Anne Widdecombe says don't make cheese sandwiches if you can't afford the ingredients

Anne Widdecombe has come off the fence on the affordability of the humble Cheese Sandwich to folks on a limited income, let her eat cake.

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I thought dinosaurs were extinct.


The Woman has lost the plot, if Cheese is off the menu for the common folk of this country, how the heck are we going to make Britain Grate again?


She’s gone off and curdled.


Let’s hope it isn’t spreading!


I think she was saying cut your cloth according to your width. The cheese just got in the way :slight_smile:


Ann Widdecombe :1.2m claiming unemployment benefit “I wouldn’t force people to pick fruit but I’d give them the option - either pick fruit or lose your benefits”

I believe that would be forcing people.
However there’s plenty of job vacancies that have remain unfilled, casualties for Brexit


Common sense. There are far too many people living beyond their means and have the latest mobile phones, leased luxury cars etc and then moan because they can’t afford to buy food.

If people are capable of working they should be working not scrounging off the tax payer. There is far too much entitlement from people these days.




Presumably you are referring to cheese-cloth. :grin:

Anyway, what’s wrong with my width? :astonished:

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Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width (TV Series 1967–1971) - IMDb

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lol it’s a meme.


Jeez, she’s a mad old bat, isn’t she?

But the likes of her and Rees-Moggs show exactly what they think of the plight of us peasants :rage:

Stuck up cow even insisted her own bathroom on Big Brother :rofl:


If you force people into jobs by withdrawing their benefits then that’s an open invitation to employers to pay low wages and offer poor terms and conditions

And being forced to take a badly paid job with poor conditions under threat of starvation is basically slave labour

And Tories would love to create a slave labour work force to serve their chumocracy

And in order to maintain that slave labour supply, they’ll crack down on the Trade Unions and protesting and remove the protection of EU rules on minimum wage, sick pay etc

It’s always old people, safe with their pensions and paid for houses who want to force young people into low paid jobs, isn’t it?

I say get the pensioners who got their state pension at 60 to pick the fruit, they owe the rest of us seven years labour :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I consider Anne Widdecombe to be sensible and trustworthy, and if she said it then she is making a good and valid point. I was unable to read the article in the Telegraph because they want me to subscribe
Huh! They probably took it out of context anyway like the media often do and some suckers take it all in

People should earn their right to eat, and if they can’t find a nice sit down job in a warm office then they should spend time helping their community or helping the farmer collect his crops. If I wanted some spending money of my own when I was not’ but a lad, I went in the fields and earnt some. It was bloody hard work I can tell you, and some of these nancy boys of today wouldn’t last two minutes. No time for buggering about on your smartphone in them days.


Are these better? There are way more and the negative commentary is piling up with every search I do.




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Fixed it for you


Even better

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The mad old bat has history:

  • Widdecombe famously left the Church of England and joined the Catholic church in 1992 - in protest at the decision to ordain female priests.
  • In 1996, Widdecombe, as prisons minister, defended the Government’s policy to shackle pregnant prisoners with handcuffs and chains when in hospital receiving prenatal care.
  • In 2019 Widdecombe defended the comments she made in a 2012 article that supported “gay conversion” therapy.
  • Widdecombe refused to apologise after using the term ‘golliwog’ in a WhatsApp group for Brexit Party activists in 2019.
  • Widdecombe branded a women’s pension age campaigner “self-indulgent and entitled” during a TV documentary.

As of February 2023, Widdecome’s net worth is £4.1 million.