An unusual experience today at the cafe

well all I can add atm is " very provocative very provocative unless she is a native of Urghanstan were it is practiced frequently by all women from the ages between 18 - 55yrs!

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Is she a regular at the café Bretrick?
Next time you could sip on your coffee with two or three buttons undone and see what happens.


do you have those old type button up trouser fronts??

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: First time I have seen her.
I will be checking to make sure buttons are done up when I next visit. :sweat_smile:

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Can’t say I blame you :wink:

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you could try buttonless attire??

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An old boy in our village was out walking one day down a lonely lane. A young woman came out through a gap in the hedge and she was completely naked. She asked him if he wanted to come behind the hedge and have some fun! He was completely shocked and said no he didn’t want to and carried on walking. Just around the bend a car was parked up and as he walked past two men got out and relieved him of his very expensive camera and wallet. They pushed him to the ground, the girl reappeared and they all drove off.

He walked home and his neighbour rang the Police. The Police were hopeless, did nothing and asked him if he had been drinking!

I swear on my kids lives that is 100% true.


he was in what is called a ‘no win no win’ situation or to explain it another way “he was damned if he did and damned it he didnt” ? OR - it just wasn’t his day!

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Random free spirits round here are all in hibernation thankfully, no deliberation to be had, “Buttons” get away with yer :laughing:

I’d rather have buttons than zippers!!

What is your stance on Velcro?

well better than zips to some extent but the major set back is the noise - those ladies would hear you comin a mile off?

Most Ladies would not care either way :icon_wink:

See below :

" “Friendly” Bar Friends

If hooking up is part of your plans while visiting North Macedonia , North Macedonia, beware of the following scam. Two friendly girls (or guys) will make small talk and lead you to believe that there is mutual interest. They will then suggest to go for a drink and will invite you to join them to a bar nearby (which they are partners with). After a couple shots you will end up paying 5-10 times more. They will offer to chip in a small amount but if you don´t pay up, you will be escorted by the bar bodyguards to an ATM to withdraw enough cash to pay the bill. In order to avoid falling to this tourist scam in North Macedonia , there are a few things you can do. First, you can suggest the bar. Second, make sure to ask for the bar menu once you arrive so you can see the prices."

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thanks for that Annie hope you never got stung?

I read it as though the man she was with was totally ignoring her, so perhaps not so much ‘slapper’ than bored looking for anyone to chat to. I wasn’t there so can only surmise. Now if she were say 30 or so yrs younger, then perhaps I too would consider ‘slapper’ as a trial adjective/noun :wink: Now I’m wonder if she is into dogging :astonished::grin:

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Her friend was engrossed with his phone, so yes, she was being ignored.
Dogging? Please explain

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We need to know David’s take on this one! :icon_wink:

Ermm … in an open public forum? I shall choose my words carefully then :wink:

Copulation in a public place by two consenting over 16’s, usually in a car and often back-skuttle fashion :astonished::point_right::grin:

Fanny Farts Galore :icon_wink: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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