47th President Trump

History, I see is not people’s strongest points. I’m ask for people to think, I may be asking to much. Before the Muslims took Spain who did it belong to? All I’m asking is to think.

Again, history is not some people’s strong points

And don’t forget all those immigrants to the USA who stole the indigenous peoples land.


Yep, that’s been covered. Introduced to north America by Europeans.
Don’t forget it was European colony’s not the USA at the introduction of take native American lands.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory in me. This may fall under the expert subject.

Yup, ain’t that true

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That prediction was way off. No surprise there.

Have you noticed how many countries are coming to the table since Trump threatened them with tariffs.

It kind of laughable how countries complain, then run to the negotiation table.

To me, those countries don’t have much of a backbone and Trump is calling them out on it.

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There is nothing that says long term reliable trading party than a country that threatens high tariffs for no reason other than to negotiate something else. This will all work out to America’s disadvantage in the future. It will pull other countries together. In the meantime, here comes more inflation.

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This is money the citizens can be using. A good example that the protesters just can’t understand, so no one really cares what the protesters want or think.

Aw, have you no sense of humor? This prediction was brought to fruition.

You probably took my/Trump’s " really, really big" pun as reflects most of his pathetic rallies that were dinky in size. Like a few other of Trump’s exaggerations. :wink:

Here is just one example of the turnout from the Texas Capitol Bldg. in Austin. Originally, there were 72,000 participants in the 67 protests across 40 states. So many more actually showed up.

Sharing this with others who are as serious as you, no hurt feelings at all on my part. It’s all fun, isn’t it? :grinning:

In case anyone else cares, there may be a few, here is the link to the NY Times.
@Robin1 likes to post these links. See above with Ms. Mace. She’s a cutie, too.


I see one high ranking Dem is calling for riots in the streets against Trump.

Dems dismiss calls for apology after Jeffries vows ‘fight’ against Trump agenda ‘in the streets’

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What was it called 50501? 50 States, 50 protests, 1 day.

That would average 1074 people per protest. That is impressive numbers. Wonder what happened to the other 10 states? Lack of interest? lack of support? So my statement is true, I’ve seen bigger turnouts at Grand opening of a McDonald’s.

That is another good example of the peace loving haters. It’s kind of sad that these are the best representative that they can find.

Silly boy! That was the people who deliberately signed up to protest. Thousands more came. Didn’t you read?

Oh, maybe you were too busy hanging out with the drive-through at MacD’s when donnie was wearing the apron and making a complete fool of himself.

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Oh, ok. Change the narrative to try and recover from another blunder. Harris won and Biden could of beat Trump. :+1:

Deflect and distract. You learned that from the best and expert at that.
You are a delight, @Robin.
Thanks for the humor today. :grin:

that’s just this bit

Your projecting again👍

Good morning! Thanks to executive action and a rational interpretation of the law, girls are protected from men in women’s sports and women’s locker rooms.

Another winning day!


It’s not as much a matter of backbone as finally getting called to the table after abusing the generosity of the American people for far too long.

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