47th President Trump

According to this evening’s news Trump has put tariffs of 25% on Canada and Mexico and 10% on Chinese imports.

This a very slippery slope, Australia had protective import tariffs until the 1970s when they were slowly reduced

I can understand why he might want to tariff China, His anger towards Mexico is well documented. But what has Canada done to deserve this (other than having a better-looking President)?

One reason for the tariff on China was given in his first press conference. He justified this step with the role that Beijing is playing in the fentanyl epidemic in the US. He complained about China shipping fentanyl to Mexico and Canada.

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No, you provided a rant against the FAA leadership, against DEI programs and against Buttgieg’s role in overseeing the FAA. The only relevant comment you provided was about a traffic control system that its claimed left control towers understaffed. The impact of understaffing does look like a contributing factor in this tragic accident. DEI does not. There is no causal link from DEI to understaffing or controller error (unless a proper investigate does in fact identify that - but no investigation yet, just speculation).
So back to my point - Trump was wrong to claim diversity was the cause of the crash, he was wrong to pre-judge any investigation and he was very, very to use this tragedy to promote his political agenda. Trump has a history of saying these sort of awful & insulting things (remember his mocking of a reporter with disabilities?). It is dismal that rather than accept the very reasonable criticism of what Trump has said, people attempt to defend his (baseless) claim. In a civilised country such comments by a politician would be heavily criticsed and the politician would be obliged to apologise and retract. Its a sad state that Trump is allowed to make such claims and few seem to notice what he is doing. Decency and honourable behaviour (surely one sign of a great leader) has been forgotten.

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So what’s the real reason (apart from competition in the looks department)?

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Don’t you just hate fact? Check the number of near misses increase since COVID. By the FFA DEI policies.

Look at the LA fires for another example. From the fire chief, to the mayor. Fire chief ( a DEI recipient) statement one should not be caught in a fire was her excuse for not being able the carry someone out of a fire. That was self admitted. Then the mayor didn’t want people to start cleaning up their property immediately but wanted to wait a week or more before starting clean up by her administration.

If wanting the best qualified candidate for the job is wrong, I’ll stand over there in that line then.
And not worry about child mentality of the projectors of stupid name callers.

The threat of tariffs on Mexico has gotten Mexico to start protective actions on the US/Mexican border.

Thank you for proving a point. Looks being used to determine ones office qualifications.:thinking:

Trump sees the tariffs as a source of revenue to finance at least part of the planned reduction of the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%. And Trump wouldn’t be Trump if he didn’t want to answer the overriding question of who is number one in the world and can afford to challenge the big players by introducing tariffs, the final aim of which presumably is to bring competing countries to the negotiating table and renegotiate existing agreements. And that might be the real reason.

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Research the increase of near misses in aviation since the Biden administration.

The FAA dictates laws for air traffic control and staffing falls under them.

Just because people misunderstand what Trump was saying/implying is no grounds for an apology. The comment was not awful or insulting to anyone that are always sniveling about something. If that aren’t crying about something, they aren’t happy.

:rofl:The US isn’t a civilized country. I do remember numerous times Trump has pointed out reporters asking stupid questions and correcting them on the spot. And several times he has left reporters dazed for trying to make stories that were totally lies and baseless.

Leadership treats other professionally and until they cross the professional line. Once that has been done, you don’t have to treat them professionally. Example CNN has had very low reporters, so anyone that works for CNN get no professional treatment. Bottom line.

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This thread is about Trump, is it not? His followers cannot focus on him, but must follow his distractions and distortions by bringing up Biden. Get a backbone and let’s concentrate on what is now, by Trump’s own lips, now is on Trump’s watch.

The first TEN DAYS of the Trump Administration and running/ruining the American foundations.
Attempted to freeze all federal funding (grants, school lunches, rebuilding of bridges and highways, Veteran’s programs, SNAP, Medicare and so much more).
It was so disastrous, even the courts had to intervene!
Firing of so much of the federal workforce on a moment’s notice without thought of replacement.
Pentagon is instructed to ban all National holidays in February, including American Heritage month, Asian Pacific Island Heritage month, Juneteenth, MKL Day, Women’s History month, and more.
In our National security branch of the FBI, all six of the Bureau’s top executives were dismissed.
Regarding the CDC (Health Org.), top experts had all security taken away from them and their families. Also, demanded that all releases of notices of recalls of food, dangerous car malfunctions, reactions from drugs, or any and all products we use be stopped immediately!
Tariffs of 25% put on goods from Mexico and Canada, and 10% from China be enforced, deliberately raising prices of gas, food, lumber, cars, washing machines to name a few.
Allowing Musk access to our US Treasury and its workings, when Musk has not been accepted by our Congress to touch/see/finagle our US money.
No now, boasting of attacking ISIS in Somalia, to give them warning not to mess with Trump’s Country.
Bottom line for Americans who used to like living with a government who protects and defends our daily lives putting American democracy before Power of the President for his own greedy ego, now are embarrassed to tell people they reside in the US.
I hope all reading this will absorb what has happened in 10 days, and quiver to think what/who/how the days to follow will affect us all.
And to Trump followers who are ready to defend his every move, Nothing will change our minds, because we see the reality. So gather among yourselves to stay warm, because you won’t be able to afford heat, nor feed your families, and probably won’t be able to afford the lumber to rebuild your burnt homes any time soon.

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Isn’t that how freedom of speech works? You have a free press who can say whatever they like. If you don’t like it you don’t have to read it rather than labeling a news channel enemy of the people.


Yes, it is how freedom of speech works.

Why are you labeling, and which news agency “enemy of the people.”

Even news agencies have freedom of speech and in response, person has the right to call them stupid.

All news media should have freedom of speech. Trump wants to dismantle CNN, has a lawsuit with CBS news as we speak, get rid of NBC News, and has had several “very bad words” for Fox News.
He seems to say they are “very bad people”.
Perhaps it is because they quote him, share those very words with the world, and fact check his continual daily lies?

Enough from me. This isn’t worth my time spent, I will focus on the positive people in the rest of these United States. “Good people, really good people.”


Yes it is, so why is Biden policies being have effect on this administration. It hard to follow but the previous administration has effects on this administration. They are related.

How is Trump suppose to bring up DEI when it effects his administration where your suppression of freedom of speech attempt? I know this question is not going to be answered.

What exactly has he done. Are you referring to executive orders? That is part of the American foundation. Or did that part end at noon on the 20th. It didn’t.

That must of come from your propaganda network. Do your research.

Research? I am living this ongoing nightmare, morning, noon and night. This 6th grade leader is more bully and bluff than a knowledgeable person. And he’s swallowing the US democracy up in one gulp, washed down with his Big Macs.
Big, really, really, big.

Done. Go pick on someone else who cares. The smart ones don’t.

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Anyone remember these back along >>
Putting the head over the parapet. That died a death.
Indictive that to do so. Has Rather Unpleasant Consequences.!!

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Now here is a voice of reason! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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:innocent: Couched wording :wink: E :wink:
JIC. Attracting Serious!! >>
Buzz Geriatric on skateboard 2
:rofl: And “Gone wiff the Wind”.

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That doesn’t make much sense! Asian Pacific island heritage month is May.
American Heritage month is November.
Juneteenth is June
Women’s History month is March.

That’s a good thing. Self explanatory

Like it was said, they are not entitled to security and they made enough to pay for their own security.

And we all seen the prices sky rocket before this administration. Put the real blame where it goes.

He doesn’t need Congress approval no matter what you think. Musk has already saved $1 billion in US tax dollars. Don’t we just hate that.:rofl:.

Bottom line those people are not the majority. They were the ones that could not figure out life choices without the government telling them. And for those people embarrassed about identifying as Americans are complaining,just to complain. They can’t figure how to leave without the government telling them how to do it.

If they are not the majority, they can be referred to as a cult. That is a good example of a false prediction like the civil war that never came around and Harris would win the election now it’s about heat. We seen the party that was in charge of these California fires. Their insurance can pay for it. And that has nothing to do with Trump

Trump has gotten money from NBC for their lies.