47th President Trump

I’m not picking on anyone, I’m doing what socialist hate. Facts

Trump is a crass boor and terribly unpresidential, whose behavior is what divided the party I 2016. I am appalled by the disrespect of the office that began with that smooth-brained Clinton and became atmospheric under Biden.

Wrong to claim this publicly this early - but he is right and that irks the heck out of people who don’t like him. Timing is everything and putting the cart before the horse lessen’s one’s credibility - and the President should know better.

Obviously, Trump is privy to information in briefings well before the public has it. As it turns out, he was correct about the attributes about the pilot whose name was not previously identified.

It is sad that the family of the female pilot, in their grief, held off releasing her identity so they could defend her credentials. Do you see what DEI does? It will leave people forever questioning this captain’s ability, despite her training and experience (no one is questioning the background of the other pilot or crew chief )- or at the other extreme, is that DEI has resulted in this family has losing precious family member -and caused the deaths of others because she was put in a position that when it mattered most, she did not do. It is a worthy discussion.

(BTW the in-house pilot has flown both the military and commercial flight patterns showed me immediately after the crash that the helicopter was on the wrong flight path. Someone would have immediately pointed that out to the President too.)

Loose lips sink ships.


To me, it doesn’t really matter who was flying. S**t happens. But if people want to make a big deal out of a statement, I will be happy to play the devil’s advocate. Is sad what happened and over with. The important thing is how it fix it, so it doesn’t happen again.

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Agreed. No training flights should be conducted in that flight area and I will bet you a cup of coffee that they close runway 33 to commercial aircraft.


Please stick to the debate, that post belongs in the “Experts” thread :icon_wink:


Seems to me having read several posts that Robin is well versed in his own country issues. But I do wonder about his knowledge outside the USA.
From what I gather most of the news broadcasts on the TV in the USA are about what is happening over there and very little on what is going on in the rest of the world, apart from the politgical/religious wars.
Large countries tend to be like this more concerned about themselves than anywhere else.
Maybe they were particular items on youtube - tic tox etc ,but a lot of people interviewed didn’t even know what country was above or below the USA. Many seemed to believe London WAS the the UK not just the capital of England.this is just one example of oh so many I have watched.
This make me left in amazement on lack of education in USA schools

Tulsi in this clip mention that and why.

(10) Tulsi goes on EPIC rant, FORCES every Democrat to sit there & TAKE IT - YouTube

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For those of us who don’t know the US Constitution (and why would we?) I found the Wall Street Journal Youtube channel very helpful with regard to Trumps antics.

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I believe, just my opinion, that if you are born in the US, your a citizen. But the parents are not. The parent can be deported with the kid or leave the kid here. That’s just my opinion.

That child will need to be finger printed, DA test, so when the kid returns, they will need to be able to be identified.

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you mentioned CNN

The UK got rid of automatic birthright citizenship decades ago.

I know, otherwise my kids could also be British citizens, Thatcher did the deed ostensibly because it didn’t apply to children of British females, though probably to reduce 1mm1gration from the sub continent.

However because of me they can still live and work in the UK because they can apply for a Certificate of Patriality (now Right of Abode)

Traitor Don is a Corporate leader (not a good one) who has the desire to create a Corporate dictatorship with himself as the sole leadership. Through tariffs and taxes on imported goods he will be making products coming into the States more expensive to the US consumer, thus destroying competition for US producers, which will lead lead to higher prices on all goods produced here and abroad.Traitor Don and his corporate cohorts will soon start their attacks on organized labor. Meanwhile he and his following are spreading hate, fake news, and division in our once great country. In his short time in office he has proven himself the leader of White Christian Fascist Racist America (who we always knew him to be), is destroying diversity and opportunity in the American work place / society, he has us taken US from a world power to a world laughing stock, and his many irresponsible statements in office have offered us up as a threat to our allies and world peace. The supporters of Donald J Trump are truly the enemies of Democracy.

Robin, this one of the few times you and I are / will be in complete agreement.

Even before Trump confirms what tariff level will be placed onto European goods the stock markets around the world have fallen. Trump may like the word tariff but the markets understand they will lead to retaliatory tariffs on US goods, and all will cause inflation and most likely cause global recession.
Why does Trump want recession - job losses, market uncertainty, investment losses, pensions hit, savings hit, inflation?

The administration’s first responsibility is to American citizens. A globalist perspective that you suggest is what has resulted our current debt, trade, and 1mmigration situation.

The impact of retaliatory tariffs are the responsibly Trudeau, Sheinbaum, Xi and so on. They could have negotiated, but they decided to retaliate instead.

The U.S. has rolled over long enough when it comes to 1mmigration, a highly imbalanced trade deficit, wasted spending, and the ticking-time bomb of debt. Think that the global markets are bad now? Wait and see what happens when the U.S. can’t service its debt.

The world stock market’s sky is not falling. This is today’s world stock market composite for the last three years. Note not just today, but the market behavior since the beginning of the year:


We need a Trump in the UK, we are too generous and soft when it comes to wasting money.
We need somebody with some balls and sod the naysayers. The proof of the pudding…


Yes, I did state all markets and all countries - very much including the US. This negative impact on American citizens will result from the US tariffs alone. Even without matching tariffs on US goods by other countries. Inflation will happen.
I would take exception to your finger pointed at any tariffs imposed by countries on US goods. You cannot pretend that Trump did not apply the tariffs on their goods first. You cannot expect that a country who suddenly finds 25% tariff on their goods going to the US will not apply a balancing set of tariffs. Remind me, at what point was there a meeting for negotiation?
The result of tariffs by Trump was not so much difficult to predict but 100% obvious. A global recession will not leave the US unaffected. You might think its a good idea - it ain’t.

Just since I posted, Mexico, as expected, is negotiating.

Sheinbaum has postponed retaliatory tariffs for one month, has promising to send 10K troops to the U.S. border.

Talks continue.

Editing a few minutes later to add that the US has likewise stalled implementation of a tariff for one month.


Of course not. I have stated that it is part of the bargaining tools to address some of the massive problems with which we are dealing that are the result of policy failures in the last four years.

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