t have to agree , no amount of money would tempt me to go on something like that but she’s a game old bird.

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and, for reasons best known to herself, desperate for fame and money, despite having no discernible talent, skill or charisma.

No more WEY for Anne Widdecombe just a build up of gas…

I couldn’t get my regular block of coloured mild cheddar today in my local. Completely out of stock.

Half size blocks at double the price were available but we’ve decided to wait, me and daughter will get done at another shop over the weekend. LOL, we’ll laugh all the way home…

I’ve the gammon and bread plus mustard and mayo just need the cheese for our Saturday toasties!


You know when you have hit rock bottom, when your cheese and onion sandwich becomes an onion sandwich :icon_sad: :icon_wink:

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Cheese is full of cholesterol anyway .

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I think as a general rule of thumb it’s unwise for people with plenty to lecture the poor on how to live within their means

Nobody knows how to do that better than those trying to do it, day in, day out and it’s patronising and offensive to think they do


Maybe but Anne Widdecombe isn’t what I would call super rich .

Anyway I like her she is a great supporter of animals and children’s charities and does a lot for them both here and overseas .


Indeed, she probably struggles to get by to keep her £5m bank balance up to date. Luckily, she’s got no dependants.

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So is all this bile just aimed at people who are white, have earned a bob or two, and been successful? Strikes me as a bit of jealousy…


I’m worth more than she is … :wink:

Well, in my case it’s contempt for a woman who is well off herself but has no empathy for people struggling

And despising a woman who thinks it’s OK to make light of it, making patronising, cruel comments and giving facile advice on things she’s got no experience off

And mistrusting a woman deliberately perpetuating the myth that if people are poor it’s their own fault and they don’t know how to budget/cook/work hard enough

And thinking she’s doing it to cover up the real causes of that poverty and who is really to blame, exploitation and social injustice and years of Nasty Party misrule

And suspecting she’s doing it for publicity, for her political career and to maintain her own privilege while supporting the chumocracy