Angela Rayner's lack of grammar

Why? What matters is substance, not presentation.

Presentation may matter at some point , thinking giddy heights of G7 and the like here.

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Absolutely not. Nothing more than a recent, trendy, political change.
I prefer the thousand year-old counties and see no reason to change them.
Yes, by all means introduce post codes.
Yes, if you must, divide Yorkshire into the Three Ridings simply because you can’t stand it being the largest county in the country.
But never try to dispose of our history, of which I am proud.

Me too JBR
I was born a Lancashire lass and I am not having any of that Cheshire rubbish :slight_smile:

Ah, but that depends upon where about in Lancashire you were born.
North of the River Mersey, and you’ll be OK.

Of course, it doesn’t really bother me too much. I’m more concerned about some of the neighbouring counties nicking parts of our Yorkshire.

Here you are. A REAL map of Lancashire and Cheshire. (Pre-government interference.)

When I was doing a childcare course we were told if the children were playing up and not listening we should lower the tone of our voice

It was supposed to sound more authoritative and is why children sometimes respond better to men discipline wise

By the end of a day in the playgroup we all sounded like Louis Armstrong

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If you’re really proud of your history then, surely, you’d like to go back to the hundreds:

Further to this post of Omah’s, I remembered this “lady” last night and I thought I would link (dated June 2016) one of her acts so you can hear how I would speak if I hadn’t deliberately lost my dialect and worked hard on my accent.

Reading some of the comments about Angela Rayner on here it strikes me that there are a number of potential recruits for “Les tricoteuses de la Guillotine" should the need ever arise.

Yes, I’m fully aware of the system of ‘hundreds’.
Nevertheless, perhaps you’d like to get out your magnifying glass and look closely at the Lancashire-Cheshire border on that map.
As I stated, it follows the River Mersey.

That was then.

Of course, you could go back to Brigantia:


Of no concern.
My interest is the past 1000 years and when the counties were created.

Yes, of course, we could go back further, perhaps to the early ice ages before there were any people to create boundaries of any description.
But we’d be straying off-topic, wouldn’t we?

That’s fine but if you had a responsible position like a Headteacher, a Barrister, a Consultant or a Pilot you wouldn’t turn up in your cargo pants and flip flops would you?

I will never forget the sight of Angela Rayner taking the knee with Kier Starmer in her bovver boots. She just seems to have no idea how to dress appropriately in different would think she might have caught on by now.

The second post in this thread went off-topic and contributions have strayed from the straight and narrow ever since 
 Who am I to blow against the wind?

Would I? Unless there was a strict dress code of course I would if I wanted to - which I probably would - why not? Times have changed greatly especially over the last few years. Headteachers DO go to schools in track suits and trainers and so company teachers.

I think she’s trying to take over from Diane Abbott’s position as Commons Clown.

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Gosh, that’s more like it! :sweat_smile:


I have turned up in worse than that.

There are times when you have to and times when the Court instructs you to appear straight away.

That is not disrespect at all, it is merely a reflection of the circumstances.

It makes no difference , the Judges are not to be conned, you have to have your reasons well thought out before you will get a Warrant or a Decision in your favour.

If you have not done everything right, you will lose.

One of the words that Hansard asked Angela Rayner if they could change was when she used the phrase “less people” instead of the “grammatically correct” alteration to “fewer people”

‘Struth! I knew exactly what she meant - Most folk would have understood that “less” means “fewer” - wouldn’t they?!