47th President Trump

And let’s compare just this past week on Trump’s foolish moves. Blaming the last four years is another old and tiresome trick. Can Trump even own this without breaking his legs standing up and owning what he has done?

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1 Week? Meaningless in terms of trends, broader market analysis, etc.

1 Year :smiley: :+1:

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So its thanks America, you messed up your own economy & country over the last few decades so now you’ll screw over the rest of the world (many of whom share exactly the same problems). Ta. Nice friends, not.


School is in session.

No reason for other countries not to join us in adopting more responsible fiscal and soverignty-protective policies, and follow in kind to addresss 1mmigration, drug problems, debt problems, trade problems, domestic manufacturing, and so on. @OldGreyFox has the right idea. You either row in the storm, or you drown. From what I can see, this administration is not just paddling, they have the engines on at full speed.


True, but traitor Don had 4 worthless years from 2016 to 2020, there is nothing in his (traitor Don’s) resume to suggest it will get better, if anything , it’s down hill from here.


Up in Vermont a German female killed an ICE agent.

Perhaps you want to share the 50501 movement coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Tariffs may even be addressed, if Trump cares to watch. He does enjoy being front and center in the daily news.
February 5th, 50 states, 50 protests, one day . Each scheduled at the state capital building.
The protests are against the President and his actions during his first two weeks in the White House. He has issued a flurry of executive orders, fulfilling campaign promises such as clamping down on illegal immigration and pardoning people who took part in the January 6 Capitol riot.

These demonstrations are to “fight fascism” on February 5th. Americans are standing up for their rights of freedom. Information and starts times for this vary.

Stay tuned…to quote our Pres, “It’s going to be big. Really, really big.”

Fascists calling other fascist. They need to have ICE, DEA and all the other agencies out in force.

As I understand it Trump or Musk are making sweeping changes without the approval of Congress. Isn’t this against the law?


It is very unfair to label Elon Musk as a Nazi, he is not, everybody knows that Nazis made really good cars.

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Netanyahu’s speech is like a scene from The Godfather movie

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This misses the unique position the US in as the world’s largest economy and the most influential super-power. Other countries don’t have the economic might or the lack of fear of punishing actions by other countries. If you are a medium sized country, one that has been invaded (or close to invaded) in the recent past, one that sought security from future invasion from close relations and economic inter-dependence - then you’d think differently about how to address all the current common challenges.

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Worse was Trump’s idea for a Gaza riviera. An east med play ground for the rich. Genius - stop fighting by putting in 5-star hotels, cocktail bars and michelin starred restaurants. All you need to do is chuck out the 2 million people who live there. What’s a bit of ethnic cleansing when the outcome is a nice beach front cafe?


Trump was wanting to have other Arab countries to take some refugees.

They haven’t taken any since the start of the Palestine Israel conflict, they replied real quick about not wanting them.

Are they refugees? I thought they lived in Gaza, they are only homeless because Israel turned their homes into rubble.

They would merely be 1mmigrants to other Arab countries and you know how people feel about 1mmigrants don’t you?


This is how ethnic cleansing works. You, or your ally, bomb the proverbial out of a country’s towns and cities. You then point to everyone in tents, bombed out buildings or temporary accommodation. Look, you say, these poor people need to be sent somewhere safer (just ignore why its not safe).
Trump goes one step further. He says that the neighbouring countries are selfish to not take these poor, homeless people. Next step will be to simply force march all these people to somewhere “safer”. That is the tried and tested method of ethnic cleansing.
Then he builds a Trump hotel on their flattened houses. Its all about giving. Its called charity, honest. And no-one else could make this region safe again.


Oh, so your nation is now adopting political and economic victimhood - taking a passive approach rather than a proactive one?

That is not the approach I would take. You all are better than that.

I don’t know much about the proposed plan but it has some possibilities that would NOT include resettlement. As we know the vast majority of people in any place are good, decent people who want to just live their lives with some self-determination and safety. Gazans need help taking their country back after decades of voting for Hamas to head their government.

Put a long-range peacekeeping force in Gaza to establish stability and provide psychological capital to stimulate development. Invite but cap international investment and offer low-cost loans to allow Gazans to invest in land, rebuilding their homes, infrastructure, and business. Give Gazans permanent priority in hiring - both in recovery and new jobs created. If new concerns replace former homes or business, prior owners/lessors are promised a fair return on whatever business is replaced. Establish customized Marshall Plan protocols to develop stable trade, tourism, manufacturing, etc. No annexations; no deportations.

At least someone knows how to perform ethnic cleansing. :thinking:

Nope. Not from me. They made that bed let them sleep in it. Trying to make the aggressor in to the victim doesn’t work for me.

The world has seen what happens when countries are over run by supposed refugees. The other Arad countries have seen and dealt with Palestinians refugees before. They are not stupid, they don’t want to deal with the ungrateful people instigating problems in their own countries again.

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Missed the cause and effect clause. Don’t make the aggressor into the victim.

I have heard a saying every once and awhile, I think it goes like this “in for a penny, in for a pound”. Maybe I might be misunderstanding the message but I take it as, if you going to attack someone, you better be all-in or it can south real quick.

Thankful that USAID was shut down.