Acts of Kindness in this world

Surely it’s ok if we do it anonymously? :grin:

would advise going for a ride with him then he sounds a bit dolaleh??

I suppose as long as we don’t name names Gumbud… :sunglasses:

bugger you just mentioned my name fgs!

Ooooh, no…I am to independent to take him up on his offer, plus I only met him yesterday, he’s a complete stranger to me.

I just thought it was kind of him to offer to take me shopping.:slightly_smiling_face:

be careful my dear “wolves in sheeps clothings comes to mind?”

No Pauline, that’s a bit too forward for a complete stranger. Reg flag right away. Why would he do that when he can’t even recall your name?

Yesterday I witnessed something truly lovely. On the seafront advertising a bar that was friendly for families with children’s entertainments, there was a man dressed up as a White Mouse standing outside. He was waving to all the children/babies that went by as is his job of course but… as well as the children demanding photo’s with him, a Downs Syndrome lady came up and she was laughing with delight at the sight of him. She must have been in her early 40’s I guess. Well, this fellow spent so much time with her, hugging her, having photo’s done, giving her a small gift, he treated her like she was the only customer he ever had.
Many would say… oh this was his job but to me, with the amount of attention he paid to her, I feel he went the extra 5 miles with her. She possibly went home still very excited and happy and will talk about this experience for a long time to come maybe. He had made her trip complete and so this was a wonderful example of kindness I feel.




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Well, my mother did have her purse stolen from her by the accomplice of someone who was being ever so attentive and helpful in a shop. Has been known.

It would be nice to have a lovely story without twisting it into something horrible. Good things do happen in the world without any end motive, y’know.

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Yep. I know. Am sure that that fella who was going to offer pauline a lift to go shopping was no doubt genuine too. Didn’t stop some members pointing out the potential dangers when dealing with strangers. Perhaps you’d like to take them to task too, while you’re at it, in the principle of fairness and equality?

But, out of deference to you and foxy and indeed anyone else who thinks it is in bad taste, I’ve deleted my comment. Apologies if you got upset.

That was a situation in which we had some influence of the outcome @Purpledreams simply relayed a nice story.

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Yep, in which we assumed the outcome was equally as lovely.

Reminding people about the potential dangers of wolves in sheep’s clothing (or in this case possible a mouse outfit) is something we can have influence in too.

I cited my octogenarian (at the time) mother’s incident as an example.

I saw what you said before you deleted it,:wink:…it was a lovely act of kindness, but also see your point as well, Dex.

I had a knock on the door last night, I was upstairs so went and opened the bathroom window and said “ hello”…well it was my new neighbour Ian, quick thinking I said I was in the bath,…it was a fib but I have to safeguard myself…my card is here for you he said, well, what could I say, so I thanked him, he asked if he could put it through my letterbox, to which I said, of course, I think he is terribly lonely, I’m not that worried, because after all he is a neighbour…

I just worry that he may want a relationship, or maybe I am reading far to much into it?

Edit to add, he moved there about 4 months ago…i asked my neighbour Hannah and Janice this morning if he gave them a card,they said no…i personally thought he should have just posted it through the letterbox…instead of knocking on my door…as I say I may be reading to much into it…

Don’t delete anything on my account @Dextrous63 I’m not a mod, and neither did I find your comment offensive… :102: I never find anybody’s comments offensive…Just disappointing at times… :pleading_face:

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Why on earth would he want a relationship? He’s just moved in! He might not even be lonely…just introducing himself to the neighbours.

Our Dex has humour…his own…:joy::joy::joy:…quite harmless imo…but respect everyone sees things differently,:pray:

Well, if you and @PixieKnuckles thought it inappropriate and unwelcome, it seemed that removing it might prevent others getting the hump a bit. I apologise for my error in judgment, and have amended it as much as I can.

Thank you for your acts of kindness in pointing out the error of my ways on this subject.

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