47th President Trump

What you don’t seem to understand is that the Palestinians are not refugees, this is THEIR land that Israel has gradually been stealing since 1948.
Why should they be made to move out for Israel. Trump or any other ethnic cleanser.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This whole thing is a total disgrace, democracy out of the window and welcome to the eira of self gratification and conspiracy theories… :scream:


I didn’t, I merely stated a fact, America has previous experience of this when they moved the Indians off their land, that went well too.


I don’t think anyone does, including Netanyahu


What you post is the complete opposite of trying to understand. Now I know why you like Trump’s approach to things - don’t try to understand.

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USAid was set up by congressional order. How can it be shut down without congressional approval?

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As you don’t know history, let us be clear - most of the Palestinians in Gaza were cleared from the territory that is now Israel. An earlier ethnic cleansing. So Israel is well versed in such actions. They already know how to do it - without Trump’s help.
Quick question - whose army will point guns at them to get them to move out? American?
Welkom in den Hagg

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You don’t seem to understand that that was The kingdom of Judea. Do I need to explain that too.

Who is going make them to move out? UK

I would like to see where Trump or anyone else, besides that Palestinians, threatening ethnic cleansing in that area or anywhere else.

Those protest didn’t have much support. I’ve seen more people at a grand opening of McDonald’s.

The fact that was so conveniently overlooked. It was England and other Europeans that came to North America and started moving native Americans off their land. Not to mention South America, Australia Africa. So basically, the US just continued what was introduced by Europe.

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These are just more conspiracy theories people are making up in their minds

That’s a good question to ask your representative. Let us know what that person says.

I do know history. That was originally Jewish land. Bottom line. It does not matter if people can’t except that.

If I was to answer that, I would rule out Anyone in Europe.

No argument with that. Don’t care, It is not a case of who did it worse, it is not a competition - again, am merely pointing out facts.

Am waiting to see if Trump’s thought bubble means anything.

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Yes please do explain. What was the Kingdom of Judea? (if you can that is)

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Kingdom of Judah - Wikipedia

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This is now silly. To determine land ownership & right of dwelling by ancient history would mean:
The Moors (north African mulsims) should rule over most of Spain
The Vikings (Danish and Norwegians) should rule over the top two thirds of the UK, northern France and bits of central Europe
Persians (Iranians and Iraquis) should rule everything from Turkey across east for 5 time zones
Italians (Romans) should rule over all of Europe and bits of north Africa
Idiotic thinking. Casting back to thousands of years ago is no way to determine current land ownership. The kingdom of Judea is not an argument for anything


It is a good question. And not just for representatives but for the whole nation of the US. And if Musk can (with Trump’s endorsement) overturn this congressional order - which other orders will be overturned? What push back, if any, will happen?
I predicted that the DOGE set up will cut deep into social welfare payments. Some claimed that that won’t happen because much of the welfare system was implemented by congressional order, thus requiring congressional order to change it. Really? So confident now? Musk & Trump are going to make ordinary Americans suffer. But they will make the already rich even richer. Sort of mega rich, or is that maga rich?


Thank you for your honesty about being uninformed about the history of that area. As stated else wera, easy subject to look up.

Don’t need to it was answered in the comments after yours. :thinking: